
Reincarnated in The Owl House

An ordinary boy was living an ordinary life on Earth until he unexpectedly died in a disaster becoming a wandering soul in the afterlife. As he wandered in darkness for what felt like an eternity before he saw something, a light as he felt himself being drawn towards it... Read more to find out what happens next. Just wanted to say I wrote this after watching the owl house and seeing there wasn't many fics out there that were that long so I decided to write my own for fun though I do take constructive criticism and I'll only be posting the first five chapters for now. Hope you enjoy it and if you don't then I'm sorry that it wasn't to your liking. (My rewrite is up and has a few chapter already published.) name: My unexpected life in the owl house

Dog_lord · TV
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25 Chs

An odd situation

As I regained consciousness I looked around to see myself in a crib for some reason.

'Where am I?' I think as I try to get up only to fail as I laid there. 'Huh?' I thought as I lifted up my hand to see an baby's instead. 'Huh?!' I thought as I started struggling in the crib only to fail once again, eventually I stopped as a woman came in who had brown hair and eyes along with another person this one being a male with dark brown hair and brown eyes. As they walked up to me they seemed to start talking about something but for some reason I couldn't understand what they were saying.

As they finished talking they turned to me to pick me up as they put me in what looked to be a stroller before pushing me out the door. 'Seriously where am I?' I thought as I looked around to see a familiar person coming out of their house around the same time with a stroller holding oddly familiar looking baby. 'Wait, that mother I swear I've seen her somewhere before?' I think as I focus my attention on the mother as she walked towards us with her baby. As I saw them talking I wondered what they were talking about before hearing a name I wouldn't forget for the rest of my second life... "Camila Noceda" the other woman said. this caused everything to click in my head... I was in the Owl house.

'No no no, couldn't Ego have picked another world, I know there could have been worse ones but I don't want to meet with a homicidal sociopath who hates witches like Bellos or that childishly psychopathic collector!' I thought to myself as I look on in distressed, struggling to keep on the happiest face I could as I try to get myself out of this situation by signaling to my parents to leave only to be picked up and put into the same stroller as Luz who I absolutely don't want to get involved with since she's the protagonist of this whole world. 'Dang it new mom and dad, can't you do a better job reading my signals!' I thought before I felt arms my size wrap around my body making me turn around in surprise to see Luz... hugging me! 'Wait what, when did this happen?!' I thought as I started to think about how I failed to notice her arms approaching me for a hug. 'Hoo! just calm down Chris, it's just a hug from a baby, what's the worst that could happen?' I think to myself as I calm down not knowing that this would lead to a long friendship with Luz that would cause me trouble for the rest of my life.