
Reincarnated to a fantasy world as a girl Part Two

"Reincarnation? So that shit is actually real and not some stuck up theory?" Not some stuck up theory indeed. Meet Kylexisis River Dakota, a gay twenty year old guy. After being killed by a runaway truck, he is reincarnated into a world of fantasy. A world of magic, Supernaturalism, witchcraft and of course many many handsome Prince's and noble men. And guess what? HE'S A GIRL!!!!! And not just a girl, but the only surviving dark faeries in the entire world with highly overpowered abilities, a complimentary gift from the"Goddess above" who gave him a mission to help the underdeveloped world by bringing it up to thrive and saving it from the imminent danger it would face. Follow Kylexisis as he is plunged into a new, crazy adventurous life of daring and dangerous missions and of course love. Being the chosen one of course......... ---------------------------------------------- If you are an anime fan this story is for you. This book is inspired by"reincarnated into another world with my smartphone" Hope you enjoy. Bye oh and GO ISEKEI!!!!!!!!! Get the part one of the story called reincarnated to a fantasy world as a girl by Gift_Benedict. I lost that account so this book will finish up with this account. Don't be annoyed please support, comment, share and like. It will be deeply appreciated. Bye lovelies

Kuro_Joo99 · LGBT+
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5 Chs

Chapter Three: Girls Don't Run

Everybody kept still and quiet with all eyes on the brown haired boy before us. The anticipation was killing me. The expression in his eyes told nothing at all. They were lifeless and monotonous as he drank in my whole appearance. My fingers fidgeted under the table, but I did my best to hide my nervousness and fix him with the best smile that I could muster." Um, pruzah feyl, Sebastian, bo paaz?"(good morning, Sebastien, how are you?)

A warm smile curved on his pale pink lips as he nodded in approval at me and moved into the kitchen space. " Kolos, Kylexisis, pruzah feyl. Zu'u pruzah. I see you've been reading Arry's dictionary."(thank you, Kylexisis, good morning. I am fine.)

I mirrored his smile, actually very glad that he didn't make a comment on my appearance or act shocked like the rest of his family did. I know that it didn't mean I was completely in the clear but it was better than an immediate negative response. I really hoped he was fine with it, I as sure as hell did not want to go blonde, or red haired." Yes I sure have been, it's quite interesting and very easy to learn. I realized I can cram and understand things way faster than I think I should. It's crazy, I've only learned the basic like greetings and some phases and some asking and answering questions, I still don't know how to read it well nor write it but I'll work my way there." I explained to everyone as they finally sat down at their respective seats to begin the breakfast.

"As expected of you." Eydis chuckled tearing a piece of bread and stuffing it into her mouth.

I cocked a brow in wonder. " As expected of me?"

"Of course, faeries and elves have an intelligence far greater than us humans, plus you're a hybrid. It means everything is a hybrid including your intelligence. We know you are quite brilliant, very very brilliant. " Sebastien explained before taking a sip of his milk." It's in your nature to be a superior race."

"Is that hard?" I asked looking at all of them and biting my lips wearily. I wondered how they really felt around me. I'm supposed to be the superior race and them a belittled inferior, not that I really believed humans to be just inferior. That fact didn't justify anything. I still have a very human mind, and my intelligent capabilities derived from my own hard work, human were far more greater than any other creature ever created because God created us himself. Morphed us into his own image. Just like him. Now that is enough prove of just how superior we are meant to be treated." To be around superior beings?"

"You can say that." Arya answered me quietly, picking at her food like she's lost interest in the fried eggs. Her brown eyes rose to counter my green ones gently." Respect is mandatory, or else you could get punished by the superior themselves. Nobody ever really cares, they avoid you to avoid trouble so all in all its best not to come across one at all. Even if they can be magnificent up close."

"They might be hard to be around, but not you Lexi" Arry added with a wide adoring grin." You're different and I'm glad I met you. Not all superiors are nice like you."

"Yeah." Eydis agreed stabbing her food gently before bringing it to her mouth. Then silence followed the conversation. Everyone focused on their food, mind wondering in their own world as we ate quietly. The weather was warm and mild, perfect for a walk but I didn't know anywhere to go. Sebastien seemed to be going somewhere, probably to work or something, Eydis looked like she would have to spend the day at home with the twins. I could also spend the day learning Vladimir's and this world's history but I also didn't want to be couped up in my room all day.

Cerulean, what do you suggest we do today? I asked him through the mind link, chewing on a piece of hard and almost tasteless bread and awaiting his reply.

I want to go out today, he whined in compliant. Please tell them, maybe someone can take you out or something. If there is a field were I can run around and stretch, maybe do some exercise it would be great.

What about my learning and research? I said inwardly pouting. There was no way I could do that if I ended up going out today. I wanted to learn Vladimir as soon as possible, the language excited me and I couldn't wait to fully understand it and communicate on a professional level with others.

