

this is story of a boy who reicarnated two time and become a GIRL. with a never seen system succubus goddess system in a world where magic and cultivation both is present let's see how she will survive a world were darkness is 80%

Ayush_Jaiswal_3105 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


When we arrived at the city , we were very surprised because it was quite far from the water town. As we drove to the city streets, so many people were looking at us. The main reason was that our clothes were torn from all over the place from forest so we started to found the Trade Palace (where you can do all kinds of trades to get money).

When we were travelling I heard that tomorrow there will be an test for the selection in the five major sects of the Water God City: ① Spear God Sect, ② Demon Sword Sect, ③ Soul Body Sect, ④ royal Sect, and ⑤ Heavy Sword Sect.

I got excited when I heard this and wanted to join the sect

While I was thinking about this, I arrived at the Trade Palace and went inside. As soon as I entered, there was a receptionist she was a little confused why we came here. Maybe because of our dress, she thought that we couldn't pay for the service by .

I go near her and told her to provide us with a dress that fits our size and a bath that fits us. To wash our bodies, I give her the 1000 universal gold coins that i got from the demons ring in total that could be around .

After seeing the 1000 gold coins, she was shocked and called three servants and took all three of us to another room. When I reached for the mirror and saw myself, I was shocked to see myself because my body had changed a lot. , my skin has become so soft, my breast size has also increased, I look like an adult woman, I look more beautiful than my mother, my face is always serious so maybe that's the one more reason to me look like an adult .as I was busy in seeing myself

The servant asked me

Servant: What color dress do you like, mam

Me: Maybe red.

Servant: Okay, mam, and she gave me some red dresses and told me to choose one from them. I actually wanted all of the dress, so first I chose one with gold patterns on the edge and maybe some ancient text , which can gave me a more mysterious impression.

She helped me put it on properly, did my makeup, and help me wear jewelry, a red necklace and earrings. When I saw myself in the mirror, I looked very fine. She did a very good job, so I was very satisfied with the servant So I gave her 100 gold coins. And when I got outside I saw my brother in a blue suit and black pants with a blue storage ring and Prapti in a green dress with a similar but green necklace.

I went to the reception and she said:

Receptionist: Mam, is there anything else you need?

Me: Yes, pack the same clothes as of this which I am wearing and all see recommended with 7 red, 2 blue and 3 green colour and what other thing they want . That's it. How much is it?

After some time when both eshu and Arpita selected what they want

Receptionist: The total for the new clothes, items, rings, etc. is 2199 gold coins, but you bought them in bulk at a discounted price so the total is 1900 gold coins.

Me: Okay. Here take the remaining coins and 1000 coins as a tip and give this 100 coins each to the servant who had serve my brother and sister ( They have very good connections all over the world, some say there headquarter even in contact with the higher universe , so I bought me the finest expensive products because i wanted to show them that I am someone who cannot be underestimated and make me a special customer. I can also use them to get further information about the higher universe, and this universe. ). By the way, do you know where I can register for sect admission test ?

Receptionist: Don't you worry, we have tokens. Just drop some blood and yiu all will be registered.

And as for the exam venue, this is a special entry token, so you will be teleported directly to the exam venue tomorrow. So be patient and stay. You can stay here as long as you like and receive these gold cards for three of you. If you show these tokens, you can stay at any trading palace for free and receive special services.

Me: Ok, thanks, then we went in the bathroom and I got up early around 5am and started taking a bath etc and I wore a red dress that showed some of my chest as I thought it was looking good in me and after that we all three came in same room. And get ready to teleported and sooon a bright light shine ....