
Reincarnated into a shark, Became a planet.

His fins destroying galaxies with each move, his teeth the size of worlds, reincarnated as a lowly shark, he quickly became a being that rivalled the gods. 14 updates per week This story was inspired by the Chinese translated novel: Tales of the World devouring serpent

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Exploring and Danger 1

A being moving at a million kilometers a second. It is not seeable or trackable by eye, but someone is tracking it, that someone is one of the divine beings, things that are controlled by divine monarchs. How do they track something moving at inconceivable speeds that aren't seeable by the naked eye? They see its demonic energy, as they are the only beings that can see it, divines.

The being that's speeding through the star boundary is our good friend demonic shark monarch MC, who is currently happily trying to find a planet that is populated by an intelligent species like humans. Currently, he has only found barren planets with no energy whatsoever, which have dead stars pulling them with gravity.

Hm, this one's dead. Well shit, 6 dead star systems in a row, maybe I'm in a dead star zone? This seems quite weird. Wait, what is that? Wow, it's gigantic.

I see a huge ship flying through space, with seven small ships following it. This might be a good time to finally have some sort of conversation with an intelligent being. Finally.

I move near it using my gravity law and the smalls ships suddenly quickly fly towards me. Stopping near me, I hear a telekinetic thought moving through space. Which seems to be coming from the large ship sitting in the background. I hear these words in my head:

"How can you survive in outer space? Are you the 9 higher ones? How can you be here?" The voice squeaks in my head, slightly hurting it. I answer the questions in a normal, unthreatening tone as to make sure no problems arise.

"I'm sorry, can you please explain who the 9 higher ones are?" I hear a slight chuckle in my head, it seems they are laughing at my knowledge of the star boundary. I then hear a quite rhetorical and uncomfortable response.

"Are you serious? Haha, you're no one." The voice leaves my head and I feel a slightly hot temperature from the small ships in front of me. They're trying to hurt me with some sorts of lasers? Or new technology? Well, this seems like quite a bad situation, I will leave now. I use the gravity law to escape the situation quickly, as I don't need any high peak monarchs showing up to quickly destroy my body in one pinky touch. I feel a pressure behind me, as I hear the their voices say something to me before cutting.

"Wait, how did you resist that? Come ba-" I am currently going at a million kilometres a second and I see the same big ship behind me. I just feel like swearing.

1st of the day

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