
Reincarnated In Power Rangers

MC gets reincarnated in PowerRangers 2017 version

Just_for_fun1997 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter 5

Everyone was checking out the crystals,all of them could feel some sort of connection with them.Alex knew this was not any ordinary crystal.Alex had already guessed these were related to power rangers,but he had no idea how they worked nor did he know about their history.But things got worse from their,it was like fate was playing with us.

Alex picked up sounds of sirens wirh his enhanced senses as he asked "Wait, do you hear that? It sounds like sirens..."

This got everyone attention turned to the fence and saw the sirens flashing.Kimberly spoke up"Guys we need get out of here quickly,otherwise we will be in big trouble!"

Alex quickly grabbed Kimberly arm and started to run towards their car as he told "Follow me,we can use my car to escape."all of them were able to reach the car and quickly got in.

As for Jason this was not a good thing as his injury was making him hard to run,but getting some help from Billy, he quickly opened the car and threw himself in the driver's seat and with a roar let the car come to life.Jason told Billy"Let's get out here."

A second car chase has started and it didn't look good for Jason and Billy they were lucky to avoid the cops,but not for long.

While Alex car was sailing through the tracks in mines, building in speed and energy.

Despite the velocity of the getaway,Alex was calm at the

wheel, weaving through all machinery in the mines

Kimberly and others were.laying low in their seats,feeling scared and concerned as both looked around for the police.

They trade looks as Alex saw the black & white cruiser screams the opposite way.

Alex also saw another cruiser was behind them as he break hard,which causes two cruisers to crash into each other,the two were wreake.

Alex floors it as the speed nears 70 mph,as he can still see some

Black & White like dogs were still behind with their sirens wailing.Alex floor it as hits 70 mph,then 80. Comes

Alex soon sees a chance as he swerves and hit pillar supporting a machinery causing it to fall and block the path,which leaves the Black & White in the dust and tears.

Alex holds the gas down,as sees something behind them, it was none other than Billy's car.

The police was just behind Jason who was with Billy.But things went wrong for them,Alex to lose the police decided by speeding past a high speed train,while Alex,Kimberly,Billy and Trini managed to get past the train.

While Jason,Zack and Billy were not lucky as the train smashed into the tail of the car causing it to flip.

Alex quickly stopped the car and ran to help the,it was pure luck they escaped with minor injuries as he took Billy,while Jason and Zack to his car and they escaped.

Alex allowed Trini,Kimberly and Billy to stay and rest in there house,Alex quickly brought med kid and started patching some of Billy's wounds,Billy who now slowly understood the situation as he muttered"I thought,I was going to die."

Alex slowly reassured him"You are okay,don't think too much about the accident.I will go check the girls make sure you don't rest okay."

Billy nodded as he layed down,while Alex went to check Kimberly and Trini.Both of them were in shock,on seeing Alex Kimberly asked"How is Billy?"

Alex with sigh said"He is okay for now,I was able to patch him up with best of my abilities."

Trini then whispered"We are so close to getting busted,while other three were close to getting themselves killed."

Alex nodded and replied"Yeah,thank go they only had minor injuries.All three were lucky as hell."

Kimberly with worry questioned"Do you think the cops will find out,I mean we did leave behind Billy's car."

Alex shook his head and replied"That car was something Billy built that car from 2nd hand parts,I don't think the cops will get anything out of it.So we are clear for now,we just have to lay low and keep the injuries these guys had a covered."

Trini and Kimberly nodded as Trini spoke up"I don't think the cops with investigate too much,especially if the trail goes cold.So I guess we should be fine."

All three were worried about the situation as Alex already checked it out and found out the cops had no clue about who the owner of the car was nor did they know who the people who were in the car.