
Reincarnated into the Naruto Universe as Akame Uchiha

A soul that loved anime dies. She had a tragic life. She was abused by her parents for as long as she can remember and at the age of 18, she enlisted in the military to escape the torture. And she was forced to kill herself as she had valuable intel that the French Soldiers wanted. She spent billions of years in the void as a punishment for taking her own life. Her willpower was the only thing that let her keep her memories and prevent herself from going insane. And along came a goddess of Chaos that gave her a second chance. If the artist wants me to take down the cover please email me at lumine.stan@yahoo.com and I will take it down. As usual, All song's characters, naruto, and stories are not mine except the OCs

Crimson1997 · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Concept of Eternity isn't for the faint of Heart... And a new business opportunity

"Teacher! You're alive! Wait why is your skin pale... And why is your hair a deep silver, Why are your eyes Golden, And why do you look a lot younger?" Hiruzen saw his teacher missing an arm but his appearance is much too different.

"I turned him into a True Demon... He can live forever now as long as he doesn't get killed... It was selfish of me... But I don't want to lose my best friend... He accepted..." Akame looks down at the ground.

"What? That's possible?" Hiruzen is surprised... Who wouldn't be surprised that Akame can grant a lesser form of immortality? Only Tsunade and Tobirama know that she can turn people into True Demons and give them Eternal Life... So it's no wonder Hiruzen is surprised... Danzo has a twinkle in his eyes as he starts to weigh the pros and cons of becoming a True Demon.

"Akame is the Demon Queen... She can turn willing mortals into True Demons... If the mortal is unwilling then she can't turn them into a Demon no matter how hard she tries... I accepted because I didn't want to leave my family behind...

I want to be by Tsunade's side for as long as she lives... Tsunade also has a lesser form of immortality... I plan to speak with my Clan once the war is over... I hope that many of my Clan Members agree to become True Demons... But this choice isn't for the faint of heart... it is a very difficult decision not to be taken lightly..." Tobirama nods at Hiruzen.

Tobirama can tell Hiruzen wanted this form of immortality as there is a hint of greed in Hiruzen's eyes... Who wouldn't want to be immortal? Only people with an Iron Will and strong minds won't go insane from living for too long. But these two particular qualities are rare in the human race...

"Only those with an Iron Will and Strong mind should be turned... If someone doesn't have these two qualities someday they will go insane... Immortality has its detriments... Only certain types of people can handle eternity...

Let's put it this way Hiruzen... Only one out of fifty-thousand people have this kind of quality... You aren't a person with both qualities... Your mind is strong but your will is not..." Akame has warned Hiruzen about the concept of Eternity and has said it is rare for a person to be okay with living for eternity... Hiruzen is simply not meant for eternal life. Immortality isn't meant for people who are afraid of death... Akame has never been afraid of death in both lives... No... She welcomes it with open arms which is why she can handle eternity. This is the reason why the Goddess of the Chaos Faction was okay with Akame gaining immortality... It wasn't for shits and giggles no she understood Akame/Claire the moment she met her eyes...

The Goddess understood Claire had the willpower to stay sane when she endured billions of years of solitude... She understood that Claire was brave enough to die... There was no heaven the Goddess could show Claire that wasn't steeper than her pride... Claire is someone who fears nothing... Her mind is strong her willpower is inhuman... Everything about Claire/Akame frightened the Goddess of Chaos... So much so that the Goddess wanted to be friends with Claire...

Claire has the qualities to gain Divinity and become a Goddess all on her own... Someone like Claire only appears once in a million years... But Claire... Still has her humanity... But it's fading slowly... Despite having an unbreakable willpower, mind, and body Claire still has emotions and her emotions are as fragile as a flower... The reason for her fragile emotional state is that she has two conflicting natures... Demonic Nature and Human Nature... It has made her unbalanced... Until both combines, she will have fragility to her...

Claire is trying on her new outfit... It was finally finished and it's the outfit of Bloody Queen from Elsword.

"Man I totally rock this look! My black hair and my eyes totally match it! I don't even need to dye my hair red like Elesis... Murasame and its scabbard match it too!" Akame smirks. Is she embarrassed about showing so much skin? Nope definitely not... Besides, it looks great.

"I've Already added so many seals on this armor... Invisibility, Ghost Mode, Indestructibility, Self-cleaning, Resist elements, Toughness, Reflect damage, Blood drinking, Aura of Blood... And many more... Honestly it wouldn't be outside the realm of reasoning for a war to break out over this outfit..." Akame starts doing Chunni poses in front of the mirror...

After many edgy poses later Akame decides to draw some Manga... Her Business is mostly bringing modern things to the world such as TV refrigerators and many other household appliances. She has branched out to many other business areas like weapon manufacturing, Tailoring business, Entertainment, Construction, Medical fields, the Food Industry, And many more... Now she is going into the Manga business.

Akame is now the richest woman in all of the elemental nations... Only Tobirama knows that she is the owner of the company and she put Akira/Hakuto in the CEO position so she doesn't have to do paperwork anymore... Besides Akira is very happy to run her business and has even added many different products to be sold in the company straight from his administrator privileges system that he has. He and Akame jump-started the industrial revolution but without an ounce of pollution thanks to Akira's system.

Akame has just finished drawing the first Volume of Ancient Magus Bride...

"Hey, Ak- I mean Hakuto! Check this out!" Akame sees that Yuu is here with him and nearly dropped a truth bomb that nearly made Akira nearly piss his pants.

"Manga? Are you also..." Akira coughs and shows a look of knowing.

"Yup!" Akame smirks.

"Well... I've officially seen everything... I can die happy now..." Akira's sarcasm aside he is actually impressed that Akame can remember every single detail and perfectly recreate a Manga.

"So? Think we can make lots of money off this? 50/50 spit like usual..." Akame sits on the sofa and pours herself a cup of coffee and adds some whiskey to it. Akame is actually a big fan of the Demon Lord Retry series and can't help but be generous to one of her favorite characters.

"Hey, that's my booze... Whatever... But yes we can make a lot off of this... But not yet... The war makes it impossible to sell it... Once the war is over we can sell these like hotcakes!" Akira lights a cigarette and inhales and exhales... He is smoking to calm himself down... Going into the Manga business and dominating it will make them both billions of Ryo later down the line. Akira is smoking because it helps prevent him from screaming and dancing about how much money they will make.