
Reincarnated with Law of nothingness in ATG

MC gets reincarnates as the 9th Creation god. He will be the ancestral goddess's most trusted creation, which is why he gets the law of nothingness in its entirety.

Just_A_Random · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

As I proceed to create my first star, I notice something shining with yellow light in the middle.

'That seems to be the Heaven punishing ancestral sword. I knew it was somewhere in the middle of primal chaos along with the primordial seal of life, but I didn't actually think it was this close. '

I went to check out if the sword would accept me as its master and... it did!

'I didn't want this to fall into the hands of Mo E, but now that this sword fully accepts me as the owner, I will happily accept.'

'Its better if I seal this artifact within me before other creation gods find it, and it also has the added affect of boosting my overall prowess to peak of creation god level'

'Alright, enough of the sword, lets look for the seal of life.'

I zoom through the dense cloud of hot gas in the space and look for some signs of a heavenly treasure. After a while, I finally found it; the primordial seal of life which gives the wielder unlimited lifespan. This will help me in making a schematic for a much inferior, but still unlimited lifespan seal with my law of nothingness. Its a good thing that this law is useful for things like this. And the best part is, it recognized me as the true owner. Maybe, all heavenly treasures will do that?

It will take some time to fully duplicate the creation process seal, and I also have to create a way to record all the important information that I collect, so I will be making a planet dedicated to store all the knowledge in the entire primal chaos..

I went back to my birthplace, and create an enclosed it with my giant truthseeker orb about the size of a football stadium around it. This will be my base where I will have my house, garden, and many things protected from the myriad tribulation poison in the future. Since the poison can't affect Yin-Yang release coated with space-time laws, I will be safe around here.

Now, onto the creation process of the solar system. First, I scoop up a large area of cosmic gas and dust to create a gas giant. Next, use space-time laws all around the giant blob of gas to create a spin for the giant. Next, speed up the process of collecting mass by manually pushing the surrounding gas toward the gas giant to make it bigger. Keep applying space-time laws around it to collapse the gas giant onto itself and trigger the fusion process.

This is how you get a brown dwarf. If the brown dwarf doesn't get enough mass, it will fail to be a proper star, so I add more mass. I can almost see the intensity of light coming from the brown dwarf which indicates the process of turning into a 2nd generation star. First generation stars should be the ones that actually form this early on in the creation, but I skipped the process, collected the excess gas and sent it outside of my solar system.

The excess gas that is was just pushed outside my solar system with force should send some gravitational shockwaves which will then trigger the formation of other stars around in tis area.

After the process of creating my star is complete, I create my first planet. This planet is in the habitable zone of the star(Kinda like the Earth). This will be the planet where all the relevant knowledge of primal chaos dimension is stored at least until I find a way to create a spiritual dimension and reproduce the effects of the Akashic records.

I was born pretty weak in the bodily aspect, but in terms of overall power, I'm leagues above the average creation god. This is because, the void granted me the power of chakra, and channeling of natural energy, so that whenever I want, I can connect to the whole primal chaos in a spiritual plane like Hagoromo did after he died, but in this case I can do it while I'm still alive.

'The void also granted me the ability to traverse the multiverse, so I'm planning on doing that very soon. Maybe I should do it right now?'

I really want to go to the MCU to learn dimensional magic and create different dimension like the afterlife, hell, and such. Cultivation worlds really need a hell dimension to make some scumbags suffer; at least they will be fearful of going to hell and be willing to do good things to go to heaven instead.

'Alright, lets leave the multiverse for later. Now, I need to concentrate on making a copy of the seal before the other gods arrive. '

By pumping primordial energy into the seal, I create plants and animals on my planet. Since its my first time using it, lets abuse it to the fullest and make the most broken, or as cultivators would say, heaven defying herbs and metals. I wonder if primordial energy can fuse with chakra, lets produce a truth-seeker orb and try it.

I brought about a truth-seeker orb the size of my head, a glowing ball of primordial energy with the core being my chakra. This will help me create a semi-spiritual weapon like the ones momoshiki and kinshiki used against naruto and sasuke.

When the truth-seeker orb enclosed the glowing ball, I saw a qualitative change in the substance. It became denser and stronger, and yet at the same time it is as malleable as it originally was. I'm going to infuse a copy of the primordial seal of life and death later on, and craft the strongest soul bound god weapon what will grow along with me. I will pack this up in my home base for now.

After creating that overpowered metal, I went back to the original plan of infusing tremendous amount of life energy from the seal, as well as some of my natural energy to create the natural planetary weather cycle. I infused more energy into the planet to make it super charged with all the best materials in the primordial era. Since it is the primordial era, some of the herbs in this planet could promote a mortal to a true god level cultivator. Obviously, I am not planning on letting anyone take anything from my planet, and later on in the primordial era, I am planning on sealing this whole solar system up with a truth-seeker orb, add space-time laws around it and make it seem like a black hole has consumed it.

Lets set some objectives for what I want to do before I leave for multiverse travel;

1. I want to meet all the creation gods

2. After meeting the creation gods, I will have the copy of the heaven punishing ancestral sword, and the life seal ready, cause they don't seem to want to leave me for a new owner.

3. Tell them my objective, and role in this creation, and plan out the creation.

4. Give Li Suo and Mo E the life seal copy, and the heaven punishing ancestral sword copy.(same as the original, but with a still developing soul. MC's one has a fully developed soul.)

5. Seal up the solar system after the meeting and go to MCU to learn dimensional magic.


That's probably it for today, unless I finish my assignments early.

Did you enjoy it? I will probably do the meeting up with the creaton gods next chapter, and the multiverse travel after that.

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