
Reincarnated into a magical realm

seth has special powers and can see his stats, abilities, and experience levels like in a video game.

writersAtHeart · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: New Beginnings

Greengrove was bustling with activity as Alex entered the village. The main street was lined with various shops and stalls, each offering different goods—fruits and vegetables, handmade crafts, and essential supplies for travelers. People moved about, engaged in their daily routines, some sparing a curious glance at the newcomer.

Alex tried to remain inconspicuous, his mind racing with thoughts of how to blend in. He needed information and resources, but he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself. The old man's advice about trust lingered in his mind, urging caution.

As he walked through the village, he spotted a notice board near the center of the square. Various pieces of parchment were pinned to it, advertising jobs, missing items, and local events. Alex approached it, scanning for anything that might help him get started.

One notice caught his eye:

**Help Wanted: Herb Gathering in Verdantwood**

*Local alchemist seeks assistance in gathering rare herbs from the forest. Compensation offered. Inquire at Alchemist Fara's shop.*

Herb gathering sounded manageable, and it would give him an excuse to explore the forest further. Plus, it was a low-profile task that wouldn't require revealing his abilities. Alex memorized the directions to the alchemist's shop and set off to find it.

The shop was a small, quaint building with a sign that read "Fara's Remedies." The scent of various herbs and potions wafted through the open door. Alex stepped inside, greeted by the sight of shelves filled with jars and bottles of different shapes and sizes.

"Can I help you?" a voice called from behind the counter. A middle-aged woman with sharp eyes and a kind smile stood there, wiping her hands on an apron.

"Yes, I'm here about the herb gathering job," Alex said, trying to sound confident.

The woman, presumably Fara, looked him over. "You don't look like a local. New to Greengrove, are you?"

Alex nodded. "I am. I just arrived and saw the notice. I thought it might be a good way to get started."

Fara considered him for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. I need someone to gather Moonleaf and Sunberries. Both can be found in the forest, but they grow in different areas. Moonleaf prefers the shaded undergrowth, while Sunberries thrive in sunny clearings."

Alex listened carefully, committing the information to memory. "I understand. I'll bring them back as soon as I can."

Fara handed him a small pouch. "Here's a sample of each, so you know what you're looking for. And take this—it's a small charm for protection. The forest can be dangerous."

"Thank you," Alex said, accepting the items. He tucked the samples and the charm into his bag, feeling a bit more prepared.

As he left the shop, he noticed the sky beginning to cloud over. The forecast of rain made him quicken his pace as he headed back into the forest. The path he had taken earlier was still fresh in his mind, and he followed it back to Verdantwood.

Once inside the forest, he activated his System's quest log to keep track of his progress.

**Quest: Gather Moonleaf and Sunberries**

**Reward: 100 XP, 5 Silver Coins**

The presence of the quest log reassured him. It was a tangible goal, something to focus on amid the uncertainty. He began his search, moving carefully through the undergrowth, scanning for any signs of the plants Fara had described.

The forest was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant call of birds. Alex found himself appreciating the beauty of the place despite the potential dangers. After some time, he spotted a cluster of broad, dark leaves beneath a large tree.

"Moonleaf," he murmured, comparing the sample to the real thing. He carefully harvested several leaves, placing them gently into his pouch.

One down, one to go.

He continued deeper into the forest, seeking a sunny clearing where Sunberries might grow. The canopy above began to thin, and he soon found a small meadow bathed in sunlight. Bright red berries dotted the bushes along the edges.

"Sunberries," Alex said, smiling to himself. He picked the ripe berries, taking care not to damage the plants.

With both herbs in hand, he turned to head back to Greengrove, feeling a sense of accomplishment. The forest seemed to grow darker as the clouds thickened, and he quickened his pace, not wanting to be caught in the rain.

As he neared the edge of the forest, a sudden noise made him freeze. A low growl, followed by the sound of rustling leaves. Alex's heart pounded as he slowly turned, his eyes scanning for the source of the noise.

Emerging from the shadows was a creature unlike anything he had ever seen—a wolf, but larger and with dark, matted fur. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent intelligence as it bared its fangs.

Instinctively, Alex reached for the charm Fara had given him. The creature lunged, and he threw the charm at it, hoping it would have some effect. The charm glowed briefly, creating a barrier that repelled the beast.

Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Alex ran. He sprinted through the forest, the sounds of pursuit fading behind him. When he finally reached the village outskirts, he paused to catch his breath, his heart racing.

He returned to Fara's shop, shaken but triumphant. "I have the herbs," he said, handing over the pouch.

Fara inspected the contents, nodding approvingly. "Well done. Here is your reward." She handed him a small pouch of coins and a vial of blue liquid. "A healing potion, as a bonus. You might need it."

"Thank you," Alex said, grateful. As he left the shop