
Reincarnated into Favorite Game World

Yex was a person who had rich parents, but they died. Afterward, he just stayed in his house and never went outside. With the money left by his parents, he had an easy life and played games all day. He was so invested in the game that he ignored the warnings and died. The next time he woke up as a newborn baby, and his new name was Asher. Reborn into his favourite game world with all the skills and stats of his game characters, made new beginning of his journey in this new world. --- First 10 chapters are short but after that every chapter is more than 1000 words. Novel has smut, but very late in novel, so if you don't like smut chapters then you can skip thus chapters. if you like then wait for it.

Yasoi · Fantasy
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36 Chs

King's Summons

In the Prime Minister's office at the Royal Palace of the Elmora Kingdom, Fanel, the owner of the room, read through a report.

"Goblin Lord appeared in the dungeon managed by the Yarlow Marquis family. Prominence family's third son, Asher, seems to have already subjugated it alone. The Yarlow brothers are known for their excellence, but there's no information about the third son," Fanel frowned as he read the report again.

After he rang the bell and called in his Secretary.

"I apologize, but urgently investigate the third son, Asher of the Yarlow Marquis family," Fanel said as he looked at his Secretary.

"Understood," The Secretary nodded and left.

The palace stores nobility records, and additional information is recorded as achievements are made. The Secretary found the Yarlow Marquis family records, and in Asher's entry, only the year of birth was written.

"For the Yarlow Marquis family's third son, Asher, there's no information other than the year of birth. If the records are correct, he should be five years old this year," the Secretary said as he read the report and placed it on the desk.

"Thank you. You may leave," Fanel waved his hand, and he looked at the report and pondered, troubled by the idea that a five-year-old child might have defeated the Goblin Lord.

After, he headed to the king's office. Awaiting permission from the guards protecting the king's office, he requested an audience.

"You'll meet him soon," the guard said.


Fanel checked his attire, ensuring everything was in order, then entered.

"Your Majesty, I apologize for the intrusion."

"It's unusual for you to visit. What's the matter?" The king said as he was looked like middle aged man. He was wearing a crown, sitting behind the desk that had a lot of paper on it.

"Goblin Lord appeared in the dungeon managed by the Yarlow Marquis family," Fanel said.

"I see. Did they request reinforcements?"

"No, it's already subjugated, but there's an inexplicable report."

"An inexplicable report?"

"The Yarlow Marquis family's third son, Asher, seems to have subjugated it alone."

"Asher? I haven't heard of him."

"I confirmed it in the nobility records. He's still a five-year-old child."

"Indeed puzzling. But it's unlikely Drake would make a false report."

"What should we do?"

"If it's true, proceed, but with the third son, there's a risk of him running away. Bestow a title and incorporate him. Start with a knighthood, and depending on his future actions, we can raise his rank."

"Granting a knighthood might face resistance from other nobles."

"It's our job to manage that. As for his duties, there's no need to assign any. Being bound to the kingdom should be enough."

"Understood." Fanel said and left.

In the morning, Asher received lessons from his sisters, gathered alchemical materials with Mentor Zeal, who returned after finishing his work, and then learned alchemy from him. In the afternoon, he spent time with Big Brother Eris, learning the basics of tactics and strategy.

They were in the living room on a break, enjoying tea and snacks.

"Our vacation is almost over. Ashu, you catch on quickly, and it was enjoyable teaching you. Although we are leaving, we've prepared study materials so you can continue even when we're not around," Silvia said as she sipped tea.

"I'll do my best to keep up," Asher replied.

While chatting with his sisters, their father entered the room.

"Ash, are you here? I have something to discuss," he said.

"What's the matter?" Asher asked.

"There's a summons from the palace. They've requested you to come along," his father explained.

"A summons?"

"Probably regarding the Goblin Lord subjugation."

"If that's the case, then I don't have problem going."

"We need to return to the academy, and it looks like we'll be traveling together in a carriage," Ava smiled and said.

"The capital, huh? I'd like to explore various places with everyone," Asher remarked.

"Audience comes first, but once it's done, we can make time for sightseeing," Drake smiled and said.

"Great," Asher laughed. After five years, he was going outside of this city. He couldn't wait for that. After, he asked about how much capital was from Silvia and Ava.

As they talked for a long time before Asher stood up and said, "Well then, it's about time for me to go Big Brother Eris place. Excuse me."

Asher approached Eris's room, knocked, and entered.

"Big Brother Eris, excuse me."

"Ash, good of you to come. Today, let's try a board game simulating a battlefield, instead of just focusing on basics," Eris smiled and suggested.

In the center of the room, a table was set up with a field representing terrains like grasslands and mountains.

"It seems challenging," Asher remarked.

"At first, there's a lot to learn, and it's tough, but once you get used to it, it's fun," Eris explained.

Eris patiently explained the types of pieces, how to move them, and the effects of different terrains.

"I've covered everything. If you make a mistake, I'll correct you, so let's start right away," Eris said.

In the end, Asher suffered a crushing defeat.

"You're strong, Big Brother Eris," Asher sighed and admitted.

"There's an experience gap, but you have potential. For instance, in the previous game, you deliberately used cavalry as a decoy. Cavalry is a valuable piece, so normally, I'd try to capture it, but you cleverly set up infantry to surround and counter my pursuit," Eris explained.

"It didn't work against you, though," Asher said.

"I sensed a strategic aroma. Instead of making me want to pursue, create a situation where I have no choice but to chase. It's a lesson in strategy," Eris suggested.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"We still have time. Shall we play another round?"

Eris and Asher continued playing until dinnertime.