
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

Back To School

Lucas stepped out of the portal with a smile on his face, but that quickly vanished. He had found himself in a warzone! The land was barren with arrows, bullets, cannon fire and other ranged spells flying through the air! On one side was a race of aliens. They looked extremely animalistic with fleshy red skin, multi-set limbs, tails and hundreds of sharp teeth. On the other side was an army of different races. Blue skinned humans, 4-armed Dragonoids, and humans with large butterfly like wings!

If there was one side Lucas would run to to seek shelter, it would be them! But before he could run towards them, the ground under him began to shake. Like a mole tunneling through the ground a red skinned alien burst through the ground! Lucas quickly jumped to the side as a giant maw of teeth came towards him. 

The creature was grotesque. It resembled a canine without hair. The creature was still pulling itself out of the ground, yet showed how large the creature was. Still stuck on the ground from the waist down the it was already 6ft long. It had 4 limbs with sharp claws and carapace armor covering its body. It was a terrifying creature. 

Lucas swallowed his fear and attacked. He shot out a [Gravity Blade] from his left arm. The blade flew vertically slicing the creature in half. He watched as the creature slowly slide apart. Purple blood began to spill onto the ground


The blood began to burn anything that wasn't the flesh of the alien. Acid. Lucas realized their blood was also acid. This could be dangerous. He hid behind a large rock trying to get a better view of the horde of red aliens. They were being killed at a distance, but some of the aliens also had a form of ranged attack. Some were bloated and would shoot large blobs of acid while others seemed to have some type of bio-guns. 

"HEY!" Someone called out. He looked towards the voice seeing a figure in a suit of white armor and a blue cape nearly 300ft away. He behind them was more soldiers in similar armor, but missing the cape. The ones in front had energy shields and stood in a phalanx formation, while other soldiers behind them were wielding laser guns.

"Get over here now!" The caped soldier called out angerly. Hearing this Lucas followed the soldiers orders and sprinted as fast as he could. With his [Force Multiplier] he ran much faster than he thought. As he ran he had to keep an eye looking behind him as to dodge any attack from the alien horde from hitting him. This caused him to slow down slightly, but still only took him 10 seconds to run the 300ft. 

The soldier with the cap seemed mildly impressed with Lucas's speed. "How did you get here soldier" the person spoke with a distorted voice. Lucas finally got a good look at this person. The armor the soldier wore looked very much like an ancient Roman Legionnaire armor. Expect their legs were also covered by armor. Lucas had to think of a lie quickly to give to this person. This had to be a commander or something.

"My Master had sent me here to attend school and learn how to cultivate. Sir." Lucas tried to sound as honest as possible. It didn't hurt what he said was only a half lie. 

The person before him, nearly a head taller, stared at Lucas. He could feel an intense gaze, but held his ground. He was nervous this person would send him away or find out he was somewhere he shouldn't be. The soldier placed a powerful hand on Luca's shoulder and gave out a great belly laugh!

"AHAHAHAH! You sure do have a crazy Master son!" The visor to the helmet flipped open showing a blue skinned human face. The blue skinned human had bright yellow eyes, a single slit for a nose and a clean shaven face. He smiled as he spoke to Lucas. "This is definitely the right place to be son." He slapped Lucas's back so hard he almost toppled over. 

"This is one of the training zones for the Cosmos Infinity Academy, or CIA for short. Not many would send their pupils to a dangerous training zone like this, unless they have good combat skills. And seeing how you took out Tunneler you must have some decent combat skills. What's your realm?"

The man gave Lucas a lot of information. He took note that he was in a training zone, that seemed incredibly dangerous, and the schools name was Cosmos Infinity Academy. He mentally chuckled at the acronym. "I'm Lucas Kromwell and I'm in the Foundation Realm, Sir."

The man reeled back confused. "The Foundation Realm?! Your Master sent you here and you've already killed a Tunneler? They are in the Core Formation realm. Who is your Master son?"

