
Reincarnated In Mahabharat with Seven Deadly Sins System

Greek × Indian × Norse mythology) This is the journey of a man from the end of Kaliyug, named Aryan, who got Lord Vishnu's boon and survived the end of the world by reincarnating to Mahabharat period in a parallel universe with a seven deadly sins system. Now Aryan has to navigate in this dangerous world, all the while trying to figure out how to use this system of his to gain the seven abilities from the famous anime seven deadly sins. May be this time, the ending will be slightly different with the addition of a man from Kaliyug into Dwaparyug? But wait, why are there Greek gods and Norse gods in this world too? A total of three Pantheons? Follow Aryan on his journey and see what different choices he will make and how are they going to change the bigger picture? * [ Those who don't know the story of Mahabharat can also read. I have tried my best to make you understand everything. ] [ PS - This is only for entertainment purpose and I don't want to hurt anyone's beliefs and religion. So if you have any problems with these then please don't read further. ] * I'll try to make 5 chaps / week, unless something urgent comes up like exams and all. *********************** Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters, along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Movies
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92 Chs

A powerful opponent!

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself first? "

Aryan retorted with a smile.

"I am Harman, the champion of Haephestus and this here is Cynthia, Aphrodite's champion. Now state your names and purpose warriors. "

Harman said calmly.

Seeing him respond so calmly, Aryan understood that although this guy looked like a brute but he very intelligent.

"I am Aryan Bahubali, King of Udra and these are my queens Bhanumati, Dushala and Subhadra. As for my purpose, of course it's to deal with you guys. "

"Just you? What's a king doing out here with his queens instead of his army? "

Cynthia said mockingly.

"Hmph, slut. "

Dushala cursed in her heart.

"I don't need an army to deal with you guys. So now that introductions are out of the way, so let's get to the fighting part. "

Aryan said with a dangerous smile.

"Hey Aryan, leave that pink haired slut to us. We'll show her the strength of Udra's queens."

Dushala said eagerly and unsheathed her swords.

The tension in the air was palpable as Aryan and his companions faced Harman, the champion of Haephestus, and Cynthia, the champion of Aphrodite. The fortress, once held by Yavana, was now under the control of the Greek gods' champions.

Aryan maintained his confident demeanor, unfazed by the apparent disadvantage in numbers.

As the atmosphere crackled with impending conflict, Harman spoke with a hint of curiosity. "A king and his queens challenging us directly? This is my first time. That Yavan's prince was nothing but show. I wonder if you're any different. Let's see if you can live up to the challenge."

Cynthia, with a mocking smile, added, "You'll regret underestimating us, mortal."

Aryan, undeterred, signaled to Dushala, Bhanumati, and Subhadra. "Alright, let's each handle our opponents. Stay vigilant, and don't underestimate them."

The battlefield erupted into action.

* bang *

Harman, though burly, showcased remarkable agility and jumped down from the fortress wall, landing in front of Aryan.

On the other side Dushala, Bhanumati, and Subhadra faced off against Cynthia, who wielded a barbed whip like weapon.

In the meantime Aryan called upon the system to assess the opponent's attributes.


NAME: Harman


• Strength = A

• Agility = A

• Physique = A


"Hmm? This guy is way weaker than that Herodius in terms of attributes?"

Aryan murmured curiously.

But the next second he dismissed this thought.

Because, as soon as the man in front of his eyes pressed a button on his chest, a golden - black full body armor slowly assembled on his body reminding him of Iron Man.

The armour seemingly grew out of his skin, just like Karna's armor.

* swish *

The next moment, Harman disappeared from his place and appeared on Aryan's left side. And as he punched out, three claws grew out of his armor on his fist.

* bam *

Aryan simply raised his hand to catch him by the wrist and neutralizing his punch easily.

"You know Harman, this attack of yours is indeed pretty good but unfortunately for you, it's almost noon. "

Aryan replied with a smile.

"Huh? What are you talking ab...booom"

Without explaining anything, Aryan simply hurled him back as he crashed into the castle wall and threw a few fireballs at him.

* boom *

But the next second, the golden figure slowly rose up from the rubble, completely unscathed.

"Now this is a little intimidating. "

Aryan's expression finally turned serious.

Till now he had an easy going attitude towards this whole thing but now, he had no choice but to take things seriously. Because the fireballs or 'miniature suns' he just threw at Harman were enough to kill people even stronger than him if met head on.

And Aryan was one hundred percent sure that those attacks definitely landed on his body. But here he is, standing as if he's completely unscathed.

For a second, Aryan started to wonder if this guy's armor is the same as Karna's armor, making him invincible to any attacks.

Meanwhile Harman walked out of the rubble with a few clanking sounds and slowly walked towards Aryan.

"Although I don't understand what you meant by saying it's going to be noon soon but I doubt that you'll be able to see it. "


A golden energy beam erupted from Harman's chest and rushed straight towards Aryan.

"Eighth Form: Pollen Garden! "

Aryan instinctively summoned a barrier using Moksha's ability.

* boom * * crack *

But to his surprise, just after a second of contact, multiple cracks started to appear on the barrier and before he could react, the barrier crumbled like a mirror and the beam headed straight for Aryan's heart.

In that moment, Aryan's instincts screamed danger at him like a blaring alarm. Without any thought, he directly activated the divine spear Moksha's true form.

"Moksha - Ananatam Aparimita Vikara - True Spirit Form Activate! "

The spear started glowing brightly as it's size increased by a few times and beautiful intricate engravings appeared on the rod.

This is the complete form of Moksha which can be achieved only when Aryan draws out the true power of the divine spear. Now although it can multiply his power exponentially but the burden it puts on him is so great that his body cannot physically sustain the immense power and he is left exhausted and wounded.

The only way he can use it without facing any repercussions is if all his attributes are above S level. And fortunately for Aryan, his current attributes are already above S level thanks to his Sunshine ability.

"True Spirit - Form Six: Yggdra Cloth! "

Immediately afterwards, Moksha wrapped itself around Aryan's body in the form of an armor equipped with large gauntlets with long blades on the forearms.

Although it seemed like a long time but it all happened in less than a second. And by the time the beam reached Aryan, he was already completely donned in his armor.

"Helios Fair! "

This is a technique which, after concentrating the power of the Sun from within his body into his fist allows Aryan to perform a punch that shoot a torrent of fire.

And this ability was further enhanced by the Ygdrra armor on his body.

* boom *

A loud explosion occurred when his punch met the oncoming beam of light. And after a little struggle, Aryan easily destroyed the beam and his punch approached Harman unabated.

* bang *

Once again, the punch landed on Harman's chest head on. But he didn't even budge from his place. And Aryan felt as if he was punching in cotton, because all his power seemed to be absorbed in a marsh.

"Ah, I get it now. Aside from boosting your stats, your armour has the ability to absorb all the damage inflicted on it and reflect it back on the opponent in the form of that golden beam of yours. Am I right or am I right? "

Aryan said with a look of realization on his face.

"Well, well, well, you're right indeed. And as a reward, enjoy this! "

With that, Harman raised his hand and shot another golden beam at Aryan, reflecting all the damage from the punch just now.

* Boom *

Aryan was immediately blasted away into the distance and a large number of trees were broken down in the process.

"Aryan! "

Bhanumati, Dushala and Subhadra who were fighting with Cynthia immediately looked towards this side in worry.

"Hmph, how dare you guys be distracted while fighting with me? "

Cynthia snorted coldly and flinged her whip towards Dushala who was closest to her.



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