

"In the new realm , where the veil between worlds was whisper-thin, I found myself reborn 2nd time . The memories of my past 2 life lingered, a distant echo of an existence left behind. Yet, as I opened my eyes to this new world, I felt an eerie sense of familiarity. The face of the woman who gazed upon me with tears of joy was a reflection of a love I once knew. My mother, Sara, her hair as white as the snow that graced the peaks of the distant mountains, her eyes a deep well of wisdom and love. But little did I know, my rebirth was not a mere coincidence. A succubus goddess system stirred within me, its power coursing through my veins like liquid fire. As I approached my 13th name-day, the awakening of my magic and cultivation powers beckoned. But the darkness that lurked in the shadows, waiting to claim me, would change the course of my destiny forever."

Ayush_Jaiswal_3105 · Fantasy
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17 Chs


And we were teleported to where the test was taking place. There were thousands of 1000 of young people around us, but there were still a few people because this was an exam to enter the Five Great Sects. I wondered why there were only about 1000 people there, when I hear a voices from everywhere.

The first test will be over in 10 minutes. Students who cannot pass the first round and reach exam center will be excluded from the exam.

Then I realized why this token is so special, because it will teleport you directly to the second stage of the exam.

And 10 minutes later a total of 4000 students gathered at the venue.

Soon, an old man appeared in the sky and began to say that

the first round students who crossed the forest

and the other students who failed the exam but was about to clear in next some minutes will be given a special token. And for other student which not fit into both criteria they can submit the stones they get by defeating imaginary monsters, and will be given appropriate rewards for it .

And the number of students who pass the first stage of the exam. OR directly teleported here is

4000/1 million,

THOSE 4000 are GOING for the next round will fight in the arena in the last but before that a second round will be occur. In which from the 4,000 students, only 400 will pass the second stage. In the next 10 minutes, please form a team of 4 people and drop a drop of your blood on this papers to register your team and register it in these wall .

After that, 100 pieces of paper started to flow around the wall

And when the paper was appeared in an instant 14 of them were already occupied

After listening to all the instructions

I told Eshu and Paraputi to find someone who can do join the team

I sat down in a suitable place and started cultivating about 8 minutes later, when I sensed a group of three people and they approached me.

The youngest boy among them, about 17 years old, said to me: "Hey, girls, can you come to our time"

Me : no actually I was going to join a team already with my brother and sister

When I answered that, the boy was surprised, and the people around him were also surprised and started arguing, and through that argument, I found out that the boy in front of me was the third prince of the Water God Kingdom, and the one around him was the fourth prince. The prince of the Fire Kingdom and the third princess of the Elf Kingdom.

I was shocked too when I found out who they were

After a While Eshu and prapti came in three and said , sister, they joined my group I am sorry if you want I could let the one the tell to leave my team in a same time

I was shocked because Eshu had formed a group of three girls around her of the same age, one of them was an elf and the other was probably the same species of animal as Prapti but she didn't have scales on her body

And one was a human girl who held Eshu's right hand

And Prapti was also surrounded by two boys and one girl who looked just like the beast girl along with Eshu.

And when I saw their team they started arguing that which one of them left because everyone had already formed a team and I couldn't say anything as I can't be with them all the time so I just let it go and said

Me: Okay, no problem

Eshu and Arpita: but what about your team sis

Me: Don't worry, my team will be selected automatically

After hearing they all happily said : thank you sis

I was shocked how they had already formed these good relation with them

.After 10 minutes, old man says :

the group that formed a team, please move to the right, the unfinished team, please move to the left

And soon we all moved according to the instructions,

And when I look around my side there were only four of us in total, me and three who came to me to invite me to join their team, maybe it was fate that we became the same team

Then in the final moment , we all drop our blood on paper and registered as a team

The elven princess came to me and said happily

Maybe it's our fate to be friends, don't you think?

Me: Yes

And before we could discuss further, the old man said:

Okay, let's start the second test. Only the top 100 teams will be selected for the third round. The best team will be selected based on performance. The exam will test your resolve. It will test how well you can withstand pressure from by five of us old people.

Get ready, the exam starts now.

And then I fell, the wind was blowing around me. I was shocked. Why did he say this is going to test your resolve when I was simply venting? But when I looked around, there were already about 500 people on the ground and about 1000 people whose legs were shaking so much that they were about to collapse. When I tried to see my brother, he wasn't shaking as the others, and Prapti was also well

And when I looked at my friends, the elven princess were sweating

I asked what was happening to the system.

System: The old man in front of you pressure not on a person's body but on their mind, making those with low mental capacity faint.

I was shocked to hear this. Now I understand why their pressure had no effect on me. Even if they tried their best with 100 of them , I couldn't mentally faint . I have been through hell in my three lives so far and it was always unbearable. But I always found a way to solve the problem. So what will this pressure bring me?

In about an hour there were only 200 people standing.

And after two hours, there were only 21 people left, that is, me, Eshu and Prapti's team and two other teams, and one girl in a blue dress who was looking at me with a smile but with a little sweat on her face. While someone of them was shaking under the pressure that they might collapse at any moment,

Except beast girl members of Eshu's team fell, two from prapti team and three from the other teams also fell.

In the next hour, the last people of the two remaining teams also fell, and after 30 minutes Eshu and Arpita team last member also fell, and in the next five minutes the prince of the Kingdom of Earth also fell.

After the next three hours, five people were standing on the whole floor

After some time the prince of the Kingdom of Water also fell, and now Eshu and Arpita's legs also began to tremble, and the girl in the blue dress was also sweating profusely.

Meanwhile ,Seeing these those five old people increasing the pressure and beginning to discuss,

one of them said that :

the students this time are very talented, and this is the first time in the past 20 years that we have had to increase the pressure so much.

Another person replied: Yes, the people of Generations of today are actually very talented

But let's see how long these five can last. Let's gradually increase our stamina to the maximum.

Suddenly, I felt the wind around me slowly getting stronger. After 2 minutes, it felt like the wind was the strongest, but it still didn't have much of an effect.

But after an hour, Eshu, Arpita, and the third prince also fell, but the third prince held out for more than a minute, then Eshu and Arpita fell.

At the same time, the girl in the blue dress's fingers also began to tremble. After a total of 7 hours, the girl in the blue dress reached her limit.

In order not to attract too much attention,I also leg my legs slowly tremble.

And after 2 hours, the girl in the blue dress fell, but the pressure was some what great that a drop of sweat actually fall from me as it was total around 16-17 hr pressure from those five old mans .