

Dan: "hmmm so bright… is this the little side effect after reincarnated?"

When dan finally regain his visibility he finally notice that right now that something bright to his eyes is the sun and when he notice his surrounding he finally realize that all of the scenery just about tree and bush all the way he look.

Dan: "hmmm…where the hell is this?...., why would the first time I got reincarnated I've been thrown to random place… c'mon....at least you can give me family or whatsoever…hmmmm?.. I can't move.. my body?...THE FUCK IS THIS!!!."

When dan finally notice his body he found his hand is so small and all of his body shrinking and finally he shouted.

Dan: "SHIITTTTT..!!!, the hell I'm a baby now.. c'mon It's not funny god, I don't request immediate death after reincarnation..hmm what the hell is that?."

When dan redirected his gaze to the left finally he saw something that made him piss himself.

Dan: "it's a FREAKING T-REX..!!!!. oh my god I think this is it, I'm sorry mom and dad in another world, I think I'm still useless because I'm gonna die first after reincarnated."

When dan can't calm himself he hear the sound of weird laughing.

???: "gya gya gya… what is that?, ohh.. lucky me. Come to papa here t-rex, papa gonna make you a dinner tonight gya gya gya, eat my axe… haaahhh."

Dan: "hmmm?"

When dan finally regain his sanity back he look at the t-rex who is headless now because of giant axe and he retracted his gaze to another side finally he saw something amazing, a giant standing beside him, and finally the two gaze meet each other.

Dan: " it can't be him… it's him isn'it?"

???: "oh my dear elbaf, who would thought that one day I can finally find a baby in this isolated island huh? Gya gya gya let me look you closer little thing."

When dan look the giant close his head to him finally he can calm and identified this giant in front of him. Of course this is the giant that meet luffy crew in his way to alabasta named "Brogy".

Dan: " it is broggy.. ahhahaha.. fuuuhhh, who would thought I've met the character I've recognize the first thing after reincarnated, so this island probably pre historic island in Grand line name 'Little Garden'…whheeeww I thought i'm gonna die back there".

Brogy: "hmmm what a cute little child, I don't know what happen to you that make you stranded to this place but I'm gonna get you to a safer place first.. hmmm? What is that bag..?."

When brogy grab a bag that lying around beside the baby he finally able to see inside the bag and several item inside the bag to.

Brogy: "hmmm?.. it says your name kid.. here is said Braveheart D. Daniel.. another d. huhh.. gya gya you have the same D. as a pirate king who get executed a long ago kid..not bad..and there is a box contain baby powder inside it, lucky you huh, and a long sword with engrave in his handle and blade says 'Bichu Aoe'?, I don't what it means so it must be for you in the future huh…gya gya gya..now let's c'mon to my place, I'm gonna raised you into a fine warrior gya gya gya.."

Dan: "(so it must be another giant in this island named 'dory' eh.. yeah at least I can grow up safely in this island now..) gu gu gag a ha gu ha cyaaa.."

Brogy: " hmmm what happen little Daniel?, why you cry, I'm sorry if you hungry wait a little bit after we got to my place..shu shu shu calm down little Daniel."

Dan: " (I'm not crying, I want to ask you about another giant in here.. shit.. I can't control my body, wait a minute? Why am I crying? Oh it's gonna be a tough year for me) waaa waaa waaaaa."

Brogy: " shusss calm down.. here we arrived, let me boil some water for your baby powder..hmmm?."

When brogy still bowling hot water for dan, he notice a little earthquake from a volcano near.

Brogy: " it's time huh, but, I'm sorry dory, I'm a little pre occupied here with little daniel."

And quite some time pass, finally a warm water ready for the baby powder and it's time for brogy to feed the baby and he hear scream from someone he knew.

Dory: "oooiiii brogyy..!!! bring your fat ass over here.. are you finally chicken out after hundred year of battle huh…"

Brogy: "goddamnit dory, can you a little calm down I've got a little baby here."

Dory: " huhhhh?, oh my great god elbaf, is that a real baby?"

Brogy: " of course it is a real baby, so I'm sorry, it seems we've got to delay our duel for few years, gya gya gya"

Dory: "fa fa fa, it's okay I think, uuhhh you're a cute little baby, can I hold you for minute?.. so we've got a few years to raise him into a great warrior huh, fa fa fa."

Brogy: "sssttt.. can you calm the fuck down a bit?, the baby sleeping now, and what you say about we raised it together, like hell you are, I'm gonna raised him myself and make him follow a great warrior elbaf way like myself."

Dory: " don't think about a small stuff fa fa fa, what do you say about you being a great warrior of elbaf?, of course I'm the one is the great fa fa fa."

