
Reincarnated in MHA with All For One

A Renowned Mercenary in his world got tricked by a client he has been working with for years and has died at his hand's but instead of dying he appears in a all white space and meets God? A/N:No I don't own the MHA verse or any minor references of some movies here and there

Aswin_Shrestha · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Endeavor's Agency


Kazuma woke up, turned off the alarm and did his daily routine of 100 pushups, 100 situps, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run, after that he returned home, washed up and ate breakfast.

After that Kazuma went to the backyard of his house and started practicing his fighting techniques to get used to his current 4 yr old body.

"Hey Kazuma! Get ready for day after tomorrow since it is your Quirk Celebration Party every one of your relative's are gonna be here"-Dad

"Alright dad"-Kazuma

"Anyway's i'm gonna go to my hero agency for work tell mom that i went after she wakes up!"-Dad

"I know he is a hero but what hero agency is he from? He has never told me that."-Kazuma thought to himself


"Yes what do you need?"-Dad

"Hey Dad Just out of curiosity but what hero agency do you work for?"-Kazuma

"Hahaha are you admiring your dad son, hahahahaha I work for the esteemed Endeavor's agency"-Dad

A/N:Just go with it guys.

"That's why I never want to ask him questions! but Endeavor's agency huh? that's actually pretty impressive"-Kazuma thought to himself

"Then can I go with you today dad?"-Kazuma

"Why are so interested in this so suddenly?"-Dad

"Well because he is the number 2 hero"-Kazuma decided to give him the NPC answer

"Well I guess I can take you but no messing around,He hates that and you must return at 1 o'clock"-Dad

"Okay Dad!"-Kazuma

"Nice! this is the first time I will be able to interact with some actual top-tier heroes, I can't wait!"-Kazuma thought to himself as he got into his dad's car

*At Endeavor's Hero Agency*

"Woah! This looks like a normal fucking office building, I thought it was gonna be some Avengers HQ bullshit!"-Kazuma thought to himself

"This is the agency son! What do you think? Isn't it cool!"-Dad

"Yeah, yeah it;s cool, i guess, maybe so, it could be"-Kazuma trying to act as excited as he could

"Why do you look like you're not impressed at all?"-Dad

"Haha.....ha What do you mean...i'm totally impressed.....The...umm..the lights...are....umm....pretty bright....i.....guess...maybe....haha"-Bro is trying harder than when he escaped the special forces to sound excited about this.

"That's not convinc- Oh! Sir Endeavor is here! Greet him son"-Dad

"Good Morning! Sir Endeavor!"-Dad said as he bowed slightly

"Good Morning! Sir"-Kazuma

"Enough with the introduction's who's the kid?"-Endeavor

"Oh! The kid, he's my son, he wanted to come to my workplace today, So i decided to let him come"-Dad

After what dad said Endeavor started to glare at Kazuma

"What the Fuck!? Why is he staring at me!? Is he a child predator or something!? Even i wouldn't do such forbidden things to a child!"-Kazuma thought to himself as he glared back at Endeavor.

"Okay! but don't let the kid mess around"-Endeavor said sternly

"Ok! Sir i will make sure he doesn't mess around inside the agency"-Dad

"Good!"-Endeavor said sternly before he left

"That's Sir Endeavor! The leader of this Hero Agency and the number 2 hero, What do you think?Pretty Overwhelming right!"-Dad

"He's a.....child...predator and a domestic abuser but I can't really say that to him now can I"-Kazuma thought to himself

"Yeah he's pretty impressive"-Kazuma

"Hey! Shinto! Come here"-Receptionist

"Yes what is it for?"-Shinto said as he walked towards the receptionist"-Dad

"You have another job"-Receptionist

"Really? What is it this time?"-Dad

"Some Villains have been running around causing problems in the city, shouldn't be something too big so don't worry too much, They need you to check their location through cctv's and one of them is a technology based hero according to our intel so you'll be responsible for fighting him. You'll be doing this mission with [Insert Random Side Character Hero Here] further information is in the file"-The Receptionist said as she handed dad a file.

"Seems like i'm on a mission again, I just can't seem to avoid these, difficult, complex, high-stakes, epic missions!"-Dad said boastfully

"Bro he's acting like he's going to take out All for One or something"-Kazuma thought to himself

"Hey Shinto! Come here, We are about to get a briefing for the mission"-The random side character hero who's going to the mission with Dad said.

"Okay Coming! It seems like your Dad has to go to the briefing for the mission, wait for me here and don't mess around"-Dad

Did he mess around? I mean he was one of the best mercenaries in his Past-Life, he would surely have the patience and attention span to not mess around and attract unwanted attention right?

I think you guy's know where this is going so let's get to the point, He is in front of Midoriya right now.

How? Well let's rewind time.

*1 hour ago*

"What the fuck is taking him so long! Are they trying to figure out how to make infinite energy in there or something!? Nah, fuck this I'm too fucking bored to do this shit any longer"-Kazuma said that as he left.

Yes he is officially gone, One of the best mercenaries in the world couldn't sit in one place for like two hour's he had one job but now he is gone, join us in the next episode of Adventures of Kazuma.