
Reincarnated into a magical realm

seth has special powers and can see his stats, abilities, and experience levels like in a video game.

writersAtHeart · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Elder

Alex awoke to the soft chirping of birds and the gentle light of dawn filtering through the cabin's small windows. For a moment, he forgot where he was, but the events of the previous day quickly rushed back to him. He sat up, stretching, and noticed a neatly folded set of clothes beside his bed.

"Ah, you're awake," came the old man's voice from the doorway. The elder was carrying a tray with a bowl of porridge and a cup of steaming tea. "I thought you might need a fresh set of clothes. They belonged to my grandson. He moved to the city years ago and left some things behind."

"Thank you," Alex said, accepting the tray gratefully. The porridge was warm and hearty, a welcome change from the instant noodles he had subsisted on in his previous life. "I appreciate your hospitality."

The old man waved a hand dismissively. "It's nothing. Besides, you seem like someone who will need their strength soon enough."

As Alex ate, he mulled over his situation. The System, the quest, the XP—it all seemed like a game, yet it felt undeniably real. He decided to ask the old man some questions. "Can you tell me more about this place? The forest, the town nearby, anything that might help me get my bearings."

The old man took a seat across from Alex. "This forest is called Verdantwood. It stretches for miles, acting as a natural barrier between the towns and the wilderness beyond. Many strange creatures dwell here, so travelers are few and far between."

Alex nodded, absorbing the information. "And the town?"

"It's called Greengrove," the old man continued. "A small settlement, but prosperous enough. You'll find what you need there: food, supplies, perhaps even some work."

Alex finished his meal, feeling more grounded. "Thank you for the information. I think I should head to Greengrove and see what I can learn."

The old man stood, fetching a walking stick from the corner. "I'll walk with you part of the way. There are things you should know, and it's best you hear them before you venture too far."

They left the cabin together, the old man leading Alex down a narrow path. The forest was alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and distant animal calls. As they walked, the elder spoke. "You must understand, young one, that this world is not kind to the unwary. Cultivators, those who can harness the natural energies of the world, hold great power. But such power comes with great risk."

Alex listened intently, fascinated by the concept. "Cultivators? Like those martial arts legends?"

The old man chuckled. "Yes, something like that. They can control elements, enhance their physical abilities, and even extend their lifespan. But to become a cultivator, one must have the right constitution and the willingness to face many dangers."

They reached a fork in the path, where the old man stopped. "This is where we part ways. Follow this path, and you'll reach Greengrove by midday. But remember: trust is a rare commodity. Keep your abilities hidden until you understand who can be trusted."

Alex nodded, grateful for the advice. "Thank you, for everything."

The old man smiled. "Take care, Alex. The world may seem daunting, but it is also full of wonders. Embrace the journey."

With a final nod, Alex continued down the path, the old man's words echoing in his mind. He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement despite the warnings. He had always dreamed of a life of adventure, and now it seemed that dream had come true.

As he walked, he opened his status window again, noting his current attributes and the new item in his inventory—the Basic Survival Kit. He decided to inspect it, mentally selecting the item from the menu.

Basic Survival Kit: Contains essential items for surviving in the wilderness.

Includes: flint and steel, a small knife, bandages, and dried rations.

"Useful," he muttered, feeling more prepared. The System seemed designed to assist him, but he knew he couldn't rely solely on it. He needed to learn the ways of this world, to understand its rules and its people.

By midday, the trees began to thin, and Alex could see the outline of a settlement ahead. Greengrove was a bustling village, surrounded by wooden palisades and filled with the sounds of daily life. As he approached, he took a deep breath, as he entered the village.