
Reincarnated with Law of nothingness in ATG

MC gets reincarnates as the 9th Creation god. He will be the ancestral goddess's most trusted creation, which is why he gets the law of nothingness in its entirety.

Just_A_Random · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Primal chaos general knowledge(read this)

In the primal chaos dimension, there are seven mysterious heavenly treasures. From the strongest one to the weakest, they are:

1. Heaven punishing ancestral sword

This sword was born in the middle of primal chaos. The MC is going to have this sword because it is closer to him than other treasures. He is going to hide this sword within himself so that when the creation gods and true devils see him, his power will radiate at creation god realm.

2. Evil infant's wheel of myriad tribulations

This existence is found in the darkest regions of primal chaos, and it is not actually a treasure, but a terrifying existence of pure yin with its own soul. When combined with sky poison pearl, it will have the effect of life extinguishing myriad tribulations that destroyed the true gods and devils at the end of the primordial era. MC will leave it for now, because he is thinking of only saving a few gods, and devils which will be safely kept in a state of hibernation in his dimension.

3. Primordial seal of life

This treasure is birthed in the heart of primal chaos, and will be owned by Li Suo. This treasure gives the wielder an eternal lifespan, and will not age, but the wielder can still be killed. The MC will use this later on power the eternal life of the sleeping gods and devils.

4. Eternal heaven pearl

This treasure has the power of time in it where 1 year outside equals 1000 years inside. MC is a master of space-time laws which is a part of law of nothingness, so he doesn't need this.

5. Sky poison pearl

This treasure has multiple uses in the field of poison. It can purify any poison, produce the most deadly poison that spelled the end of the true gods and devils, and locate medicinal ingredients and store them in the personal space of the pearl.

6. World piercer

This treasure has the ability to interfere with the laws of space, and arrive in any location. It has the strongest space laws in primal chaos apart from the MC.

7. Mirror of samsara

This treasure can tamper with cause and effect, karma, and other esoteric laws to pass through the reincarnation cycle and retain the memories of their previous lives. This treasure's effect can be replicated with the law of nothingness, Izanagi, and space-time techniques(both law, and chakra). MC will not be needing this, and will leave it so as to not interfere with the plot too much.


I'm probably going to release a chapter later today if I have time.

I'm very optimistic about this one, cause I'm going to have multiverse travel early on after meeting the creation gods.

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