
reincarnated in Tensura as Milim Nava's Brother

a young man reincarnated as Milim Nava's Brother what did you think it was

Joy_of_Journaling · Fantasy
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15 Chs

{Chapter 8}

{3 hour later}


I can't believe it, those jerks are going to make me take care of all of this,

"Master, may I remind you, that you are the lord of the village, and as long as the Nava's are here you are going to have to make sure the other demon Lords don't have a reason to attack the village" great sage said

Fine I guess I'll just have to roll with it

(The next day)


Me and Milim are eating the food shuna

Prepared for us,

"This is really good shuna" Milim said

"Yes I must agree with my sister, your cooking skills are very good" I said

{2 hours later}

Milim was showing me around when we Heard a commotion not that far from us, than we saw the beastketeers whatever hit Regird in the face,

Milim was getting mad and released a bit of her aura,

"D-Demon lord Milim" he said "you jurk that was my besties subordinate" she said and punched him,

Milim tarns to me and says "brother I think we need to have a chat with carrion" "agreed it seems he broke the promise but will have to be sure before we take any action" I said

Rimuru then landed not that far from us, and asked souei what was happening as he walked towards us,

He than healed Regird's face,

Milim than explained what she did as she wants to be praised, " I thought I told you and your brother to be on your best behavior" said rimuru "bu-but, he's not form your town so it doesn't count!" She said pouting, "fine, since you defend Regird I'll only take your lunch away" rimuru said

Milim than kicked the cat boy and said "this is all your fault, since I'm not able to have my lunch anyaway I might as well get some good punches in" "NO NO NO" yalled rimuru

(Scene change)

Me and Milim are sitting and eating some sandwiches, and then Mr cat boy call's rimuru a lowly slime, and I was already in a bad mood because of his attitude, so I flick a little bit of magicals at him, and he is out Cold, rimuru throws a full potion at him, and turns to me and asks *sigh* "why did you do that" "what he almost made me and Milim lose our lunch" I said with a little pout, and Milim noded "yeah he's lucky and beside no one should call my bestie lowly"


If there this upset I should only take there food when I need them to behave,

He thought with a sweat drop

{Disclaimer I do not own tensura or that time I reincarnated as a slime i only own my original character, I also don't own the artwork unless specified}