
Reincarnated In Sweet Tooth

[-A man got reincarnated into the netf**x series Sweet Tooth. Would he survive the virus or succumb to it? He didn't watch the show.-] !!This is my first time writing a story. I would rarely upload as this is just for my entertainment, and I would like to share it with you guys. I would warmly embrace any reviews or suggestions.!! I don't own anything. I only own the character that I made. English is not my first language so expect some wrong grammar and stuff.

Gamer_Gamin · TV
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 4


Vroom!* Vroom!*

I woke up alert by the sound of what seemed like a multitude of cars as I checked my surroundings through the space between the wall of sticks and leaves.

"Nothing." I said to whispered to myself.

'What attracted their attention? Is it the flame that erupted from the RV? Then why didn't they come here quickly yesterday? Why now?' I thought of many possibilities as to why. And I came into a final conclusion...

"I guess we have to go."

I then looked at Hope, who was awake, but she's not crying, just startled by the sound.

"You're one strong baby, aren't you?" I said to her, and she returned it by letting out by a groan then a horrendous smell.

"Ugh, I don't get how mom's nose is still fine after smelling this." I said as she gave me a stink eye. Then, I slowly adapted to the smell. After that, I cleaned her, changed her clothes and diaper, fed her, and then I entertained her with a sock puppet.

With her satisfied and asleep, I went out the shelter and dugged a 2 feet hole for me to throw away the used diaper. After that, I ate and changed my clothes and packed my stuff, I then picked up Hope and continued going east.

I left the shelter intact in case someone comes across it and they are lost. Though I erased any sign of the campfire, I don't want those Last Men chasing us left and right now, would we. If they did find that shelter, they would think that it's been there for like... forever.






Then I saw a cabin in the woods. So, cautiously, I went as I approached the front porch. And while approaching, I found a trip wire trap to which I went around it. 'Might be useful in the future.' I strategically thought.

As I entered the front door and saw that no one was inside, I went in and surveyed the room.

The furnitures are covered by white fabrics, bathroom is near the front door to the left, the living room, kitchen and dining area are together, a one small squared bedroom and an even smaller one probably for storage.

'It's not dusty...' I said baffled by how it's devoid of any dust whatsoever.

After that, I removed the fabric on the living room's sofa. I put Hope and my backpacks down on the sofa and cleaned the cabin.

After I cleaned the rest of the cabin and declared that the square bedroom would be Hope's. Though i would have to wait when she's older to let her sleep alone. And mine would be where the living room is to get quicker access in all the rooms.

I then sat down on the sofa and once again fed Hope, I then opened up one of my backpacks and took k

out the supplies I scavenge.

"This amount would probably last about 3 or 4 days, and that's for me as Hope is still not able to consume solid foods and for her it might not last until tomorrow as she's a heavy consumer I don't even know where all if it goes."

I picked up the canned foods and the bottled waters and put them in the unplugged fridge. And I left it open as I see no use if it is left closed. If i did close it, it would probably just make our supplies smell bad. After that, I went back and grabbed the books and pictures and the camera and put them on the shelf in the living room.

The rest I put on the top cabinet in the kitchen.

Then, I tripped because of a hole on the floor. But I managed to catch myself and not fall flat. I got up and covered up the hole with the carpet.

"I'll fix that later..." I said as I was feeling tired and once again sat down with Hope, now sleeping beside me.

" Ahhhh!! Mom, Dad, where are you..." I frustratedly said as I laid my head at the sofa's headrest. "I'm so tired. But, I have to do it for Hope. I guess I have to go on a supply run tomorrow..." I said as my eyes slowly closed till the land of z's claimed me.









I woke up, and the day started by taking care of Hope's necessities, and after that, it was my turn to take care of mine. With that finished, I picked up Hope, to which she once again clinged to my shirt tightly, and I picked up the backpack that was empty and went out.

"Oh, wait. The switch blade." And so I went back in and grapped the switch blade and went to the town. I know where it is as the 3rd sense thinkimagic is giving me a hunch on where it is.

As I strode off to the town, a sudden thought appeared. 'The townfolks probably left, right? It's been like 4 months or something when The Sick started, so they must be gone.' 'And the 3rd sense didn't react or anything, so they probably left.'

Then, Hope sought attention, and that made me forget the thought I had, and as we were walking, I spoke to Hope to exercise her vocal cords.

"Hope, say Big brother,"


"Come'on Hope, say Big... Brother..."


"Meh, close enough." I shrugged and patted Hope on the head, and she squealed in delight.

As I approached the town, I saw cars, motorcycles, some bicycles, and many more abandoned or littered in the road. Though I'm interested as to what is in-stored in those trunks, I ignored them and kept walking as the town is my main goal. I'll take a look at them next time I visit.

