
Reincarnated in Tensura pre-demon lords era to start a religion

They were a soul in the void until given a few wishes for their next life. Turns out they might have a but of god complex and control freak tendencies as they find themselves in the era before demon lords and luminism came to be. (AN: Main character uses they/them pronouns and they can change their gender just like Guy Crimson. and yes, they are pansexual. They just don't care about gender that much.) Romantic interests: Guy Crimson, Diablo, Velzard, Velgrynd, Rain, ???? (You guys can suggest some more as well.) End game ; Guy Crimson or Diablo as I have not decided yet. (There might be some lemon but nothing too explicit. But expect some gore and disturbing scenes as mc can be quite twisted.)

ChaotikClara · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 2- Enjoying my new life

The design I have in my mind is a two-storey treehouse which is built around a tree trunk. The house is built in a circular design with the middle being an open area for the tree and the stairs. A circling stair is built around the tree to connect the two floors and a small seating area in the open space near the stairs.

The first floor is mainly the area for guests as it contains only two rooms, which are an open kitchen-living area and a powder room. The second flior only has one room, which is a master bedroom. There will be a small balcony to enjoy a nice breeze of air on the second floor.

After thinking of the design, I start to create the treehouse. It is a big tricky and I end up using my absolute calculation to support my creation process. The end result turns out to be pretty satisfying, though so it's a win, I guess.

I also created a nice, sturdy stairs on the exterior of the treehouse, leading to only the first floor. I don't want creep people on my private bedroom area, thank you very much.

As I finish creating the house, I go up the stairs and check the interior which turns out to be empty because I didn't create any furnitures. I smack my head and start creating matching cozy furniture.

I end up creating a fireplace, a wooden dining table set and two sofas in the living area and a wooden cupboard, a wooden kitchen counter and other kitchen appliances to give the house a cozy feel.

Then, I create a fire place, a queen sized cozy bed, some wooden bookshelves, an arm chair set, a few chairs and two tables. I also end up adding a fridge, a few lamps and TV that runs on the cost of my magicules. But, they don't use up much magicules so I wouldn't have any problems leaving them on constantly.

As for the empty bookshelves, I decided to fill them up with manga books I created. Somehow, I remember all manga, books and movies I have watched or read in my previous life so I won't have any problem recreating those stuff.

I end up making a medium to upload all the movies and anime from my memories and connect that medium to the TV to be able to watch movies. It took almost the whole night but it's worth it.

Now, I can watch movies and read as much manga as I want. Maybe I can even turn some powerful characters into otakus and bribe them with manga to do my biddings.

Mn, that's a nice plan I have here.

I nod in satisfaction.


It seems that all my physical abilities are greatly enhanced along with gaining skills. I'm not even a bit tired after skipping sleep last night on working on different things. Maybe I'm not even a tiny bit of human anymore. While my race is unknown, I initially thought I resembled humans more but with my strength and physical abilities, I can't be human anymore.

Then, what am I?

I shake my head after thinking for a few minutes. I won't find an answer like this, will I?

So, I decide to go make some breakfast. I may not get hungry but I'd like to eat delicious food again. Especially those delicious food from anime, today, I will make sure I eat to my heart's satisfaction.

With the thought, I go downstairs and into the kitchen. I decide to start off with some simple breakfast. I create a dozen of eggs, a loaf of bread, some olive oil and a pack of bacon. I take three slices of bacon and start to cook them on a non-stick pan over the stove until crispy. As I wait for the bacon to be cooked, I add an egg another pan and cooked it sunny side up until the whites are cooked and a bit crispy while making sure the yolk is still runny as that's how I like my eggs. While I cook the egg and bacon, I cut a thick slice from the loaf of bread I created earlier and then place the slice of bread into the toaster and wait.

When the eggs and bacon are perfectly cooked, I place the slices of bacon underneath, put the egg onto the bacon to leave some room for bread and lettuce. I wait until the bread is toasted till golden brown and then place the toasted bread onto the other side of the plate. I finish it up with putting a small chunk of butter on the still hot toasted bread, melting it a little with the heat from the bread and adding two slices of tomato and some lettuce on the leftover space of the plate.

I then made a cup of coffee to enjoy my breakfast with. I put creamer and sugar into my coffee as I prefer it that way and place my cup of coffee beside my breakfast plate.

Just by looking at the plate of breakfast I made, my mouth starts to water.

My very first breakfast in another world!

I scoop up the egg and bacon and put them onto the bread, then took a big bite.

It is delicious!

The egg is perfectly seasoned and cooked, giving a creamy flavor while the bacon is a bit salty and crispy, which adds flavor to the egg and toasted bread. With the bread, the egg and bacon fully combines into a balanced deliciousness, making me want to devour this whole plate instantly.

I then took a sip of my coffee to finish up and cleanse my palate.

I hum in happiness because I can eat delicious food without having to pay for it.

Not having to pay for things is really nice.

I mean it costs magicules but I have a pretty enormous amount and they get refilled in a short period of time so the cost of magicules in making some food is kind of negligible.

Now that I've had my breakfast, I decide to go out for a while and hone some of my skills. If I remember correctly, I should be able to acquire some more skills by trying to use it and testing a few things out.

I walk down the stairs in style and by that, I mean I'm now in my male form and wearing a sick ass outfit with a black cloak. I leave my silver hair the same length as my female form, which is around waist length. I know, I look pretty divine.

I'm pretty thankful for being able to change genders because I can't remember what gender and what kind of person I was. So, now that I can change my gender at will, I feel like I have unlimited options for my love life. I mean if I like a guy, I can just change to a female form and if I like a girl, I can just be a male. Or if they prefer same gender, I cam stay the same gender as them. Not a problem at all.

So, yeah, unlimited options and I'm already sure I'll love my new life here.