
Reincarnated in Tensura pre-demon lords era to start a religion

They were a soul in the void until given a few wishes for their next life. Turns out they might have a but of god complex and control freak tendencies as they find themselves in the era before demon lords and luminism came to be. (AN: Main character uses they/them pronouns and they can change their gender just like Guy Crimson. and yes, they are pansexual. They just don't care about gender that much.) Romantic interests: Guy Crimson, Diablo, Velzard, Velgrynd, Rain, ???? (You guys can suggest some more as well.) End game ; Guy Crimson or Diablo as I have not decided yet. (There might be some lemon but nothing too explicit. But expect some gore and disturbing scenes as mc can be quite twisted.)

ChaotikClara · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 3- No Acknowledgement

Nevaeh's POV >>

The first skill I decided to get is Magic Sense. It is an extremely useful and functional skill to have as it allows a user to perceive the surroundings in the form of magicules or magical energy. In addition to it, user can see a full 360 degree view around them, without a single blind spot and by observing the fluctuation of light and sound waves, user can even wander into complete darkness without losing ablity to see as long as they have magic sense.

And, today, I will start my learning spree by learning this functional skill.

I start to sense the magicules around me and focus on the flow of them. Soon, the magicules around me become clearer and I could see the view of my surroundings in 360 degrees, like I'm using Magic Sense. But, I never heard Voice of The World.

I decided to check my skills using data interface.

[Name : Nevaeh

Blessing : God of reincarnation (?), God of the void (?)

Race : Unknown (?)

Intrinsic skills : Creation, Reincarnation, Soul Reaping, Nothingness.

Unique Skills : Seven Sins, Conqueror, Parallel Thinking.

Unique ability : Freely change into male or female.

Common skills : Thought Communication.

Extra skills : Spatial Motion, Ultra-speed Regeneration, Magical Perception.

Resistance skills : Mental Attack Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Elemental Attack Resistance.

Nullification skills : Pain Nullification, Holy Attack Nullification, Natural Effect Nullification, Spiritual Attack Nullification, Abdominal Condition Nullification, Heat Nullification.

Magic : None.]

So, why am I using a skill when the voice of the world never gave me one?

Am I not in Tensura?

At first, I wanted to learn some more functional spells and then even start learning some magic.

But, Voice of The World isn't acknowledging me or something. While I got a skill from using them and trying to recreate its effect, I was not given by the world. I mean I got a skill in the end but this is strange.

Just to make it sure, I decided to try recreating more skill effects and see if I get a skill from voice of the world.

According to my memories, Rimuru learnt Water Blade, Water Current Control and Water Propulsion which the three of them later combine into Water Manipulation. Water Current Control should be doable but how do I go about water blade and current control?

One step at a time, I guess.

I start to find some running water to try and get some water related skills. I keep walking until I see a river in the distance.

I took off my cloak and top before going into the water.

Here goes nothing!

I mutter as I start imitating Rimuru's attempts. I know I look a bit silly but if floating around in the river will give me some kind of skills, I'd gladly take it.

After a few minutes of floating around, I can feel myself getting better at it.

When I checked my skills again, I saw Water Current Control appearing in the list.

Then, I decided to do a few more tests and find out some information to give Absolute Calculation to work with.

Firstly, I seem to be capable of creating skills by knowing the effects and how the skill works.

Secondly, the ability to create skills seems to be connected to my intrinsic skill, Creation.

Thirdly, and probably most importantly, there is a possibility that the voice of the world doesn't recognize me, meaning I can't get skills or evolve by the world's acknowledgement.

I don't know what to do if that is the case so I'm gonna need to figure this out as soon as I can.

But, to maximize the calculation I can get done, I decided to create an Artificial Intelligence as my assistant in Absolute Calculation. That way, I'll be able to run Absolute Calculation without taking my effort.

After that, I decided that it is time for a lunch break.

Wearing my top and sick ass cloak again, I decide to head back.

By using my spatial motion skill, I go back to my treehouse. As soon as I get there, I go into the kitchen to cook something. I was craving rice since this morning so I decide to cook some rice before I go upstairs and change.