As the town entered my view, I saw destroyed houses and some stores that are robbed and vandalized. I entered one of the stores that is less damaged, and what greeted me is a mother load of supplies.

"Yes! There's a lot of supplies," I pumped my fist and opened up my empty bag. I then filled it with many canned foods, baby stuff, water bottles, toys that Hope might like, and some necessities for hygiene. Now, with a bag full, I closed the bag and decided to explore the town more as the time was only noon.

Of course, I gave Hope a bottle of milk, and I ate one of the canned peas that I got. As we were exploring, I couldn't help but feel calm as I listened and watched to the sound of nature.

And my mind wondered into Hope's circumstances. "She's a hybrid, yet she has more human features." I spoke aloud. "Maybe her human side is stronger than the hybrids. She'll pass as a human if, by chance, someone sees us. With her hybrid traits such as being clingy and having an abnormal strength for a child her age, I think it might be an ape, a gorilla, or something ape-like. " Before I could continue more, I saw the sun going down, so I decided to go back to the cabin.

Now, back inside the comfort of a structure called home. I organized the resources I gathered and once again fed Hope and myself. The good thing is that this cabin has a solar panel so we can have a light source when it's nighttime.

With Hope asleep, I decided to get some rest as well as this body is still a child.







A knock on the door jolted me awake. My mind is on overdrive, I grabbed my switchblade and waited...

"Mike! Is that you?" Said the stranger.

'Mike? Is it the owner of this cabin?' I gritted my teeth, and I walked up to the door with my switchblade in hand.

Slowly, I unlocked it, and it revealed two people, a black male and a white


Their eyes widened as they saw me while I remained focused, ready to take action if one wrong move is initiated by them.

"A kid?" The woman muttered as her hands covered her lips.

"Hey! Kid, what are you doing here?" Said the Black man demanding an answer.

"I found this place..." I replied with my switchblade still tightly gripped.

The woman attempted to come closer, but I raised my switchblade as a warning, and she raised her hand and stopped, and then she spoke.

"Hey... hey... it's ok were good, uhm... my names max... what about yours?" Max said in a soothing manner.

I looked at the Black Man, and Max seemed to notice what im indicating.

"Oh, and he's Lucas." She said while smiling.

"Wha! Why the hell are you telling him our name?!" Lucas said in an absurb way while pointing his finger at me.

Max then looked at him and said. "To get to know him! And make him calm as you can see..." ponting out that I'm tensed up and ready to do anything of they were to make a move aggressively. After that, Lucas stayed quiet, and Max turned to me.

"So... what's your name again?" She said with a calm smile.

I reluctantly replied, "J- Jess... my name is Jess."

Max smiled and said, "Jess... that's a beautiful name." While Lucas muttered that it sounds like a girl's name, though I didn't hear this.

"Mind if we come in?" Max said,"It's cold and dark out here..."

"Pinkies." I said, and I raised mine, and they raised their pinkies, seeing that it's all good. I decided to agree to their request, but with one condition

"Fine, you can stay... but promise me you won't hurt us." I said as they entered through the front door, and they closed it to block the cold air from entering.

"Us?" Max said, and Lucas looked confused as they could only see me.

"My baby sister." I firmly stated.


Max gasped in surprise. "You have a sister?"

"That sister of yours... she's not one of those, right?" This time, Lucas spoke.

'They probably wouldn't notice,' I thought.

Max then hit Lucas's bicep and retorted, "Hey! Those hybrids are a gift from Mother Nature!" Lucas shrunk and promptly agreed to Max."Sure, sure, honey..."

'Seems like Lucas and my dad are somewhat similar' thinking this ease my mind I put down my switchblade and I went to get Hope.

Max squealed as she saw Hope's form, though quitely. "Ahhhh! She's so cute!" While Lucas sighed.

"Can I hold her?" Mac looked at me, and after I gave her permission, she went and grabbed Hope's sleeping form and cooed her.

Meanwhile, Lucas spoke to me.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?" He said to which I quietly wreplied. "I... don't know, they just vanished." And Lucas just hummed, not asking anymore further about their whereabouts.

"How old are you?" Said Lucas questioning me to avert the earlier topic.

To which I replied, "I'm turning eleven in the four-teenth of December."

I looked at him and asked.

"Why are the two of you here?"

Lucas then replied, "We were trying to see if some of our friends were still alive. One of my friends died before... all of this, his name is Will."

'Will?.... THAT WILL?! Wait, no... maybe not. There's a lot thats name starts with Will'

"Sorry for your loss" I said to which he nodded in return.


The next chapter might be released 2 weeks or so.

Word count 1,913

Gamer_Gamincreators' thoughts