
Reincarnated in demon Slayer as my first world (rewriting)

this is about the MC who originally have the power to duplicate anything except a living being he's name is Akira a lazy guy who is an anime lover not in the level of Otaku but he knows important things in anime and because of his karma he got too op that he's always bored because of his overuse of ability he got noticed by the government and killed him - logic? what's that - The mc will not face any hardship since he's too op - there are some mistakes so don't read this if you don't like mistakes - this is just created out of pure will, I mean I don't gain anything from creating this - pictures are taken from Google - this is only alive because some people want it so I continued creating more, what I mean by this is I once decided to stop this or drop this since I am not a free person I am always busy and I only continued because some people looked forward to the story Warning: This is my first fanfic or novel it's my first time writing and I'm a student so I'll try my best to upload more chapters and don't expect good grammar here and I don't have a writing accent so it can destroy your brain cells trying to understand this in this story I created what I want I'm not gonna follow the original plot I make some changes like someone who should be dead is alive and don't be afraid to request from me minimum of 500 words every chapter and it would be good if someone rewrites this or added some things like making the reader feel what is happening cause I am having a hard time thinking of something like that cause English isn't my first language and if someone really rewrites this, then it will be nice just say that you rewrite it cause the original author said

Wang_Ling_6598 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

New Quest

Akira woke up and after remembering what happened last night he sighed in relief since he will not feel pain anymore. He then stands up and walked towards the market to buy ingredients after buying ingredients he remembered he will meet Shinobu and Mitsuri this morning, so he opened the map he then saw the two at the Village entrance, so he quickly runs towards them

Akira arrived at the entrance of the village he then saw Shinobu and Mitsuri waving their hands at him, Akira walked to them

Akira: "before you guys leave do you want to eat breakfast with me?" Akira asked

Shinobu and Mitsuri shook their head, seeing this Akira just sighed and gave the two 1 amulet and 25 food pills each, Akira watched the girls leave the village, he then walked to his house to try his new cooking skill

|Akira's house|

Many people are looking at the house because of the yummy smell that traveled the whole village

While inside Akira is busy cooking, so he didn't notice the people, Akira is cooking Stake and Baking bread which is Akira wanted to eat today

{10 mins later}

Akira finished cooking the stake and baking the bread, so he quickly prepared it to the table, Akira then seated, he clapped his hand and said "itadakimasu" before he started eating, after finishing eating he clapped his hands again and said "gochisousamadesu"

After Akira finished eating he noticed the people outside, so he changed his clothes to demon slayer one and put on his katana and since he needed to depart today he teleported to the village entrance, no one is there because they are outside Akira's house, Akira then started walking to the south village, it's already night when heard the system notification, so he opened it


Kill 10,000 living being

Rewards: killing intent

Akira saw this then he got an idea which he just read on a manhwa

Akira runner towards the forest then he opened his map and searched for an ant nest he then found 10 nests and quickly go to the closest one

|ant nest| {after noon}

Ant 1(girl): "dear do you think we can survive this winter"

Ant 2(boy): "I don't know, but I know we can survive if we are together "Ant 2 said while looking at ant 1 with lovely eyes

Ant 1(girl): "yeah I think I can survive this winter"

Ant 2(boy): "dear, you should go back since you're pregnant, and I will do the work" ant 2 said seriously

Ant 1 nodded and walked home

{Sun set}

Ant 1 finished doing his work so walked towards home, after arriving home he heard a moan from a girl and listened to it since its voice is familiar

"Ahn, faster" the girl's voice said

"I'm cumming inside you" another voice said which is a guy

After a while ant 1 heard the guy's voice say "how is our child? It should be 3 months old now" hearing this ant 1 was quite surprised since his wife is also 3 months pregnant, then he heard the woman's voice screaming in pleasure again

Ant 1 don't want to listen to this, so he goes inside his house and shouted "Whyyy!" He shouted ah he saw his wife getting fucked by Ant 3 the guy who always bullied ant 1

Then suddenly water comes into the nest and drowned all ants

|akira's side|

Akira put a barrier around the nest, so no ants will be able to escape, after making sure no ants are left alive Akira come to the other 9 nests and drowned all ants inside the barrier.



Kill 10,000 living beings (Completed)

Rewards: killing intent

Akira: "claim it" Akira said excitedly

Suddenly Akira felt the animals around him pass out while the stronger ones are shivering from fear

Akira quickly mastered killing intent, so he withdrew his killing intent then walked towards the south village