

"So this is what death feels like," said a tranquil White-haired Young Man

How did I even die?

-------------{30 Minutes before}-------------

"Gotta get home, I promised to make dinner" Panted a running Ginko Shimura.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

His phone goes off

"Ginko where are you?, are you ok?, did something happen?!". His sister says with a worried tone.

"Calm down Shiori-Chan, I'm 20 minutes away from the house". Said Ginko with a chuckle

"You ass!, you had me worried," Said Shiori. "Hurry back home, bye".

" Little brat hung up on me" "She's so troublesome". Ginko said with a sigh

He suddenly heard yells and screams for help.

"My Baby!"

"Somebody Help!"

"Somebody Save Her!"

He sees a toddler (He thinks she's a toddler but she's 6) crossing the street and a car speed incredibly fast.

"Damn I never do have a peaceful day" Said Ginko with a quick sigh.

He quickly runs and pushes the toddler out of the way of the car.


The car slammed into him.

He coughs out blood as people are screaming

The car owner gets out and says he's sorry. The little girl runs up to him.

Ginko says "Kid make sure you grown up and do great things Ok." "Oh, and be more safe ok"

The little girl is crying but says ok.

People are telling him to hold on and he eventually hears an ambulance.

The ambulance people tell him that he's going to be ok

He doesn't believe them and he's slowly slipping away.


Oh yeah, I save that girl hopefully she's ok

"Hello Young One" said a melodious voice.