
Reincarnated In Dxd With Denial Of Nothingness

Lets Watch Our Average But Proud Virgin Bachelor Mc Tackle The Absurdity Of Anime Logic And The Unreasonable Species That Is Also Known As Anime Girls. How Will The Mc React To Cringey Anime Bullsh*t He Will Face,How Will Mc Answer His Parent's About The Misunderstandings He Will Most Definitely Create That Defy The Laws Of Physics. Famous Mc Quotes And Quotes By The Memes He Watched "The F*ck Do You Think How Ill React You F*ckin Killed Me,I Mean Who The Fuck Fall In Love's With His/Her Killer Im Not A F*ckin Retard Who Thinks With His D*ck Or A Simp Who Let's A Girl Step All Over Him Just Because She Has A Pretty Face Ill Let You Know Im An Advocate Of Gender Equality Like Lord Kazuma You F*ckin Bimbo Goddes" "Sigh... As a Wise Man Said 'Sometimes It Takes A Real Man To Be Best Girl'...Why The F*ck Do I Look Like A Trap Version Of Merlin!!!!" "How Did My Slowpaced Average Life Became A Huge Clusterf*ck Of... I dont Even Know How To Describe My Life!!!!,This Just Shows How Absurd This Sh*t is" "God Please Take Me Back To My OG World I Cant Take The Absurdity Of This Anime World,Please Biblical God I Promise I Wont Masturbate At Jeannes And Gabrils Picture" "Ze F*ck Is This..., Hold Your Baby Instincts Shan.... Hey,Hey,HEYHEYEHY, WAIT.....I Can Now Proudly State That I Am Now Traumatize At Nipples.. Bleghhh" "Warning We May or May Not Watch Mc Avoid Girls Because Of His PTSD"

Merlin_Best_Girl · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Jibril's Magical Adenture(Massacre) In The Underworld Part 2


In the Underworld-

As Jibril appeared in the underworld, what greeted her is a fantasy landscape. The underworld appears to have a purple sky, but what she immediately noticed is the lack of large bodies of water, the only thing she finds is lakes.

"Huhhh~~, Is this the Underworld? It looks like those fantasy movies I watched on the internet"

Jibril says to herself, as she continues to find the devil's capital in the underworld. As Jibril stays more in the underworld she noticed more and more differences and similarities in her master's world and the underworld, for example, the underworld and earth are roughly the same size albeit the underworld has more landmass.

3 Hours Have Passed, It takes 3 Hours For Jibril To find the devils capital, if you are wondering how Jibril passed the devils security, She just used [Presence Concealment], It was one of the original function of her necklace it also contains the concept of "Unnoticeable" It will naturally be rendered off if she announced her presence deliberately, so how can the devils detect her, with that on.

Jibril along the way also kidnapped an unlucky devil, poor devil confused seeing himself kidnapped by a weird angel, tried to scream.

Jibril seeing the devil started screaming, immediately teleported the devil and herself to another location. While also using her innate physical strength as a flugel to knock the devil unconscious.

Safe to say, the devils who heard the scream are confused. Some middle-class devils even tried to investigate, but it was already too late as Jibril already escaped.

But the devils didn't know that so they continued their investigation.

Anyways back to Jibril,

Jibril seeing the devil unconscious, immediately inspect the devil, the reason why she bothered trying to kidnap this devil because she wanted to see their physique, she is after all, curious about how their body works, and why they can cast spells with just their minds, as she clearly remembered her master stating that devils can easily cast magic just with their imagination.

And After Another Hour, Jibril is finally done with the devil, she already got the answer she wanted. Sadly for the devil, he can never see the light of the day again the only thing that was left of the devil is an unrecognizable corpse.

Sometimes I wonder, who is truly is the devil In that situation, Jibril or the poor fella.

Anyways, Jibril finally arrived at the devil's national library. Jibril Looking at the Library Can't conceal the greed in her eyes she's basically showing it on her face, Her eyes sparkling and her mouth drooling. I mean how can she. One of the few things she cared about is knowledge.

Now...., she can just easily steal the books in the library and be done with it, but what's the fun in that. Her master clearly did not forbid her from committing a massacre in fact her master already predicted it, that's why her master gave her the ring she currently wearing right now. Plus Old Habits are hard to erase, Just thinking of the massacre she will create bring her old memories of the Great War back at her old world still brings a smile to herself"Ahh~~, the good ol' days"Jibril thought to herself nostalgically while also wiping a tear on her face.