Lucas paused, "My Master would prefer to remain anonymous Sir. He said I don't know much about the universe and need to get out and see it for myself."

The man laughed again. "Well you are sure in the best place to do so!" He pointed up to the sky. "There's one of our schools now."

Lucas looked up to see a gigantic space ship. It looked like a stereotypical flying saucer. It slowly spun just outside the atmosphere of the planet. The center of the ship was opened as other shuttles of different makes and models flew in and out of it. 

"What is that?" Lucas exclaimed. He had never seen anything like it. 

The man chuckled. "That is one of the CIA schools. We are a neutral organization that takes in every race, regardless if they are wanted criminals or ex-pirates. We are an organization dedicated to training cultivators and killing of the Xeomorph race. A hive mind alien race with only the capacity to destroy and kill. This is one of the war zones. This entire planet is plagued by them. We are here to exterminate them and gain valuable training experience for our students."

Lucas listened intently as the man spoke. Thankfully the soldiers around them knew how long winded their commander was. They moved their position up to protect their commander and still fight/fend off the Xeomorph. When the soldiers moved Lucas had almost forgotten he was in a battle zone. 

"You can call me General Clofos. I am a Danirum if you wondering about my race. Follow me we will get you registered." He turned around and raised a arm in a fist. "Men, Captain Nork is in charge. He knows the battle plan." A man in similar armor to the general, but with a red cap stepped forward. 

"You heard the General" Captain Nork called out. "We are to hold this position giving the students some experience!"

"SIR YES SIR!" The soldiers called out while filling the gap where Captain Nork was. 

General Clofos lead Lucas behind the battle lines. Over the ridge they were on Lucas could see hundreds of different make-shift buildings. Each made from metal, but each having their own function. Some had large crosses on their walls, others had forks and knives, one had a hammer and anvil and one even had an image of a book on the side. Just by glancing at the images on their sides Lucas knew what they wore. 

As they walked down the ridge and into the base Lucas saw many different aliens. Some were carrying others to the medical room, some where grabbing a bite to eat, while others seemed to be heading back to the front line. As he followed the general he noticed many people would stop what they were doing to look at him. Some looked at him wearily while others looked at him curiously. The general was about to say something, but decided against it. He just smiled slyly. 

General led him to a large tower in the center of the base. The tower was hundred of feet tall towering over the other buildings around. The door to the tower slide open as the two got closer. They stepped onto a platform that rose into the air. After a few seconds they arrived at the top of the tower. The door once again slide open revealing the command center of the base.

Inside were 7 other Danirum's. 4 of them wore the same armor as the general and the other 3 wore a grey uniform all standing around a circular table. Floating about the table was a holographic image of the planet. It was a large orange planet. Over 60% of it was colored red, another 30% was yellow and 10% of the planet was green. Over the green portion of the planet was the floating saucer ship. 

"We need to keep pushing forward. We've gotten reports of egg carriers in sector 1J. If we keep pushing towards the Eastern hemisphere we can find the trail of the queen." One of the female generals spoke. 

"We can't" a gentlemen in a grey uniform spoke. "We still need to train the students and our own cadets."

"I agree with Agent Zoglax" another general spoke. "This is a newly created hive. They haven't evolved enough to leave the planet. This is the perfect training ground for our soldiers."


"Enough" another general spoke. "We have company" a different agent spoke this time. She was s stern looking woman with her long pale blue hair tied into a bun. 

Everyone in the command room stopped what they were doing and turned to face the guests. They all recognized General Clofos, but not the person behind him. If he was bringing someone to the command room he must have a good reason. 

"Good afternoon all" General Clofos spoke casually. "This person behind me is Lucas Kromwell. His master had sent him here to attend CIA. He's a Cultivator in the Foundation Realm and upon arrival he killed a Tunneler with a single technique. I would like to endorse him and become his Sponsor." 

The room was silent! General Clofos had dropped 2 bombs on them!