
Reincarnated In Mahabharat with Seven Deadly Sins System

Greek × Indian × Norse mythology) This is the journey of a man from the end of Kaliyug, named Aryan, who got Lord Vishnu's boon and survived the end of the world by reincarnating to Mahabharat period in a parallel universe with a seven deadly sins system. Now Aryan has to navigate in this dangerous world, all the while trying to figure out how to use this system of his to gain the seven abilities from the famous anime seven deadly sins. May be this time, the ending will be slightly different with the addition of a man from Kaliyug into Dwaparyug? But wait, why are there Greek gods and Norse gods in this world too? A total of three Pantheons? Follow Aryan on his journey and see what different choices he will make and how are they going to change the bigger picture? * [ Those who don't know the story of Mahabharat can also read. I have tried my best to make you understand everything. ] [ PS - This is only for entertainment purpose and I don't want to hurt anyone's beliefs and religion. So if you have any problems with these then please don't read further. ] * I'll try to make 5 chaps / week, unless something urgent comes up like exams and all. *********************** Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters, along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

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102 Chs

40) Wake up call

But then Aryan couldn't understand why Kalyavan was here instead of kidnapping Subhadra. Just when he was confused and couldn't figure out what was happening here, Aryan guessed something. 

"Wait a second. May be Kalyavan did kidnap Subhadra. But instead of waiting there for Krishna to arrive like in the original plot, after he received Jarasandha's distress call, Kalyavan brought Subhadra here with him and then successfully rescued his friend Jarasandha which led to the current situation.

Fuck, although it's just my guess but I have a very strong feeling that this is what must have happened. Looks like my reincarnation has slowly started to change the plot and I can now no longer rely solely on him future plot knowledge. "

Aryan's realization that the events in this world might be deviating from the original Mahabharata timeline was a wake up call for him.

He understood that due to his reincarnation, things might not always align with the established course of events. This revelation introduced a level of unpredictability and uncertainty that he hadn't encountered before.

As he continued to ponder the situation, he turned his attention back to Karna. It was clear that dealing with Kalyavan and the alliance between Magadh and Yavana required a careful and strategic approach.

"Karna, immediately gather a small troop of best soldiers. We'll attack Magadh's army camp at night, exactly two hours hours from now." Aryan said solemnly,

"The plan is also pretty simple. While you congress Jarasandha and try to capture him once again, I will handle Kalyavan. "

Aryan's decision to take swift and decisive action in the face of uncertainty showcased his leadership and adaptability in the midst of changing circumstances. He knew that confronting Jarasandha and Kalyavan directly would be a challenging task, but he also understood the importance of taking the initiative in such a situation. 

As Karna began preparations for the nighttime assault on Magadh's army camp, Aryan turned his attention to his own readiness. He inspected his divine weapons, Spirit Spear Moksha and Divine Bow Vasna, making sure they were in perfect condition.

Additionally, he mentally reviewed the abilities granted by the Sins, particularly the recently acquired Sin of Lust - Invasion, understanding that it might play a crucial role in their upcoming battle.

Against an enemy that cannot be defeated or killed in battle, an elusive ability like Invasion might work wonders. 

With every passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker. As the hours passed and the night drew near, Aryan and Karna, along with their elite soldiers, left their own camp and approached Magadh's army camp. 

Before departing, Aryan used his newly acquired abilities to create a force field around their group so that anyone who sees here from outside will only see a herd of cows travelling and not humans. This was basically done by deceiving their minds. 

Aryan's clever use of his newly acquired ability, Invasion, to create an illusion of a herd of cows traveling instead of their group of soldiers was a strategic move that would help them approach Magadh's army camp unnoticed.

As they approached the enemy camp under the guise of a herd of cows, Aryan couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation. The success of their mission hinged on capturing Jarasandha and dealing with the formidable Kalyavan. The uncertainty of the outcome loomed over them, but they remained resolute.

The night was dark, and the sounds of the forest surrounded them as they neared their destination. Aryan and Karna exchanged glances as the Magadh's army camy camp appeared in front of them. 

"This is far as we can go. Any closer and our disguise can be seen through. After all, it's highly unusual for even a herd of cows to boldly approach the army in the middle of the night on the battlefield.

So from here onwards, only Karna and me will enter the camp secretly. Meanwhile you guys will take action only after you have received the signal. "

Aryan briefly explained the plan to everyone and everyone nodded back to show that they understood. 

Subsequently, as the soldiers spread out in the forest to hide their tracks, Aryan retracted his illusion domain and only concentrated it to focus Karna and himself. 

The two of them approached the entrance casually, now disguised as Magadh's soldiers and easily got the entry. 

Before long, they located Jarasandha's tent as it was located in the center of the camp and was the most heavily guarded. 

As for the reason why nobody doubted their erratic movements, it was thanks to Aryan's ability Invasion which was faintly confusing the soldiers m8nd around him. 

As long as they don't do something too outrageous they won't suspect them at all. 

But as Karna was ready to start the attack, Aryan stopped him timely. He still wanted to confirm if his previous guess was correct and whether Subhadra was here or not as a captive. 

Silently, Aryan signaled to Karna to wait a moment, and they both carefully observed the surroundings.

Aryan's clever use of his newly acquired ability, Invasion, allowed him to approach a guard without raising suspicion.

To the casual observer, it appeared as if he was simply greeting a fellow soldier. However, in reality, Aryan had a much more covert agenda in mind.

As he extended his hand toward the guard, Aryan activated the Invasion ability and initiated a technique known as "Searchlight." This technique allowed him to fire a small, subtle light arrow from the tip of his finger, which had the unique ability to invade the thoughts and memories of anyone it struck.

The arrow found its mark, striking the guard's forehead almost imperceptibly. To the guard, it may have felt like nothing more than a casual handshake. However, the effects of the Searchlight technique were far from ordinary.

Aryan now had access to the guard's thoughts and memories. With careful concentration, he began to sift through the information contained within the guard's mind, searching for any traces of Subhadra's presence in the nearby tents. 

As Aryan delved into the guard's thoughts, he immediately found Subhadra's information. 

"Bingo! Looks like my guess was spot on. He really kidnapped Subhadra and brought her here. May be aside from rescuing Jarasandha out of friendship, he wants to group up with him and fight Krishna together when he comes to save his sister. "

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