
God and Wishes

I don't own My Hero Academia, High School DxD or anything else I use.

(Except for my Own Character)

Please don't sue me.


Oh yeah, I saved that little girl hopefully she's Ok.

"Hello Young One," said a melodious voice.


"Who said that?" Ask Ginko

"Your people know of me as God," Said what looks to be a teenage boy.

"God?!" Ginko exclaims in surprise.

"Yes," Said God

"But you don't look that much older than me". Said Ginko still with a little bit of surprise.

"Looks can be deceiving," God said with a deadpan.

"So I really am dead," Ginko says with a bit of sadness.

"Yes that car smacked you pretty badly," God says

Ginko Glares at God.

"Too Soon?" God asks.

Ginko's glare gets more intense.

"Anyway this is the place where I decide where you go," Says God trying to change the subject.

"You mean like Heaven or Hell?". Ginko asks.

"No, you were sent directly to me instead of with the Millions of souls, so I have decided to Reincarnate you." said God.

"Is that good or bad?". Ginko asks a little worried.

"Let me look at your life and we will see". God said smirking a little.


"Based on what I watched your life was above average, you had a good family, you were an above-average student, and you were a good person in general". Said God with a smile.

"Ok so if my life was above average then why am I here?". Said Ginko with

"It was because you saved that little girl". God said a bit annoyed.

"Oh yeah I forgot to ask, how is she?". Asked Ginko

"She's fine, she grew to be...."

"GREW UP!" Yelled Ginko

"How long have I been here?!" Ginko said shocked.

"You've been here for about 20 years," God said with a little amusement.

"Why?!" said Ginko still full of shock.

"The time you die and the time you get here have nothing to do with each other". God said still amused.

"How is my family?!" Ginko said worriedly.

"Well, they mourned for you for about 5 years, then they tried to go on with their lives." "Another five years later your parents died...".

{Ginko starts crying}

"Your sister was twenty six years old then." "She eventually got married and had a kid, there first child was named Ginko".

{Ginko stops crying and smiles a little}

"Ever since them your sister and her family have been living normal lives"

"That little girl you saved grew up to become a very important person."

"Because of the words that you said she became a very hard worker."

"She eventually became a multi-millionaire".

"And that brings us to why your here". God said taking a deep breath from saying so much.

"She donated a lot to charity and saved a lot of lives." "And because of that, you have a lot of KP". God said smiling.

"What is KP". Ginko said surprised and happy from all the good that the little girl did.

"KP stands for Karma Points, It's the approximation of all the good you did and was caused by you". God said still smiling.

"How much do I have?". Ginko asked.

"You have 3,000,000 Karma Points". Said, God.

Ginko's eyes widen in surprise.

"That much!". said Ginko.

"Yes, a lot of good happened because of you". said God.

"What can I do with them?," asks Ginko.

"I can turn them into wishes". said God.

"How many?". Asks Ginko.

"Obviously 3," God said with deadpan.

"Smart ass" Mumbles Ginko.

"So what do you wish for?". Asks God not hearing the mumble.

"Well you know that I'm a peaceful person, so please give me the strength to live comfortably". Said Ginko with determination.

"Why do you want strength if you're peaceful." God asks with a questioning glint in his eye.

"You can't have real peace without a little conflict." Said Ginko still determined.

God smirks "Good answer".

"So is there any anime you like or powers you want from them?" God said.

"I've always liked My Hero Academia" said Ginko.

"Do you want a quirk from the show or do you want make your own." God said excitedly at the prospect of creation a quirk.

"I want to have a quirk from the show," says Ginko.

"Of course you do," God sighs disappointingly.

"For my first wish I One for All in a serum form, to drink when my body is ready" Ginko says.

"Smart boy, Your body would be almost immediately be destroyed by One for All." God said impressed at the boys intellect.

"Heh, because your smart, I'll make the serum comes to you in a vial when your body is ready." God said with a wink.

"Oh...I didn't even thing about where the serum would come from." Ginko said surprised that he think of that first.

"Ok, for My second wish I would like a healing-factor on par with dead pool." Ginko said smirking.

"You can't have it off the bat, but you'll get it the more you train your body." God said returning the smirk.

"Ok, for my third and final wish, I want you ensure that I have a peaceful life where I can make my own decisions without being influence by anyone." Ginko says looking Serious.

"That can be done, but you have to be responsible with your decisions." God said wisely.

"Got it, I'll be responsible with my decisions." Said Ginko once more determined.

"Since you used all your wishes, we'll spin a wheel to see what world your going too." said god excitedly.

*God Snaps his finger and the wheel appears*

"Let's Spin the Wheel!!!" God Yelled

*Wheel starts Spinning*


-My Hero Academia

-Blue Exorcist

-One Piece

-Dragon Ball Z

-Code Geass


-Angel Beats


*Wheel Stops*

-High School DxD

"Looks your going to DxD kid." God said laughing at Ginko.

"Really!?, That hectic world." *hard sigh* said Ginko.

*Wheeze* "Ha Ha Ha Ha, you got one of the most non-peaceful worlds in anime" God said laughing and finding it hard to breath.

"Ha Ha Ha, very funny." Ginko said Annoyed.

*Breathe* Don't *Breathe* worry i'll put you in a good family." God said getting serious again.

"Ok, I believe you." Ginko nodded.

"I'll be watching your progress kid and I'll keep an eye on you." God said seriously.

"Ok, thank you for everything." said Ginko happily.

"Bye kid." God snaps his finger and Ginko disappears.

'The kid didn't think about it, but I'll let him keep his memories.' God thought.