
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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92 Chs

Slytherin Pendent

The night passed quickly, and the day arrived. Compared to the calmness in the Drakul House, the Greengrass Manor had been quite busy today. House-elves, maids, and butlers were doing their best to clean and decorate the manor as the youngest princess of the Greengrass celebrated her 11th birthday today.

In the last two years, the Greengrass family had seen exponential growth due to no interference in their trade networks by other lords. Their net worth had surpassed the Malfoys', making them the number one producers and sellers of herbs worldwide. Many families and businesses tried to protest or damage their products, but that didn't last long due to political pressure from the British government and its allies.

This party was going to be one of the biggest political events of the year. Both Greengrass princesses had not been engaged to anyone, offering opportunities for people to make connections with a prospering house.

Lady Leana Greengrass, a beautiful witch, had refused all offers of remarriage after the death of her husband, instead focusing on strengthening the house. Daphne Greengrass, said to be a beauty like her mother, was also a talented witch. She had received outstanding marks in potions in her first-year class, though some attributed it to Snape's bias towards Slytherin.

Astoria Greengrass, rumored to be sick due to the family's blood curse, suddenly seemed better, with a changed hair color, sparking more curiosity toward the family.

The success of the Greengrass family had placed them in the middle of a political dilemma, having broken the delicate balance between the light and dark sides. They had withdrawn from the neutral faction as well, with their only known alliance being with the Davis family, they survived thanks to Greengrass's protection during the first war.

Both factions sought favors from them, but due to the Malfoys' initial attempt to force Lady Greengrass into an alliance, hopes for success were diminished.

The most interesting part of the party would be the "talks," as Lord Parkinson was still missing, and two purebloods were murdered in the Muggle world. Two Death Eaters were roaming free, causing people to demand security and assurance, making the gathering more crucial for some.

[Leana Greengrass's POV]

This situation was spiraling out of control. The disappearance of Lord Parkinson had heightened my concerns. He was a prominent Death Eater, a despicable man, but still a notable figure in the British wizarding world. Who could have orchestrated this?

I had only two obvious suspects. I needed to ensure today's security was flawless. I had hired goblins to ensure everything was in order: wards, enchantments, everything had to be perfect.

Tori was on edge as the party approached. She had visited Diagon Alley seven times to buy clothes, transforming into a spoiled noble girl. She wouldn't heed my advice; I had to remind her to behave like a proper noble lady at the party.

She protested, but finally acquiesced, not wanting to shame the house. After that, I had to deal with Daph, who was still upset with me.

Honestly, this girl was more troublesome than little pixie. She had suppressed her feelings due to that damned Occlumency. She deeply admired the boy, but she didn't know that. Reading my letter caused her more pain. What to do? Only he can handle her. I have to talk to him about this. I can't bear to see my girl hurt.

I entered the birthday girl's room and admired her attire. She was getting ready for the party, and it was already 6 PM. People would start arriving at 7:30, so we still had some time.

She wore a pink dress with a silver necklace chain and pendant, along with a silver tiara adorned with light blue sapphires. She looked adorable, my little angel. I hugged her.

She returned the hug. "Happy Birthday, princess. You look really cute," I said.

"Thank you, mother," she replied.

I noticed the locket and couldn't recall buying it. The pendant looked expensive. Where did she get it?

"Tori, where did you get that pendant?" She looked confused and glanced at the pendant.

Her eyes sparkled. Oh, I know where she got it now, only one person's gift could bring such light in her eyes.

"Mom, I found it beside my bed this morning. He gave it to me as a gift. Look, it's so beautiful," she exclaimed with joy.

"It does look beautiful, sweetheart. You must thank him for this gift," I said, nodding.

I gently held her head to prevent her from hurting her neck due to excessive nodding.

"Mom, he also told me it's enchanted and can protect me from dangerous spells and objects twenty times," she said nonchalantly.

What? How? Wait!

"You! Show me the letter," I demanded.

Seeing my expression, she ran and brought the letter.

I read the contents of the letter, and it was one of the most surprising letters I had ever read.

The locket belonged to Salazar Slytherin – SLYTHERIN. It was then enchanted by Nicholas Flamel with the Philosopher's Stone, and finally, he used his magic to enhance the durability and life of the pendant.

I could feel my hands shaking. This pendant could easily cause war between noble Houses, and that boy just gave it as a gift!

I looked at Tori, who appeared confused. "What happened, Mom?"

Should we keep this? No, we can't return a gift from a noble family. I bend down and pinch her cheeks. "Always wear this pendant and don't tell anyone anything about it, alright?" She nodded again.

Nope, she will definitely brag about it to her friends. "If you tell anyone about this, he would get in trouble."

Hearing this, her joyful expression changes as she seriously nodded and said, "Nobody will know, Mom."

Good, my daughter doesn't listen to me anymore unless it involved him.

[POV end]

[Agustus POV]

"You all look gorgeous," I said, looking at the lovely ladies in front of me.

Dora was stunning in a beautiful dark green dress, complemented by her hair color, a shade darker green. She looked amazing, not needing any makeup.

Narcissa wore a tight red dress, along with matching lipstick. If we didn't have to attend this party, I wouldn't have let her sleep tonight.

'I could still do it,' I thought, a grin creeping onto my face. Seeing my expression, she blushed and bit her lower lip, knowing my thoughts.

Bella opted for a classic black dress, which accentuated her stunning figure. With her long legs and curves, she was sure to be the most beautiful woman at the party.

Aunty Andromeda looked beautiful in a dark brown dress, appearing both youthful and elegant.

"Thank you, husband. You look dashing too. How about we postpone going to the party a little?" Narcissa suggested, tempting me.

Aunty glared at her and said, "Stop it, sister. We don't have time for your antics."

Innocent Bella and Dora blushed as their thoughts ran wild. I smirk like a wolf looking at their cute faces.

Edward wasn't attending the party due to his busy schedule with cases. His law firm had gained numerous clients, and he now led a team of lawyers, handling cases worldwide. He had become a well-respected lawyer.

We were ready to leave for the party, opting not to take a carriage due to the hassle it entailed. I had learned from past mistakes of pretending to be noble for the sake of appearances. I preferred to enjoy time with my family rather than adhere to meaningless traditions.

'What about your family's reputation?'one might ask. I dared anyone to speak ill of the Peverell or my other families; they knew better than that.

what do you think it was the peverell name that saved me from these hungry snakes? No it was power. The show I gave at the great hall was one of the reasons, other was money, but now it was all power or nothing.

Dumbledore had written me about recent killings, old goat was anxious and was asking me about the killers identity, he wanted peace in the world his ideals and morals didn't aligned with ruthless violence like this, I shut him up by saying about revival of Ariana, and it was safe to say even if the world forced him to find out about these murderes he wouldn't go.

These murderes were also the reason the party would be interesting, I was already expecting some trouble as seeing the conditions of the world, many lords will try to make connections with me or with Greengrass family, I just wanted to see their reactions to the news.

Having already informed Lady Greengrass of our arrival, it posed no problem. Seeing everyone ready, I apparated us all to Greengrass Manor's guest room.

[POV end]


Shit. City lost the game after playing so well!!!.

Seeya tomorrow. 1500 words.