
Reincarnated into Halo? Good

17-year-old Russell Maxis has been a fan of Halo since he was a kid. When he finds himself waking up in the SPARTAN-II program in another persons body, he is excited. He can finally live the halo fantasy he always wanted! Russel soon learns this world isn't as fun as he thought it would be Doing rewrite

Zealousideals · Video Games
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

(A.N. I have changed this chapter a lot, mostly at the end)

Forge had a Grizzly hooked up to a Pelican, "everything is ready, sir" Forge said patting the Pelican, "where is our Elite friend?" I stepped onto the Pelican, "I told him to stay here and help out wherever he can"

As we went to the surface, I looked at the Spirit of fire. A ship that wasn't supposed to be at Harvest till 2531, near the end of the Harvest campaign. The only reason it is here is that I had specifically requested it come here.

We landed near the front lines, "alright, sir, I won't be able to accompany you and this beautiful tank" Forge said as a Warthog pulled up, "here is my ride, good luck, sir" Forge jumped into the Warthog and it drove off.

I hopped into the Grizzly, 'this is going to be a long 5 years. Helix, play Seven nation army'

[Did you just assume I can play music?]


[...Fine, I'll play it]

'atta boy'

[I hate you sometimes]

I started driving the Grizzly as the song started playing, 'perfect music when driving a tank' I thought to myself.

'Oh, before I forget. Give me a Binary rifle'

[Halo 4 or Halo 5?]

'Give me the Halo 4 Binary rifle'

[Processing...Halo 4 Binary rifle acquired!]

[1 Prometheon weapon ticket removed]

*~Time skip~*...again

[5ish year's later, a few days before Covenant forces went to the planet 'Arcadia']

"Ma'am, requesting for my team and I to go to Arcadia" Doctor Halsey stared at me, "Arcadia? Why would you need to go there?"

I continued to stare forward, "just a hunch, ma'am" the doctor sighed, "your hunches were never wrong before"

[Of course, they were never wrong. We know the future]

I ignored Helix, "very well" the doctor stared straight at me, "Chief petty officer 049, I grant you and your team permission to go to planet Arcadia" I saluted her, "thank you, ma'am, I promise this trip will not be for nothing"

I left the doctor and when to get the rest of my team, "gear up, we're going to Arcadia" everyone nodded and got their pre-packed gear. They were used to this, "what's the occasion?" Jerome asked, "better be a well-deserved vacation!" Douglas yelled.

"Just another hunch" everyone sighed, "a hunch. Always just a hunch. I want a vacation" Douglas groaned, "we'll get breaks soon" I replied, "go to the hanger. The doctor probably has a Pelican waiting for us" they all nodded and headed for the hanger.

"Topa, get yourself and three of your best men ready," I said into my helmets headset, "it will be done"

I went to the hanger. There were 5 SPARTANS and 4 Elites, "we will leave slip space, brace" all of us boarded the Pelican as we left slip space, "Naomi, I'll leave piloting the Pelican to you" she nodded, "yes, sir"

"The rest of you, get comfy" we headed down to Arcadia. We got Arcadia's atmosphere, "Topa, there will most likely be a spec ops team hunting you down, so be careful" Topa nodded, "we will be ever watchful"

We got to the surface. We were at the worse mission in the game, the evac mission. We went to the police station and meet with the police chief. "So, you're telling me that you brought five SPARTANS and four Elites, without notice, and now you're telling us to evacuate the city?" I nodded, "yes. The Covenant is coming very soon" the chief's face went as white as paper. 'H-here? They're coming here?" I nodded.

He grabbed his lieutenant who was next to him, "order an immediate evacuation in the city" the lieutenant saluted and ran off. "How long do we have?"

"A few days at most" I answered.

The Chief started thinking for a while, "that should be enough time for the evacuation. Get any willing citizens and we'll set up defences" the Chief nodded.

After the three days wait. The Covenant finally came, "SPARTAN, we're detecting Covenant forces converging on your location" I nodded to myself, "all troops, get into defensive positions" after I said that, troops started rushing around to get in position. "Phantom inbound!" Someone yelled.

The Phantoms started dropping off troops, "all troops, fire" I said to the people that decided to stay with us.


Everyone started firing at the Covenant. But, they weren't taking it lying down.


I was on top of the mall with my binary rifle, "let's see how good this is" I lined up my shot with an Elite ultra's head and fired. The red beam carved a hole straight through the Elite's head and dug into the ground a few feet. I stared blankly as the body disintegrated, "holy shit. This is a lot stronger than in the games" it was to be expected. The games would tone down the destructiveness of the weapons. They did that with John. He is a lot stronger in the books compared to the games.

After my shock that lasted a few milliseconds thanks to my augmentations. I started firing again. Every time I pulled the trigger a Covie died. Sometimes, multiple would die from the laser ripping through the first one.