Brogy: " what did you say, you piece of shit?"

Dory: " oohhh you want some of my shit here.. hhuuuhhh?"

While the 2 giant mock each other, here is dan who pretend to be sleeping and thinking.

Dan: " (well, I think it's good the 2 giant want to raise me and that's make me happy to, but It's weird seeing 2 giant act fatherly cute over one child, it's feel I have 2 gay dads, hahahaha, not that these guys are gay by the way, huuhhh I want to grow up faster.)"

While dan finally sleeping he can still hear the 2 giant banter about how to raised him into best warrior properly. And without him realizing time flew by and Dan finally reach 5 years old.

Dory: " so.. little dan how about the little equipment I made for you, it's good is it."

Dan: " yeah, I feel like I'm a warrior now"

Brogy: " gya gya gya, well.. I wonder about it..gya gya gya."

Dory: " what do you mean huh fat ass, do you dissatisfied of my design, I think it is fancy fa fa fa"

What dan use as equipment now is a cloth who look like rags around his upper body, a protective gear around shoulder to his hand, a small shield in his left arm, a utility belt around his wraist where short sword and knife hanging around there, and he use a leather pants and boots in his feet.(Author note: if you guys want to imagine it, it looks like the beginner armor of Monster Hunter.)

Dan have a sturdy body among child around his age and hell even some adult, at first the 2 giant surprise that dan can block a head butt from albertaceratops with a small shield in his hand when he reach 4 years old.

Dan: " well I guess I go hunting now, and train my body in the process."

And dan went to the forest to hunt and train his body to the limit because a sudden message that pop out of nowhere when he reach 3 years old. That was when he play around the field when suddenly in front of his eye suddenly dispay his status and some message


Name: Braveheart D. Daniel

Age: 3(23)

Ability: 1. Rumble-rumble no mi(not available for now), 2. Mythical zoan nine tails fox (not available right now), 3. Long katana 'Bichu Aoe', 4.geppo (beginner),5.observation haki(beginner),6.armament haki(beginner),7.haouhshoku haki (beginner,need further experience and some knowledge regarding this to upgrade the ability).

Blessings: 1st can absorb any knowledge as long host willing to learn it

2nd healthy body who never got any sickness

3rd a strong body who continue grow stronger anytime host train

4th an ability that make host able to learn any combat skill in this world

Special blessings: divine blessings ( that make host grow stronger two times faster than anybody)

Reminder message:

From: tenjin

To : Daniel

Yo….it's been 3 years long, I hope you good eh.. hahaha, and I'm sorry for dropping you to some unknown forest, it's not my intention but..i have my reason, and I know you gonna survive it. About your parents in this world..,, they already dead in 'unfortunate' accident in this world and your parents background can prove a little troublesome in your future journey, but don't worry about that I'm sure you gonna solve it when it comes trouble(ups sorry for forshadowing you for future conflict).

And what I'm gonna talk is about your devil fruit and other ability you request, for devil fruit is you cannot use it until you become 8 years old and when you use it please delay the don't eat the 2nd devil fruit at the same time because the feedback of 2 devil fruit will make your body explode if consume it at the same time, so I suggest you eat it after 1 year after you eat the first Devil Fruit, so your body can adapt to the 1st devil fruit and you can train your body with first devil fruit with 1st year time, and I believe you understand my explanation let's move about other ability and that is haouhshoku haki, you can awaken it now if you want it but to polish the ability stronger you need experience and some knowledge or guidance because this is haouhshoku you know, not some random people can awaken it, it can say this ability for the chosen one hahaha. And your blessing about you can learn any combat technique is yeah, it is just like iit says, you can learn more ability in the future,so I think this the end of my message to you and I hope you can have a good life in this world.


In this world you don't have your blonde hair but silver, I don't know why but Athena insist on it because it looks cool on you, bye.

Dan: " what a messy letter I receive 2 years ago, but yeah I think I'm gonna train my martial art and sword art to the best level possible, 3 years more to go to 1st devil fruit, and I'm gonna train 2 other haki along the way, fuuuhhh, I don't know why but I get excited now, ha ha ha."


Dan: " finally my first devil fruit power, what should I chose now huh, well I already decided it, {status open} {inventory} {rumble-rumble no mi}"

And magically after Dan says that a fruit appear in his palm.

Dan: " damn…, it taste like shit, no wonder in the anime all of them who eat devil fruit looks like almost vomit, well thunder power… come to papa."

About the release date i will try hard to publish 4 to 5 chapter for a week

and thank you guys for reading my fanfic, and i hope you guys find this novel a good read.

the_fatecreators' thoughts