
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Annihilation Edge fails for the first time!

~Yawn~ "So why did you call me here Hiruzen? I'm supposed to be on break..." Akame has wrinkled clothes and is the very definition of a bad hair day.

"Sorry to cut your break short... But the new Raikage is killing our comrades like cutting up vegetables... I need you to go to the frontlines and put a stop to his slaughter..." Hiruzen sighs as he starts his battle against the paperwork again.

"Alright..." Akame walks out of the office with her pink bunny slippers making cute squeaky noises. None of the Anbu laugh at her childish choice of slippers...

"Eccentric as always..." Anbu 1 smirked behind his mask.

"hard to believe the sword goddess wears such childish things... She is wearing bunny slippers... Hey, have you seen her new outfit?" Anbu 2 asks her fellow Anbu.

"Yeah... She looked really hot in it... Guhehhehe" Anbu 3 gives a pervy laugh.


Akame is rushing through the forest with her new Bloody Queen Outfit... her Shalltear mask is turned into a blood-red color since it can change colors.

"26 Fold Slash of Darkness!" Akame used one of her most powerful moves to kill all of the Hidden Mist forces.

"You! Jonin! Point me in the direction of the new Raikage!" Akame sheathes her sword in a cool manner. Her Hidden Leaf Headband is tied around her neck and the cloth is dyed red to match her outfit.

"Of Course Sword Goddess! He is currently at the border of the land of fire!" The Jonin knows that it's Akame since she is the only one in Konoha to wear strange new outfits also only one person in the whole world can use 26 fold slash of darkness... Everyone calls her the Eccentric Kage. The reason they call her that is that she does a lot of Chunni things and sings songs at random and wears strange outfits that no one has ever thought of.

"Good man! Don't die!" Akame pats him on the shoulder and rushes to the borders.


~Whoosh~ "Impressive! It's the first time my sword hasn't cut through lightning armor like it was paper! So you are the new Raikage! A worthy adversary!" Akame uses Annihilation Edge and black mist is already being emitted from her sword. The mist turns the surrounding trees into ash and the ground starts to look rusted because the blood of her comrades stains the forests of the land of fire.

"The Sword Goddess! I will kill you! I will avenge Dodai!" The third Raikage has immense hatred for Akame since she killed his best friend.

"I will cut you like paper!" Akame rushes at Ai intending to end this fight with Annihilation Edge.

The Raikage uses 1 finger Hell Stab and meets the blade of Murasame... Neither side touch the other but the resulting force of Annihilation Edge and the strongest Spear causes a Booming sound. The Trees are uprooted and all Shinobi are flung away by the resulting force.

~Boom~ Neither side won the confrontation and neither side was injured... The Raikage is not injured due to him having the strongest lightning armor and Akame is not injured because of her demonic Physique.

"Impressive... This is the first time that my Annihilation Edge has failed me..." Akame's face turns emotionless and her eyes become cold... Akame is now taking this fight very seriously.

"What... What is going on!?" The third Raikage feels chills... He can't find an opening.

"My swordsmanship accurately reads the three powers of heaven earth and humanity and lets me instantly assemble a battle plan... This is my swordsmanship... The Eternal Blade! Winning in every Scenario!" Akame recreated Kanami's swordsmanship from Katana Maidens but this time it's far more powerful due to her tweaking it.

"Bullshit! Only a God can do something like that!" Ai the Raikage dismisses her claims... He can't bring himself to believe such a divine level of swordsmanship exists...

"Hell Stab!" Raikage ignores his instinct and rushes Akame.

"Mirage..." ~Slash~ Akame combined Genjutsu and swordsmanship creating an undefeatable move... Her sword cuts deep into Ai's back and you can see his spine and part of his shoulder blade.

"ARHHH!" Ai collapses to the ground and he accidentally used Hell Stab on himself as he fell forward.

"Extraordinary! Even Murasame's curse doesn't do anything to you! I'd love to cut you open and find out how your body works!" Akame gives a sadistic grin with a fierce look in her eyes It's a shame that her mask conceals this.

"Save the Raikage!" No one knew who said it but that's all it took for thousands of Kumo Shinobi to rush her. Akame's eye twitches and she sends an Annihilation Edge right at them and then retreats.

"Too troublesome... I'm not wasting my time on you insects!" Akame's face is cold and has emotionless eyes as she walks away.

The Kumo Shinobi grit their teeth in both fear and anger... Fear because they know full well that she could kill them all in a matter of moments and anger at how she dismisses them and called them insects. When has Kumo ever been despised like so!? They couldn't even vent their grievances!


'It will take a long time for Ai to recover... No need to worry about him being on the front lines for a good long while...' Akame smirks behind her mask not the least bit guilty about maiming the Third Raikage. She actually enjoyed it... Her demonic nature is slowly but surely overpowering her humanity. In her mindscape, some of the roses turned into spider lilies.

To Be Continued...