As Jibril Gets Ready to announce her presence to the devils, she quickly flew up into the sky.

She then let her mana and spirit energy run wild, announcing her presence. She already is prepared to battle as she adopted a Maniacal Smile that promises great pain.

While Jibrils Mana ran rampant

The devils immediately put their guard up.

- - - - - - -

Sirzech Pov

Today was supposed to be just another, normal day for Sirzech. It was just supposed to him and his archenemy/paperwork in his work office.

But suddenly, There was a sudden burst of raw mana in the capital., of course, this was just supposed to normal I mean, fights can happen in the Underworld too the Devil Guard will just dispose of the troublemakers.

But this Particular Burst is completely threatening, What puts on him on guard is the sheer amount of raw mana that surpassed his own, which is currently running rampant. What's weirder is this mana is not a demonic power, angelic power, divinity, etc.

"But enough about that"Thought Sirzech, As a Maou he needs to prioritize the safety of the devils. He quickly called his peerage and the other maous to hastily come to the capital as there is a threat looming over the city.

" But Sirzech, can't you just handle it alone? Is the threat actually that powerful for you to call us to be there" Serafall asked seriously, this is one of the few rare moments that Serafall Speaks in a serious tone, to her Sirzech Asking for help is always a serious situation. I mean who is this person that can make Sirzech feel threatened enough to ask for help. Sirzech still is, after all, a prideful super devil and the strongest one at that.

"Yes, is it precisely that bad for us, all to be there," Asked Ajuka In a completely serious tone.

Even the very infamous Falbium holding the moniker as the"Laziest Devil", is completely awake. He is after all still a Maou and his position as Maou is handling military affairs if the person in question is absolute that threatening he will be the one in charge of deploying troops.

Sirzech seeing his fellow Maous asking for his confirmation immediately said in a grave tone, "Yes, The raw mana I sensed is far greater than my own even if you multiply my demonic power(devil mana) with 10, my demonic power(devil mana) will still be vastly inferior"

The other Maous hearing this is greatly surprising, then their surprised face quickly changes into a grave one.

"What did those idiots angered again this time, and to be this powerful being to appear is truly unexpected," Serafall said in a frustrated tone, while she is currently cursing the young arrogant devils inside her head.

The other Maous are surprised, seeing the usually cherry serafall cursing, but quickly calmed down, as they have a more serious matter to discuss.

The Maous Meeting quickly ended. It is decided that all 4 Maous will confront the person in question and try and confront him/her, Falbium also called 100 Ultimate Class devils, 900 High-class Devils, And 10000 Devils both Middle and low-class devils.

- - - - - - - -

Random Devil Pov

As per order by Asmodeus-sama, we quickly arrived at the capital. Here we can completely feel the huge raw mana running rampant. I can see normal Devil's that are working here in the capital are currently panicking, I mean I would probably panic too. This Raw Amount of Mana Is Very Huge, even some debris is floating involuntarily.

Anyways the higher-ups said, we can confront the culprit up in the sky. It's probably given that this being capable of flight. So I can cross out one of our potential advantages, I guess.

As we flew in the air, we can something above the clouds, seemingly glowing.

A figure suddenly descended originating at the clouds. I cannot describe it yet, at all as it is too bright even to look at the figure.

As the light dimmed down a little we can see a silhouette of an angel, but what's weird about this angel is her Halo is Has Weird Formation, Her Wings also protrudes at her hips, unlike the typical angels. This angel also excludes a strong aura of a battle maniac, in fact, it is so strong that I can faintly smell blood.

As now that the light now dimmed down completely we can see the full appearance of the angel.

The angel appears to be a girl.

The angel has pink hair.

The Angel appears to have 2 wings protruding in her hips.

When the angel glanced at us her face quickly morphs a smile"Ara~ara~, looks like a found a flock of bats"The angel smiled "sweetly", but even a normal devil can tell theirs something is wrong.


Author's Thought

Please Remember Jibril is a god-killing machine, the only reason she didn't kill anyone in the anime is that it is against the rules.

Cliffhanger-chan~ is here

And Yeah watch out for the next chapter


Random weeb: Oh I Read Manga

Me an Intellectual: I Partake in the consumption of artistic drawings that refer to cultured materials.