I retracted my rifle and then waited for everything to settle down as I can barely see through the smoke, I can't show myself either in case they are still alive which was most likely the case.
And out of nowhere, the special appeared in the room that I am hiding in, without a second thought, I open fire at it, it didn't teleport away to escape, that means it has either a cooldown or a side effect.
It tried to dodge, but even so it isn't faster than the speed of bullets as most of them hit it, but most of them only bruised it at most and it kept charging at me. I tried to punch me, but I ducked as swept its feet.
It then got out the tentacles on its back to stop it from falling as some of them swung itself at me, I used the rifle to block it but it got broken in half.
I then turn to melee combat with a knives deflecting it and cut it a bit before it overpowered me and knocked me through the wall where Karen swung her arm down in an attempt to kill me.
I activated the thrusters in my boots and it got me out of the way in time. I took out my spare rifle and start rapid firing at her, but in a split second, the special teleport to her, grabbed her and teleport out of the way.
"You will make one tasty snack" it says
"For a number 1, to think that you'll need a special to fight against a number 6 like me...how embarrassing. Not to mention the fact that I'm injured"
"Be careful, we still don't know what his 3rd ability is" she warned
"He's also keeping his distance...but I can do everything in an instant" the special commented as it then grabbed Karen, for a moment I saw his eye glow before disappearing.
I anticipated that it will teleport above me as Karen will try to erase me, so I activated the thrusters and boost me forward. I was right, it appeared right above me as Karen swiped her arm erasing everything below her as I open fire
It teleported again, but this time it caught me and teleport me along with it. I appeared at the exit as I got dropped in front of the other soldiers who saw me and open fire, I activated the thrusted and got out of the way while shooting at them killing a few as I try to find some cover.
As I did, the special appeared right in front of me, I activated single burst mode quickly and open fire consuming the current magazine.
I then noticed it again, its eyes glowed for a moment as it look a bit upward and teleported away appearing quite a distance behind me as it landed on the ground.
< So it can either only teleport to where it can see or where its head is pointing, either way...>
And then I saw it covered its mouth as if it's holding in its own vomit.
< I knew, it does have a side effect >
3rd person view
"Hey, isn't that Grace? What's he doing here?" Kelly exclaimed as she and Kenny try to sneak away.
"Looks it can teleport, this is bad" Kenny responded as he saw the fight "Pair that with Karen's 'expunge', it can be deadly."
"Kenny, I know we promised to get to safety first...but is it right to just run away as he fights all of them alone?"
"As a soldier, we should honor sacrifices that are for the greater good...but for me...I don't like regretting decisions. If we go in now, we might all die"
"Then let's-"
They were then interrupted by battle cries as they saw a few soldiers coming out of nowhere helping Grace, they were probably survivors too, and are now helping Grace fight their way to the safe zone drawing attention to them even more.
Kelly and Kenny saw the opportunity to run past them as they are occupied, but they feel like they would regret it if they do.
1st person view
"Can't believe Karen is one of em, how long have you been fighting asked?" a soldier asked
"For the past several minutes, cover me as I take out this AHHH shrapnel" I replied as I got out bandages and wrapped around it before I inject in pain killers
"I'm Liam Raven, nice to meet you" he introduced "You're Grace Leven right?"
"What's a handsome guy like you doing here?" I asked as I reload my rifle and take a few shots
"My best friend joined in to fight for the country, a really religious guy" he panted "You wouldn't expect him to be violent, but he joined to serve under god, he died by infecteds, I'm here to get revenge...didn't think that I would die by devil worshippers though"
<Can't believe I'm having this conversation>
"Well nice knowing ya"
And like before the special targeted me along with with Karen. The special had one other ability, it can materialize its own blood into weapons, fortunately it lacks techniques and is mostly swinging it recklessly, but with it teleporting around and Karen's backup, I'm having a tough time.
But as I was fighting a familiar shot then hit it in its head, I then fight it in its dazed state, I got some of my miniature bombs, rushed in and shove them in its mouth. The bombs blew up destroying its jaw.
"What the fuck are you doing here?! Run for it!"
"Kill it now, scold us later" Kenny replied
I dashed for the special and punch it, Karen tried to use her ability on me, but it would take the special along with it, so she directed it at Kenny instead who quickly shoot her in her hand.
Kenny fired at her but before the bullets can hit her, she used her ability to erase it and taking away half of Kelly's rifle in the process.
< That's about 24m in range, but the attack isn't as wide, good to know >
To heal its jaw, the special teleport to the closest corpse, use its tentacles to tear the corpse into small bits and shove it down it's own throat as his jaw regenerated anew.