
Cooperation & Terms

I made my way to Battra an we both landed on the ground to catch up. After 15 minutes, Odin & Thor both rode up behind me with very different attitudes from before.

"Geat one, we need your help. We will all die without your energy. We've grown dependant on it" Odin said with desperation in his eyes

"That is none of my concern. You used my energy to survive the long night, as you called it and still, you ask for more" I stated bluntly

"Yes" he said hesitantly "but we are already feeling the effects of you leaving. Our young grow sick, our warriors grow weak and our energy supplier, which we use to convert your energy into something we can use grows dim and has begun to crack. We won't survive to the next Solstice without your aid" he got off his mount and bowed to me along with Thor "We beg you to help us save our people"

"Hmm.....I will not stay" I said with finality

Odin looked like a broken man at these words

"But...if you make a set of studs for my ears to transfer my energy to your supplier, I will wear them so I can travel the planet without you having to need me in the immediate vicinity. Also, you should make a storage for my energy you don't use since I have the habit of leaving Terra for extended periods." I gave them a bit of hope

Looking at me like I was am island in the middle of the ocean during a storm he said "Thank you. It will take some time for us to make the earrings and the storage."

"Use the scraps from my chains and don't hurry on the storage, I won't be leaving Terra for many years" I told him

"I will. But what is Terra? Is that what you call this continent?" he asked

Battra couldn't hold it in any longer "Terra is the name of my mother, what you consider the whole planet!"

"My apologies, we call it...her, Earth." Odin back peddled

"It's fine, Battra calm down. How long will it take you to make the studs?" I asked

After thinking for a few moments Odin finally answered "If you stay in range for the energy to be used, 3 days" he said with gusto

"Very well. I will stay in range of Asguard for 3 days. But I have 1 more condition for this to happen" I said

"Anything" Odin answered without hesitation

"You must also make a cloak around your lands. God's are not supposed to exist. Therefore you must hide yourselves from the rest of humanity. This is not debatable!" I commanded

"Very well, first the studs, then the storage and finally the cloak will be made. Is this acceptable?" Odin asked

"Yes. Get to work, Battra and I will move closer to Asguard and continue out conversation whole you work" I said

"Yes great one" Odin bowed

"Call me Anubis. The humans from the south with the pyramids called me that so that was my first name" I told him

"Yes, Anubis" he said as both he and Thor jumped back on their mounts and took off at their fastest speed back to Asguard

We started walking to the mountain next to Asguard as Battra asked me "Why do you help them? They held you in chains..."

"Chains that couldn't hold me" I interrupted

"Even if they couldn't hold you, why, after all they did, why would you help them?" Battra asked in confusion

"Because they are young. They know not the ways of how the world truly works and we must teach them. Besides, this is almost exactly what happened to Godzilla when he last took his long sleep. Those Atlanteans tried chaining him up and used his power. Unfortunately they were unable to control his energy and destroyed themselves. I'm hoping these humans will have better luck with is working together" I educated Battra

"I think I understand. Mother told me they hold great potential, but are a cruel race...especially to their own kind" Battra responded

"Yes. While the Atlantians turned into a fish people and used Godzillas energy to make weapons of war, the Asguardians used my energy to make basic weapons and SO much more. They also turned into a kind of sky people. If you ever get the chance, take a look at what they've become compared to their counterparts around Terra. It truly is amazing how far they have come in such a short time." I finished my speech as we reached our destination and lay down "Now, tell me what's happened since I fell asleep, can't have been much. It was a very short nap after all" I said


As Battra explained the happenings of the world, the Asguardians began their work on the studs that would ensure their survival. It was a ruby covered with microscopic runes that was then covered with a golden meteorite, making a protective shell around the gem. Ensuring that the gem would be protected during any fights. And for extra security, the shell was covered in runes, but these were bigger and just for protection and strengthening the metal. But the runes glowed a faint red whenever I circulated my energy on the outside.

It took the Asguardians three days, as promised, to make the earrings "What happened to studs?" I asked

"We tried. But the massive number of runes needed to transfer your energy from the other side of the planet was beyond our expectations. We had to make these ear cuffs instead to compensate for the density of the planet" Odin explained "They also needed to be made with some flexibility runes to your ears wouldn't be hindered in their movements."

"Ahh, I understand" I said as I changed to my Lycan form and Started to put them on.

After 5 minutes, they were in place and the runes that made them not fall off unless I took them off willing activated. I didn't panic as they explained this to me before hand. 'Wow, I'm starting to look the part of Anubis from my old world' I thought internally

'Yes Host. Host has also unlocked a hidden mission. For, willingly, allowing others acces to Hosts energy, Host has gained the ability to earn points from the energy transfer. The more energy the Asguardians use from the Host, the more points will be earned' System said

'Awesome' I responded 'I guess it's time I met up with Godzilla and Mothra. Looks like another of those damned Muto managed to lay a nest a few million years ago that we missed

"Hey Odin, how long until you can start on the storage and cloak?" I asked him before I flew off to help Godzilla

"It will take some time. Those cuffs took 90% of our material reserves. If we do nothing but search for the materials...maybe another hundred years or so for the storage. The cloak is another matter entirely. Our researchers estimate it will take an additional 500 years to find the needed materials and a full year after that to make the necessary rune on the finished product" Odin said tiredly

"That's fine" internally looking at the clock I noticed it was still 2500 BCE "You could take 2 thousand years at the longest and still be okay. Just try to get it done, I don't want a war to break out because others want your gold and tech"

"We will work on it constantly until the job is completed. Also, we will make it so those cuffs grant you unimpeded access to Asguard when the cloak goes up" Odin informed me

"Alright. I'm leaving now. Have lots to do" I said as I took of at my fastest speed towards Godzilla, I didn't want to lose my friend to a parasitic creature that would eat him from the inside out

After 1,200 years, the Asguardians finally finished the storage and cloak, hiding the gods from the mortals. Godzilla still had his shrine in Atlantis, but there were no people, and this bothered him. I convinced the Asguardians to occupy Atlantis and do the same for him as they did me. With no ears they had to make him some arm guards with the same effects as my ear cuffs

Finally, at the same time, we both lay down for a short nap, something we hadn't done since just before the dinosaurs extinction event.

We would sleep until the 1930s