
Death, God & Rebirth

I died, simple as that. I had a boring life, never did anything worth the of remembering me for, except for my kids. Unlike some human males I stayed with my children like a good father, which was more than I could say for their own mother. She got tired of being a wife and a mother so she left us all behind.

I wasn't the best father but my kids never went hungry and always had a roof over their head and wanted for nothing they needed, and many things they didn't.

After wandering aimlessly in darkness after my death worrying only for my children that I left behind, I finally saw a light. It was a man, a God.

This is how my new life began...

"So I'm dead, now what?" I asked

"Now you get reincarnated into a world of my choosing with a choice and 2 wishes." God said

"Very well, I've ready enough novels that with the information given so far, this should be a very short meeting. What world?" I asked

"It will be a world where the kaijus from the Godzilla movies and Pacific Rim are merged. But worry not, you'll have plenty of time before the portal opens to gain your strength." God informed me

"Alright, what is this choice?" I asked

"You will be reborn as a Kaiju 250 million years before the portal opens in the humans lifetime. Your choice is what kind of Kaiju, it doesn't have to be a species from the movies." God informed me

"Hmmm. Can I be a Cosmic Wolf? Black crystalline fur, with hints of starlight in it, that can float/fly/swim with its own telekinesis and can survive in the vacuum of space and in the deepest oceans? This would also make it have the ability to absorb all types of radiation/energy." I said

"There are Kaiju that do those things, so you're just mix & matching, yes, but your size will be quite big. Even for a Kaiju." God informed me

"Fine with me, saves me a wish." I stated blankly

"Very well, and your wishes?" God asked

"For my 1st wish, I want Wolverine levels of regeneration, even for my crystal fur." I stated

"Acceptable, but it will drain your energy to regrow anything, from your crystal fur to an entire body from a drop of your blood." God warned me

"That's fine. I'll be black hole in color so I'll absorb all radiation at godly speeds even on a cellular level." I stated

"True. And your last wish?" God asked

"For my 2ed wish.....hmm. I can't think of anything else I could even want, let alone need." I said

"It could be anything. A system, a human form or even the ability to speak with humans when they come to be." God gave me a few ideas

"Wouldn't a system potentially give me those abilities?" I asked

"It could. It all depends on luck with your shop and whether or not you have the points to purchase it when it shows up in it." God said

"Then I wish for a full system setup, with the intelligent AI, shop, status, clock/date, etc, etc." I said

"Done, good luck on your travels." God said, then raised his had in a wave and my vision went black


I woke up being locked by my mother. I guess even Kaiju wolves have similarities to regular wolves. I finished my bath and was directed by my mother to were I was assuming I was supposed to eat. I read so many fanfictions were the reincarnator had a problem with this part, even 1 were he starved to death because he refused to go through with his new life. Funnily enough, that was also a wolf reincarnator story.

As I was having my 1st meal my siblings started joining me, I couldn't open my eyes but I could tell I was alone in the beginning. I realized I was not only the oldest, but also the biggest. Almost a full half larger than my next largest sibling.

I ended up being the oldest of 6. Either I chose the nipple with the least amount of milk, or I ate almost more than my siblings. I started eating before they were even born and was only half full by the time they all fell asleep. Apparently I was just a big eater because when I woke up from my nap I started eating again until I fell asleep.


For 6 month we had this routine. Until we were ready for meat, courtesy of our father. We were all the same color, just the shade was different. black to very dark grey, and then there was me, you couldn't even look directly at me because of how black I was. Our first meat was nothing to brag about, I couldn't tell what it was but it tasted alright. I ate 3 time what they ate but nobody complained since I was already as big as 2 of them but no more developed.

I was already the size of my father but still all puppy in the looks department. I started to realize what God was talking about when he said my size would be big. He wasn't joking.

After my 1st meal of meat I heard a noise in my head.

'Ding. Welcome host, to your new life.'

'Well system, I've been in this new life for 6 months so you're a bit late for that.' I thought to the system

'Yes. God instructed me to remain dormant until host stopped smelling of milk.'

'Of course he did. Fine, 1st things 1st, Status.' I thought



Race: Cosmic Wolf (Mutated)

Abilities: High Speed Regeneration, Telekinesis(LOCKED), Crystalline constitution(UNLOCKING), ?, ?, ?...

'I can guess at the question marks, why is my Telekinesis locked?' I asked

'Host can not use Telekinesis ability when the crystalline body is not fully unlocked, since that is what gives Host that power.' System stated

'Alright, why is Crystalline Constitution unlocking?' I asked

'Hosts body is to young, will be fully unlocked when Hosts new body reaches 1 year old.' System informed me

'.....sigh, OK. just 6 more months to go. Shop.' I said



5 high grade items available in shop every month

10 mid grade items available in the shop every month

15 low grade items available in the shop every month

1% chance for unique/godly items to appear in the shop every month, when they show up they will stay until purchased. NOTE: this will not effect new items from showing up if host does not purchase unique/godly item.