
Reincarnated In Power Rangers

MC gets reincarnated in PowerRangers 2017 version

Just_for_fun1997 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter 41

Alexander leaned casually against the row of lockers, one foot crossed over the other, his eyes scanning the bustling hallway. The distant chatter of students and the sharp clang of locker doors created a lively backdrop. Kimberly stood beside him, focused on rummaging through her locker. The faint scent of her vanilla perfume wafted through the air, mixing with the scent of old textbooks. As she sifted through her belongings, her fingers brushed past a crumpled note, pausing momentarily before moving on.

Kimberly finally found her notes, pulling them free from the clutter of her locker. She turned to Alexander, her brow slightly raised with curiosity. "So, any plans for the weekend?" she asked, a hint of expectation in her voice.

Alexander hummed thoughtfully, tapping his fingers against the cool metal locker. "On Saturday, I'm helping Zack with his mom," he replied, his tone serious but calm.

Kimberly's eyes widened slightly. "Oh?" she asked, tilting her head. "Are you bringing her to the ship?"

Alexander nodded, his expression steady. "Yeah. We're planning to give her some sleeping pills, then take her to the ship. It's the only way."

Kimberly bit her lip, her gaze softening as she considered Zack's situation. She nodded slowly, her voice quieter now. "I hope Zack and his mom can finally have some peace after this," she muttered, almost to herself, as if trying to reassure herself as much as him.

As Alexander turned to talk with Kimberly, he didn't notice the teenager passing by, his long, dark brown hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. The boy had a chiseled jawline, high cheekbones, and intense brownish black eyes that hinted at a charismatic presence. His warm olive skin contrasted with the green overcoat he wore, which hung loosely over black jeans, adding to his distinctive look.

Billy approached the group just as the teen walked past, and asked, "Hey, do we have detention this week?"

Alexander shook his head, a small grin forming. "Nope, we finished early thanks to good behavior."

Billy nodded, relieved, just as Zack, Trini, and Jason joined them. Jason's eyes lit up with curiosity. "So, do you guys want to hang out tonight?"

Billy quickly jumped in, "I'm in. Alexander and I have been working nonstop these past weeks. We could use a break."

Zack, however, seemed distracted, a hint of anxiety in his eyes as he leaned closer to Alexander and whispered, "So, did you finish the medical pod?"

Alexander nodded, his voice calm and reassuring. "Don't worry. We just need to run one small test, and then we're good to go. We can heal your mom this week."

Zack visibly relaxed, the tension easing from his shoulders. Trini noticed and offered a comforting smile, whispering, "Everything's going to be fine, Zack."

Zack nodded gratefully, and Kimberly, seeing everyone in agreement, chimed in, "Sounds like a plan. We could hang out at the Mines again."

Alexander's eyes lit up with excitement. "I know an interesting spot there."

Jason grinned. "Great, I'll bring the drinks. You guys take care of the snacks and stuff."

With that, everyone nodded in agreement, the anticipation of the evening's plans.

In the cold, vast expanse of space, Rita Repulsa's frozen form drifted silently toward the moon, encased in a crystalline prison. Her body was immobilized, but her mind was still sharp, seething with rage. Despite her predicament, she could sense the faint pulse of her Power Coin, its energy resonating with hers. Even in her frozen state, she could channel a sliver of her power, sending it across the cosmos to her chosen successor.

Inwardly, she seethed, her mental voice echoing through the icy void. "Those pesky kids ruined everything!" The words were laced with fury, each syllable a bitter reminder of her failure at the hands of the Power Rangers.

The thought of Lord Zedd crossed her mind, sending a shiver of dread through her consciousness. If he discovered her latest defeat, there would be no end to his wrath. She could almost feel his cold, calculating gaze, judging her from afar.

"He mustn't know… he mustn't find out," she thought, her anger momentarily replaced by a flicker of fear. Yet, even as she drifted closer to the lunar surface, Rita clung to one last hope: that her successor would succeed where she had failed.

And perhaps, one day, she would have her revenge.

Rita's fury burned hotter than the stars around her as she drifted helplessly through space. "Those meddling Rangers may have defeated me, but they haven't seen the last of Rita Repulsa," she thought, her anger simmering beneath the frozen exterior. A twisted smirk almost formed on her lips as she remembered the contingency she had prepared.

"I've already set up the Goldar clone," she mused, satisfaction mingling with her rage. "Ready and waiting for this very moment. It seems my foresight will pay off after all." The thought of her loyal, hulking warrior resurrected brought her a cruel sense of satisfaction. The Rangers might have won this round, but they were far from safe.

Suddenly, a new plan began to take shape in her mind, dark and insidious. Her eyes, though locked in place, glowed an eerie green as the thought took hold. "If I can't be there myself, I can channel my power through the Power Coin… I can manipulate my successor from afar."

Her mind buzzed with dark possibilities. Through the Power Coin, she could whisper her commands, guide their actions, and twist their will to serve her own. Her successor would be nothing more than a puppet—an extension of her wrath.

Deep within a shadowy, caved-in location beneath the streets of Angel Grove, the air grew thick with the scent of molten metal. A golden liquid began to seep from cracks in the ground, pooling together in the center of the cavern. It bubbled and churned, taking on a life of its own as it slowly began to rise. The molten gold twisted and reshaped itself, gradually solidifying into a familiar, sinister form.

But this Goldar was different.

Unlike the hulking giant that once terrorized the Power Rangers, this version was smaller, human-sized, yet still radiating the same menacing presence. His armor gleamed darkly in the dim light, every edge sharp and purposeful. As the final droplets of gold solidified into place, Goldar's eyes flared open, glowing with an eerie red light.

He was kneeling, his massive wings folded tightly against his back, as if he had just been summoned from the depths. Slowly, deliberately, he rose to his feet, the sound of creaking metal echoing through the cavern.

His gaze was focused, his purpose clear.

"I will bring you back, my Lady Rita," he vowed, his voice deep and reverberating with dark resolve. There was no doubt in his tone, only a fierce determination to fulfill his mission. This Goldar was not a mere servant—he was a warrior with a single goal: to restore his fallen mistress to her former glory.

As he stood tall, his eyes scanned the darkness, already plotting the steps needed to achieve his mission. Rita Repulsa would return, and the Power Rangers would once again face the wrath of their most relentless foes.