I create a few packs of rice and stock them up in the kitchen before taking two cups out and putting in a pot. I then wash the rice carefully and put water in the pot. After that, I place the pot onto the stove and put a lid onto it.

Now that the rice is cooking, I decide to go upstairs and take a shower. The warm water against my skin feels so refreshing.

After shower, I put on a new set of clothes, which are just a grey hoodie and black sweat pants. Then, I return to the kitchen to cook something to eat with rice.

'How about some grilled beef?'

Yeah, that sounds great.

I nod to myself and create a pack of thinly sliced beef and some condiments to add flavor to the beef. Then, I start by grilling the thin slices of beef on the non-stick pan. I carefully grill the beef to not get it overcooked and when the beef is cooked, I set it aside. I grab a bowl and put some rice into ir. Then, I add the grilled beef on top of the rice and drizzle some yakiniku sauce onto the beef. I then garnish with some spring onions, sesame and a soft boiled egg.

I grab a spoon and start scooping the rice and beef. The flavor of yakiniku is great and the texture of the beef is soft, it melts in the mouth after a few bites while letting out all the delicious flavors. And, the rice really helps balance the flavor out.

I finish the bowl of rice in a few minutes and needless to say, there isn't a single grain of rice left.

It was too delicious.

Now, I want some desserts.

When it comes to desserts, my favorite is ice cream so I'm thinking of creating ice cream.

While I'd love to actually make ice-cream from ingredients, I don't really have time for it right now. I mean I've just finished lunch and I'm not about to wait a few hours for dessert.

So, I just use my creation to make vanilla ice cream and put a scoop of it in a nice ice cream bowl.

As I put a spoonful of ice-cream into my mouth, I'm hit with the cold, sweet and creamy taste of the vanilla ice cream. It just hits different when I'm in another world, I guess. I feel too happy right now.


A few weeks passed without much incident. Well, after I realized that I've been emitting my aura with the help of Magical Perception, I tried to tone it down with a lot of experiments. In the end, I successfully created an Extra skill, Universal Disguise, which allowed me to hide my aura, prsense and even alter my physical appearance and unique magicule signature.

I set a goal to create a skill similar to Yuki's, a negation skill that negates others' resistances and nullifications. But, I have yet to get a satisfactory result. I wasn't bothered by it as I was not in a rush. The result is what's important after all.

Another notable thing I noticed after toning down my aura is that I started to encounter some hostile monsters here and there but they were mostly weak so I had no problem killing them. I didn't even need to use other skills as Conqueror was more than enough to break the minds of those monsters.

Still, I wished I could copy some magic and skills from others. You know make use of my Seven Sins skill.

And, this leads me to my current situation. I'm about to leave this place and find a human town to collect more information and decide my future steps.

Now that I few more skills in arsenal and I'm more familiar with my own skills, I feel like I'm ready to set out to the new world.

[Name : Nevaeh

Blessing : God of reincarnation (?), God of the void (?)

Race : Unknown (?)

Intrinsic skills : Creation, Reincarnation, Soul Reaping, Nothingness.

Unique Skills : Seven Sins, Conqueror, Parallel Thinking.

Unique ability : Freely change into male or female.

Common skills : Thought Communication.

Extra skills : Spatial Motion, Ultra-speed Regeneration, Magical Perception, Water Manipulation, Universal Disguise.

Resistance skills : Mental Attack Resistance, Thermal Resistance, Physical Attack Resistance, Elemental Attack Resistance.

Nullification skills : Pain Nullification, Holy Attack Nullification, Natural Effect Nullification, Spiritual Attack Nullification, Abdominal Condition Nullification, Heat Nullification.

Magic : None.]

I still need to learn magic. I sigh as I get onto the ship I just made to cross the ocean to get to some human nation.

I am not worried about getting lost in the ocean, I mean I don't need to sleep or eat so I doubt I could actually die in the midst of nowhere. If I go in the same direction continuously, I should get to land, right?

Well, if it doesn't work out, I can always go back to my treehouse with Spatial Motion so I don't need to worry too much.

With the new resolve, I set forth.