

"While Luna sleeps through her growth phase, why don't we explore the Farm a little? There are rooms in the main house for you all, though they might be cramped. From here you can also see the main barn, where the Echoes do most of their experimentation, as well as the entrance to the fruit tree groves.

As you can see, they are under guard, to prevent people from poaching the Mythic fruits. It's not a big concern, the people here are very good, but the fear of infiltration or wandering monsters coming into the orchards is an ongoing one, so the guards are up all the time.

Of particular interest to Jessica, the daycare is right there, near the edge of the main square. It also has a Temple to the Bunny Goddess, so you will find most of the clerics there. There is a market further toward the south end of the compound, past the houses, as well as a large area for travelers to camp.