
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Book&Literature
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92 Chs

Party I

The Greengrass manor hall was bustling with people who screamed that they got money. Ladies wearing beautiful, elegant dresses, gents wearing suits and robes, Heir and Heiress of houses were dressed in their family robes; everyone was dressed for the occasion.

Butlers and maids were roaming around with drinks and snacks. Food was served on tables, and people seemed to be huddled into groups discussing various topics such as Quidditch, Politics, and ...Death Eaters.

But the most talked-about thing was the disappearance of Lord Parkinson. Crabbe and Goyle were not really that important in their eyes, as both of them were mediocre families.

The one who looked the most distressed was Lucius Malfoy. He had lost his two most important people; those two were his childhood friends, lovers, and more. He was the one who invited them to that hotel. It was getting a little frustrating for him at the house due to the Azkaban breakout. He wanted to relax a little and let everything loose, but when he got there, everything collapsed. He saw his friends dead in front of his eyes.

Lord Malfoy was physically and mentally hurting to be here at the party. All he wanted right now was to kill the perpetrators, but he didn't even know who did it. But he indeed had a hunch.

The lords looked at Malfoy with pity. He looked haggard, with dark circles under his eyes. He was a mere shadow of his previous self. His Heir didn't look better either. He looked scared and anxious, as both of his friends' fathers had died. All he wanted right now was to be in his room away from this party, but he couldn't do that.

Lady Greengrass could be seen with Lady Longbottom, who still hasn't announced the healing of her son and daughter-in-law.

A butler walks to them and told her about the arrival of the Peverell family. She walked out of the hall and towards the guest room where they would arrive.

[Agustus POV]

As we arrived, I saw Lady Greengrass in front of me. She was wearing a beautiful golden dress, looking like a proper lady. Her assets were highlighted well, and I could already guess that lords were drooling looking at her.

"Greetings, Lady Greengrass. Thank you for inviting us to the party, and I must say, you look beautiful tonight."

She smiled at us. "It's a pleasure to have you here, Heir Peverell, and you look charming as ever."

I began introducing everyone. "Well, let me introduce you to my family. Here is my beautiful wife, Narcissa Ashwood."

"Greetings, Lady Greengrass. You look youthful," Narcissa said sweetly, earning a glare from Lady Greengrass, who replied, "Nice to see you too, Lady Ashwood."

"Next, she is my fiancée, Nymphadora Tonks, but just call her Tonks as she doesn't like her name."

Tonks huffed. "That's my mom's fault. Who names someone Nymphadora? Greetings, Lady Greengrass." Aunty just gave her a smirk, which turned her hair colour to red.

Lady Greengrass smirked at me and said, "Nice to see you, Ms. Tonks. You look so cute. You're quite popular, Heir Peverell."

I shamelessly moved on and introduced Bella. "The beautiful lady in the black dress is Lyra Peverell."

This revelation made Lady Greengrass confused. "You are beautiful, Ms. Peverell."

Bella, or should I say Lyra, flicked her hair haughtily and said, "Thanks for inviting us, Lady Greengrass." Leana was curious but didn't ask questions.

She nodded as I moved towards my aunt. "Here is my Aunty, Andromeda Tonks."

Aunty and Lady Greengrass hugged each other, having become friends over the past 10 years. There was no need for me to introduce them to each other.

"Let's go to the hall. Tori has still not made her appearance. She was waiting for you."

We followed Lady Greengrass, and as we arrived at the hall, I could see factions and allies grouped together. Seeing us enter, their eyes lit up. This was going to be tiring.

We walked to an empty table and settled down. Lyra(Bella) was attracting a lot of attention, as most heirs were staring at her blatantly.

"Should I destroy them?" Why am I so possessive? Well, the power I have is unfathomable. I could just destroy the concept of morality. Bella is mine, and no one is taking her away from me.

"Attention, ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce the birthday girl, my daughter, Astoria Greengrass, to the world."

A little girl walked into the room, looking cute in a pink dress.

