
Reincarnated In Power Rangers

MC gets reincarnated in PowerRangers 2017 version

Just_for_fun1997 · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter 35

Rangers controlled the megazord and seeing Alexander slowly pushing Rita towards them, Kimberly called out" I want to punch her in the face."

Jason replies,"Go for it."

As Rita reeled from the onslaught, Alexander seized the opportunity to deliver one final, decisive blow. With a powerful kick, he sent Goldar hurtling through the air, directly towards the waiting Megazord, who was ready for Rita.

As Goldar with Rita stood up, the Megazord's fist crashed into the side of Goldar's face and knocked him flat.

"I want to punch her too!" Trini guided the Megazord's hand through a sweeping roundhouse. It made an awesome crash on Goldar's head. Goldar stumbled, crushing much of Angel Grove's waterfront boardwalk.

As the battle reached its climax, exhilaration surged through the Rangers as they worked together to overwhelm their formidable foe. Billy's excitement was palpable as he reveled in the thrill of the fight.

"Oh, that was so cool!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and excitement. "I wish I had an arm!"

With a determined flick of his leg, Billy activated his Zord's appendage, delivering a powerful blow that sent Goldar staggering backward. Zack echoed Billy's sentiment with equal enthusiasm.

"Me too!" he shouted, his voice ringing out with exhilaration as he joined in the fray, delivering a punishing kick that pushed Goldar even further back.

Alexander smiled and joined in from the other side, fist crashed into the side of Goldar's face and once again knocking him flat.

Meanwhile, Rita found herself unable to defend against the relentless onslaught from both sides, her defenses crumbling under the combined might of the Rangers' attacks.

"Remember the Pit?" Alexander called out, his voice filled with determination.

"Yeah!" Zack replied, a grin spreading across his face as the memory of their past victory fueled their resolve.

With a shared understanding, the Rangers sprang into action, each knowing their role in the upcoming maneuver. Jason's smile spoke volumes as he embraced the plan wholeheartedly.

"Let's do it," he declared, his voice brimming with confidence and determination.

"I will draw her to me," Alexader declared, his words carrying across the battlefield with unwavering determination.

As Goldar charged towards him once more, Alexander met him head-on, his White Tiger Zord moving with speed and agility as he launched a powerful strike at his opponent's midsection. The impact staggered Goldar, momentarily throwing him off balance as Alexander seized control of the battle.

Meanwhile, the Megazord moved with stealth and precision, silently closing in on the distracted foe from behind. With a swift and coordinated maneuver, it lifted Goldar high into the air, its massive form dwarfing the enemy as it prepared to deliver the final, decisive blow.

Then, with a thunderous crash, the Megazord brought Goldar hurtling back to the earth with bone-shaking force. The ground trembled beneath the impact as Goldar was slammed into the ground.

"Stomp him!" Zack said, and they did, pounding on the golden monster until he started to go limp.

The Megazord picked up Goldar and shook him, flinging molten gold into the harbor.

"Kim, Trini!" Jason called out. "Move back the arms! We've got swords!"

With that, the Megazord unclipped the wings on its back that became two awesome swords.

While Alexander also drew his zord Saber and pointed at Rita.

"Wait!" Rita Repulsa's voice cut through the chaos as the Megazord plunged its sword through Goldar's chest, pinning him to the ground.

The Megazord loomed over the defeated Goldar as Rita emerged from his chest onto his hand. Molten gold dripped and streamed from her. Goldar could barely hold her up. She looked up at him, sad that he was hurting.

"Look at me." Rita turned to the Rangers. "You think you've won?"

The Power Rangers and Alex said nothing.

Rita pulled her coin from the head of her staff. "I came for the Crystal. Others will come! What you have? It can't last! You know I'm right!"

"I don't know," Alex said. Again, he wondered what the whole story was between her and Zordon. "But for now, I need you to give your staff and your coin to us. We will take you to Zordon and let him be the judge."

The mention of Zordon's name transformed Rita's expression to pure malice. "Zordon, judge me?" she said, her voice a hiss. "Never. No matter what Zordon says . . . I know I am worthy."

She thrust her staff toward the morphing energy that swirled in the Megazord's torso—but she was too slow.

The Megazord reeled back a giant hand and, with all its power, batted her away. The force of the blow was enough to launch Rita into space.

"Did you just slap her?" Billy asked, not believing what had just happened. "I did," Kimberly replied. "Weird, right?"

While Rita was flung away she cursed thr Ranger and threw her green Ranger coin in the direction of Angel Grove, she internally smirked and thought,"You think, you won. But this is just the beginning."

The green coin was tainted with Rita's magic, thus the one who takes it will be under her control.

As she disappeared, Goldar sank to the ground. His form melted back into a thousand streams of molten gold that split into tinier and tinier rivulets. These sank into the ground and disappeared. In seconds, it was as if Goldar and Rita Repulsa had never existed. The Rangers looked out over the town of Angel Grove. The brilliant shaft of light from the Zeo Crystal still shone up out of the ground. They had saved it. Maybe they had saved a lot more than that. People emerged from hiding and began to surround the Megazord.

As Billy's fingers danced over the controls, he flashed a grin. "That's cool," he quipped, attempting humor amid the tension. "I guess the bully... you guys don't get it's the... I got it, buddy."

A collective sigh of relief swept through the cockpit, Billy's shoulders visibly relaxing. "Oh, that was scary," he admitted, his voice tinged with lingering adrenaline. "We did it," he declared, a mix of triumph and disbelief evident in his tone.

The Rangers in their cockpits looked out at the people, who cheered and took photographs.

Peering out through the cockpit, Billy spotted a familiar figure among the gathering crowd. "Is that Principal Feig?" he wondered aloud, his hand lifting in an uncertain wave. "Hey. No, I... I don't think he can see me," he murmured, the realization sinking in.

With a playful spark in his eyes, Billy manipulated the toggles with finesse, causing the Zord to move in a playful, almost dance-like manner. "Let's wiggle, Jason," he exclaimed, his voice laced with exhilaration. "I call this the algebra. Woo!"

Kimberly's laughter filled the cockpit as she watched Billy's antics, her amusement evident. "How do you even do that?" she asked incredulously, her gaze bouncing between Billy and the controls with a mixture of admiration and amusement.

"I told you we'd be famous," Zack said as the Rangers celebrated.

Alexander smiled and muttered,"This is just the beginning."

[A/N: So next is about Alex visiting his master, Also Tommy won't arriving for a while. Also last love interestis Tori Hansen]