
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Stealing the Scroll and a surprise in the Shadow Lands

~Slash~ "26-fold slash of darkness..." An emotionless voice echoes through the woods and kills all 7 ninja swordsmen of the mist.

"I wonder if the next generation of the 7 Swordsmen will be better...hmm, I should steal the scroll that summons these swords... Who cares if I rewrite history and fuck up the plot... These swords will strengthen Konoha..." Akame leaves the 7 iconic weapons on the ground and heads in the direction of the hidden mist village if she gets the scroll she can just summon the swords right to her.


Akame is currently moving from shadow to shadow and is heading to the Mizukage building to steal the scroll that summons the seven swords.

'Infiltration successful... Now... Where is it...' Akame rummages through all the scrolls and jutsu and finally finds the scroll.

"Bingo..." Akame grins.

"... We are so fucked..." The Anbu commander grimaces behind his mask. How could he not know who that person is?

"Yes... You were dead the moment you set foot in here... There is no escape... Despair..." Akame puts them inside a genjutsu and beheads them all. Her Genjutsu Despair is her left EMS which makes the person see the most despairing situation and is a Beyond S-rank genjutsu that can't be released.


Akame moves from Shadow to Shadow but was then forced to leave them.

"Hmm... Oho... You are blind... This must mean your sensory abilities have reached heights unheard of which would explain why you were able to sense my presence while I was using shadow meld a more powerful version of Meld... So you got a name?" Akame slowly unsheathes her sword Murasame.

"Kazuya Yuki... Mizukage's right-hand man... I ask that you return the scroll as it is rather important... You have already killed the 7 Ninja Swordsmen of the mist surely you can show a little mercy to our village..." Kazuya Yuki who will become the third Mizukage gives a bitter smile since fighting the Sword Goddess would be suicide so he can only ask nicely to return the scroll.

"We will pull back our forces and not reenter the war... We will also pay reparations to Konoha so I beg you Sword Goddess return the scroll to us..." Gengetsu bows shocking all the Kirigakure Shinobi.

Gengetsu has already seen how unnatural Akame is and now years later she is only a half-step away from high Super-Kage. Her full body Susanoo already makes her Super Kage and her strength is only second to the 1st and 2nd Hokage...

'reparations or 7 swords of the mist... One brings immediate benefits while the other will strengthen Konoha for as long as the scroll remains in our hands...' Akame weighs the options and ultimately decides to keep the scroll and 7 swords...

"Unfortunately for you, I will be taking the scroll and seven swords... You will never be able to defeat me not back then and not now... You have no right to negotiate with me Gengetsu... Farewell..." Akame vanishes into thin air or so it looked... But in reality, she entered the Shadow Lands which can't be perceived by humans no matter how hard they try.


The Shadow Lands is a sacred place for demons and can only be accessed by Demon Kings/Queens and Demon Dukes and their offspring. If humans even stepped foot in the Shadow Lands for a second they would die not from the wrath of the demons but from the demonic Miasma that has a concentration of 100% which will kill a human in a split second.

"W-Who are you... No, stay back!" A loli demoness falls on her behind.

Valsera has never seen such a fierce-looking Demoness...

'It's a sword demoness! But they went extinct! Is this how I die? Sword Demons are at the top of the demon food chain or well they used to be... They can turn into Wolves with swords coming out of them and Ravens that can send feathers sharp as swords!... No one ever wanted me... No one needed me... I'm just a bastard child of the current Demon King... He even went so far as to imprison me here... I wish I could have friends... I... I... I want to live!' Valsera gets up and runs as fast as she can her fight or flight instincts guiding her.

"... Who are you?" Akame grabbed the loli by the shoulder.

"... I'm no one..." the loli cries.

"..." Akame tilts her head since she doesn't know how to respond.

'This kid... reminds me of myself... long ago... I can barely remember...' Akame sees the bruises on the child especially the ones on her face. Akame sees how starved she looks... Akame remembers her past life and knows that she was just like this...

"Hey, kid... You hungry?" Akame asks while looking up at the black clouds.

"Y-Yes..." Valsera cries while clutching her stomach that growls.

"Follow me and you won't have to worry about food water or shelter for the rest of eternity... You will be my little sister from now on if you accept..." Akame pats the girl's head.

"You aren't lying are you?" Can you blame the girl? She has heard these words so many times she lost count only for it all to be a cruel joke.

"Not at all... I'll take you to the human world... It's where I currently reside... So what do you say?" Akame grins.

"...Yes... Please take me with you! I don't want to be alone anymore!" the little girl cries into Akame's cloak making it covered in tears and snot. Akame gives a bitter smile.

'I'm going to need a new cloak after this... Washing machines aren't a thing yet...Try as I might I can't figure out how to create them yet... But I will create washing machines one day! Life just isn't the same without them...' Akame hugs the child and reenters the human world and teleports to Konoha.

To be continued...