"Russ, we're being pushed back. We need to retreat" Jerome said through our comms. The Covenant kept coming. It felt like there was no end to them, "I believe we could be of help SPARTANS" a new voice came through the comms. One I was familiar with, "Forge, it took you long enough to get here" the voice was Sergeant Forge of the Spirit of fire, "the hero always arrives late" I shook my head, "this is SPARTAN Russel to Spirit actual"

"This is Spirit actual. What do you need SPARTAN?" Captain Cutter inquired.

"LZ is too hot, we'll pull back through the service tunnels. Meet us at the tunnel exit" I said to Cutter, "roger that, SPARTAN, I'll send Omega squad when I can, godspeed"

"Everyone! Head to the service tunnels! It's our only way out!"

We grouped up, city folk on the inside and SPARTANS and Elites on the outside. Slowly but surely we were pushing through.

"Watch out!" Someone attempted to shove me, I grabbed the person and turned my body to let my armour tank the beam rifle shot that thankfully, didn't pierce my armour, "that was dangerous, we'll speak later" I said to the civilian. He nodded and headed back into the group.

"Russ! Tunnel entrance here!" Naomi yelled at me without using her comms, "affirmative, Naomi, cover upfront with me" I said back without comms.

The SPARTANS and friendly Elites covered the civilians, Naomi and me further away from the entrance.

[Ding! High-value target nearby!]

'What? Where? Who?'

[Location of target...Unknown. Identify of target...Unknown. Type of target...Zealot-class, Designation: SPARTAN-killer]

'What? A SPARTAN killer? Do they exist already? Is this their first mission? Where are they?'

I started looking around as fast as I could, 'where? Where is it?' Naomi went in front of me but still behind cover, "Russ, what are you so worried about? Your heartbeat spiked" I looked at where her eyes would be behind the visor, 'she's worried about me even in this situation. I see why her father tried so hard to find her again'

While I was thinking that I saw something behind her, something pink, 'SPARTAN-killer!' up high in a building a Zealot-class Elite was holding a needle-rifle...aimed right at the back of Naomi's head.


"NAOMI!" My body moved before I could even register it. I pushed Naomi out of the path of the needle.


Because of Naomi being shorter than me and her currently hunched posture the needle that would've pierced her head hit my left pec.


I heard some people calling out for me but I couldn't tell who it was.

All of a sudden my view of the clouds was obstructed by Naomi, she was probably calling out for me.

I lifted my hand and put it on the left side of her helmet, where a plasma burn was, "so that's why you didn't use comms, they were fried" I said weakly, "Russel, stop talking, you're seriously injured" I kept rubbing my thumb on the side of her helmet, "I had some gifts for you guys on the Spirit. I didn't have enough room in my storage"

"Stop talking like you're gonna die, you're the one who will save humanity aren't you?" Jorge said. So he was the one who ran next to me, "you know John can save us all" Jorge entered my vision, "maybe he can, maybe he can't. That doesn't matter to me because I want YOU to be the one saving us"

I stared at him for a few moments. Jorge, Noble 2, SPARTAN-052. He goes by all those names but I remember him as my favourite SPARTAN-II, and that SPARTAN-II just told me he wants me he doesn't care for who saves humanity unless it's me.

I felt as if something in me is opened up, I guess I thought I didn't truly belong. I probably thought that because I didn't. Now though? Now, I am Russel-049, my past life is just that, my past life because now I am a SPARTAN, a saviour of humanity and now it's time to do my fucking job.

"You sure know how to give a strong yet short speech. You should be a motivational speaker" I started to slowly get up, "you all put your trust in me and it's time I repay the favour"

"Captain Cutter"

"SPARTAN? Why haven't you advanced to the LZ?"

"Complications sir, I'm critically injured and we need emergency eva-"


I coughed some blood onto the inside of my helmet, "so, I need a carpet bomb 30 meters NE of my location"

"Understood, I hope you know what you're doing. Godspeed"

"Have the civilians moved through the tunnel?" I asked Jorge, "yes, they're all through" I nodded, "good, we need to move through it too, we don't have a lot of time. the carpet bomb will give us 10 seconds at most"

I saw a longsword flying toward us, "carpet bomb in T-10. Good luck down there"

"Move now. Jorge" I looked at him, "bridal carry me"

Thus, the scene of 5 SPARTANS running away from a carpet-bombing while their leader was being bridal carried was made.

"How is Russell doing?" Jerome asked, "don't worry, it's all internal bleeding. That's where the blood is supposed to be" the others stared at me, "he needs immediate help," Alice said. The others all nodded.

We got to the exit of the tunnel and saw a flock of Pelicans with people boarding them along with 9 SPARTANS surrounding them.

"Jerome, this way" a SPARTAN waved us down, "Leon, do you have Russell's Pelican ready? We can't have civilians seeing this, they think SPARTANS as invincible" Leon nodded, "the Pelican is over there by August and Robert" Jerome thanked him and my team took me to the ship.

"Naomi, I need you to stay with Russel and fly this bird then get him to a medbay," Jorge said to her, "count on me" she responded.

Before the hatch closed I told Jerome something, "take Topa' with you, he might be useful soon" the hatch closed and we took off into the sky, headed straight for the Spirit of fire.

(A.N. I did it, I made it longer and better. Share, review, comment, etc etc)