"So, she's wearing that pendant," I thought. That pendant was a special artifact now. As Flamel owed me for saving their stone, I had him enchant this piece so I could make runes work using POD. It also has intent-based protection.

Seeing everyone's attention on her, Astoria got a little nervous. She looked frantically across the room until she saw me.

She didn't hesitate and ran towards me. Her mother looked at her with fury, and Daphne on the side tried to catch her, but she was quicker. They had told her multiple times to not do this but she didn't listen to them.

I stood up from my chair as she ran like a lost puppy who has found his owner, she hugged me tightly. "I missed you, big brother," she said, tears in her eyes.

I wiped her tears and pinched her cheeks, saying, "Someone is going to be scolded." She looked back at her mother, who was glaring at her.

"So, you like the gift?" She smiled and hurriedly nodded.

"Thank you, it looks beautiful," she said, still hugging me.

Other lords, seeing this interaction, were surprised, to say the least. It seems there is a connection between the Peverell House and the Greengrass. This was news to them, and now they would desperately try to get an alliance or marriage contract with the Greengrass.

After that, Lady Greengrass came and scolded Astoria as she removed her from me and thanked me for the gift. I greeted Daphne, who was looking at me with hateful eyes. What did I do to her?

The party began in full swing as lords and ladies greeted Astoria and gave her birthday wishes and gifts.

[POV end]

[Narcissa Ashwood POV]

I saw multiple lords approaching Agustus, talking about the breakout of Azkaban. He seemed to be not giving mind to these questions and answered them if necessary.

I spotted some familiar faces: Heir Potter, Sirius Black was here too.

They were talking with Amelia Bones; Sirius was trying to flirt with the witch, but she didn't even glance at him as she already had a lot of things to worry about.

I couldn't help but chuckle looking at him, typical Sirius behavior. I looked at Agustus and Bella; she was nervous coming to the party, I could tell.

She always has been the one to put on a strong and haughty front when she gets scared and nervous. Standing in between the different Lords and ladies who were questioning her, she displayed her arrogance, which confused some and angered some.

Seeing her unease, he grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers. Now I am jealous of my sister, hmph.

She fidgeted a little and calmed down. Dora and Andy were talking with professor Horace Slughorn. I was sitting alone at the table, until my husband saw me looking at him.

He ignored the lords and walked with Bella; they were still holding hands. I could see Lord Avery, Fawley, and MacDougal frown, but they couldn't say anything to him.

He walked in front and slid a chair for Bella to sit, what a gentleman. He sat her down and came in front of me, saying,

"Beautiful Lady, would you give me a dance?" I would die for you, my idiot husband.

I gave him my hand and said, "It would be an honor, my lord."

He smiled as he signaled the band to play. I would destroy the world to see him smile.

[POV end]

[Bella (Lyra) POV]

The lovebirds danced in the center of the hall; some couples joined them. I looked at Cissy with jealousy, missing his hand in mine.

I could see little witches giving her the same looks, while the lords frowned. He doesn't care about making enemies, does he? The blatant disrespect he gave them was something else. Ignoring lords of the noble families was disrespecting their family lineage.

After they finished their dance, he brought her to the table and asked Dora for a dance. She clumsily stood up and took his hand. Her movements were stiff, but he held her tightly so she wouldn't fall. The tips of her hair had gone pink, which I believe is due to embarrassment.

"Would he ask me for a dance too?" was on my mind as I looked at him at the table with Dora.

He came near me and said, "Princess Lyra, would you give me the honor of this dance?"

Princess, I like that. In fact, I like it a lot.

"Hmuph, I would grant you the honor to dance with me. Thank your gods," I replied, giving him my hand.

He chuckled and said, "That I certainly will." We both laughed and danced. His eyes were mesmerizing; he looked like a prince to me.

After my dance, he also danced with Lady Greengrass, who asked him, Astoria, and Daphne, who wanted to refuse but he didn't wait for her reply and dragged her to the dance floor.

I was enjoying this party until someone threw a Blood-boiling curse towards Cissy, who was sitting beside me.