Bring it along with you, you can read it on the field while I exercise. Plus didn't Sebastien promise to help you find your powers with the magik stones yesterday? Also you need to train your powers so that you can hone some skills. It is imperative.

I spared Cerulean a look from where he sat on the ground, feverishly licking his milk and already staring up at me knowingly. He was right, Sebastian did promise to help me find my powers, not that I needed his help since I already knew what they were.

The scraping of a chair drew me out of my reverie. Sebastien stood up, pushing his half eaten plate away before pushing the chair back to its previous position." Zu'u'll kos shur nu, monah. Kolos fah faal breakfast" ( I'll be going now, mother. Thank you for the breakfast)

"los hi ni shur wa finish faal kip hi'll kos doing heavy labour, hi should naak enough wa dein vok hin energy." Eydis said in question looking up at her son with a worried look.(Are you not going to finish the food. You'll be doing heavy labour, you should eat enough to keep up your energy)

Sebastien shook his head resiliently with a small grateful smile."fin zu'u'm okay voth what zu'u've naako, monah. Zu'u'll kos fine. Zu'u'm already late, ful zu'u'll meyz back hofkiin fah lunch if fin gein fen sizaan faal tiid wa drun zu'u osos zu'u'll kos shur nu, zu'u'll kos back hofkiin late okay?"( No I'm okay with what I've eaten, mother. I'll be fine. I'm already late, so I'll come back home for lunch if no one will have the time to bring me some.I'll be going now, I'll be back home late okay?)He leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his mother's forehead before turning to ruffle his siblings hair.

He finally turned to acknowledge me and gave me a short but firm nod." See you at lunchtime Lexi?"

"Huhn?" I dumbly said blinking up at him. "Y-your leaving already? But to where?"

" I have some work to do at the wall. It's been broken down so the men are expected for hard labor and to fix it up before any more monsters can come in." He explained." I'll be back by lunch to help you identify your magical abilities and affinities."

Now is your chance! Ceruleans voice screamed in my head.

Reluctantly, I bit my lips staring up at Sebastien." Um...do you mind if I come with you today?"

Arya's fork hit the plate with a low thud. Everyone turned to look at her, she blinked directly at me with a confused face, her brows creasing downwards." Don't you think it would be a little strange for a woman to be seen at a men's labour work spot?"

"What do you even expect to do there?" Eydis added with a frown of her own." Women mostly just go there to relay information or just deliver food to their family working there."

"I could help out." I offered internally winced at how shocked the looks on their faces were." Cerulean is strong enough to help carry stones right? And he doesn't mind much, do you Cerulean? " I said looking down at him with a smug grin.

Oi! This was not what I meant when I said now was your chance! He protested through the mind link sending me a subtle glare. I tried my best not to snicker at him feeling a bit victorious.

" What about you? Why do you want to go there? " Arry asked.

" It's just....wait is it a bad thing for me to go there? I'm quite confused here." I asked in wonder finding their reaction to my request quite strange.

"It's not that." Azolla chimed in sitting up beside Arry." You're just a strange one."

"Strange?" I pondered.

"Women wouldn't dream of staying at a place where men do hard labor. It's mostly boring to just sit and watch and is impossible for them to indulgence in the work too." Clovert answered me." They usually spend their time shopping and playing and sewing."

I almost puked at that suggestive activity. I can't believe it, were the women here that boring, and did they expect the women here to be boring?" That's boring." I commented earning a chuckle from Sebastien." Can I come? I'll just sit and watch, plus I can keep studying on Vladimir as you work Sebastien. I don't want to be holed up in the house all day long."

"As expected of you again Kylexisis!" Sebastien let out another low and gutteral chuckle." Alright, come on. Grab your things, I want to leave now. "

"A second, please. " I yipped in delight, standing up to my feet and rushing up the stairs and grabbing the satchel bag and stuff my phone and , the dictionary and history book into it, grab the red cloak and rush back down the stairs to were Sebastien and Cerulean stood waiting for me at the door. " I'm ready!" I yelled after them hopping down the two flight of steps and dashing towards them.

"Great Tundra, Lexi dear sometimes I wonder if you really are a girl. Girls don't run, or jump down the stairs. You might hurt yourself." Eydis berated me helping to fix the cloak securely around my shoulder and pull the hood over my head." Don't exhaust yourself dear. I'll have Arya bring you both lunch."

" Bye everyone. " I said carrying Cerulean in my arms and waving at them. They waved back and like that Sebastien and I were off to the broken wall of Lockheed.


Super late update. yes I know. my excuse, I've been too lazy but I promise to turn to a new leaf. plus I have SAT exams coming next year but I am glad that you all still are here to read this piece of my work.

for those of you who couldn't get your hands in the first reincarnated to a fantasy world as a girl part one, here is the link


enjoy. don't forget to vote, share and comment.

yours truly,
