
Reincarnated in Birth Of The Demonic Sword

Mc transmigrates into Birth Of The Demonic Sword and had hundreds of years prep before main events starts. There will be minor multiverse but it is fully explained with reasonable explanation. Also he can only manifest a kind of spirit clone of himself to go to multiverse, his real body can't leave Birth Of The Demonic Sword verse. He only goes multiverse for a chaoter or two so he can get and bring other characters to be with him. Ps this fic is Harem so begone thy Anti-Harem Sect individuals! For I have abandoned the Anti-Harem Sect (ompy this once) so that I may become a true "man of culture"!!!

Knight_Riku · Book&Literature
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40 Chs

Chapter 14: Piece of the Immortal Lands

Short while ago...

A peculiar event attracted the attention of the high-level cultivators of the continent.<* >

At many kilometers from the main Continent and the Archipelago, a faint crack appeared in the sky.

The crack was almost unnoticeable if not for the fact that an extremely pure "Breath" came out of it, it seemed as if the crack was connected to a place where the "Breath" was far more abundant.<* >

Before the crack could be thoroughly investigated though, it expanded, becoming longer and splitting in many directions.<* >

The area covered by the fissure enlarged day by day, it didn't take much before the powerhouses of the concerned nations decided to act, ignoring the political situation of the continent.<* >

In the sky, in a spot above the clouds.<* >

Three figures stared at the spreading cracks that had created something similar to a spider's web in the azure sky.<* >

They were the powerhouses of the Utra nation, of the Shandal Empire, and of the Hive with only Tallon and Lilith of Forossa being absent since his nation was still a secret but would be revealed in the next few weeks.

Chasing Demon looked towards King Elbas and God's Left Hand next to him.

"Seniors, I wonder if you've ever witnessed a similar event." Chasing Demon politely spoke to the other two cultivators, he was completely aware that he was inferior to them.

He was still only a relatively new Rank 6 Cultivator, like Tallon and Lilith, in the Gaseous Rank.

Only Great Elder Diana of the Papral Nation was absence since the fissure above them didn't threaten her Nation unlike the others.

"My Elbas family is relatively new, our records don't concern events that have happened more than three thousand years ago. I wonder if God's Left Hand can provide us with a detailed explanation." King Elbas asked the woman when he turned his head away from the Fissure.

"The Almighty is aware of this event, King Elbas. This matter concerns the Immortal Lands and it's something that we can't affect that much, our role is to prevent the cracks from reaching the continent."

It was at that point that shards began to separate from the cracks and fall toward the sea below it, a rain of shining azure crystals soon filled the air in front of the three powerhouses.<* >

The sky was shattering, the azure crystals falling into the sea radiated dense "Breath" that soon filled the area before they dispersed in the water below.<* >

The three powerhouses didn't have time to seize those crystals because an even more incredible event followed the shattering of the sky.<* >

However, unbeknownst to them, Tallon was already aware of the crystals and his greed knew no boundaries as he had already sent many Mages and Sorcerers of Rank 4 Liquid and Rank 4 Solid stages to seize the crystals.

As they sank deep down to towards the sea bed, at the same place, the Mages and Sorcerers of Academy of Raya Lucaria led by Rennala manipulated the water below the surface to make it possible to Breath down there.

They quickly collected the crystals before they fled after reciveing a transmission from the surface to retreat.

A teleportation matrix at the bottom of the sea activated and they had all vannished as if they never been there to begin with.

The many fissures in the sky widened and connected, forming an uneven rectangular area where the shards kept falling.<* >

Then, the surface of the sky completely broke and an immense boulder fell from that huge hole.<* >

The three powerhouses saw the event but felt powerless to stop it, the boulder had a width slightly smaller than the continent, even their mighty power wasn't enough to stop the descent of that huge landmass.<* >


God's Left Hand shouted as she turned her gaze to look at a place somewhere at the center of the Shandal Empire.<* >

Meanwhile, Chasing Demon and King Elbas simply retreated as they stared at the falling boulder in disbelief.<* >

It looked as if an immense mountain was falling from the sky, its lower surface soon began to heat up as it gained speed.<* >

What once started as a simple fissure had now turned into a meteorite threatening to extinguish all the lifeforms of the continent!<* >

It was at that point that a blue light filled the surface of the sea below the falling mountain.<* >

Water rose in the air and turned into ice pillars that launched themselves toward the boulder, white columns formed and clashed against its burning surface.<* >

The size of the columns was incredible, they were as large as an entire nation and stabbed their sharp tips on the falling boulder, slowly affecting its speed.<**< p>

A reverent gaze appeared on God's Left Hand as she turned and kneeled toward the territories of the Empire while still being mid-air, she knew that her god had decided to help them.<* >

More and more ice pillars rose in the air, the level of the sea lowered as its water was used to fuel that divine spell, it was as if a white mountain had decided to fight the falling azure one to protect the lifeforms of the continent!<* >

The boulder began to slow down when the entirety of the ice mountain crashed on it, ice-shards and azure shards flew in every direction as the two immense objects fought each other.<* >

That event released shockwaves that reached the southwestern coastline of the continent and, of course, the coral archipelago, all the cultivators in the heroic ranks and even some in the human ranks felt that disturbance in the "Breath".<* >

Many powerful existences left their habitation and appeared in the open to witness that colossal event, disbelief was written in their faces when their eyes landed on the white and azure mountains fighting each other.<* >

Even Noah Balvan, the protagonist of Birth Of The Demonic Sword has sensed the disturbance and arrived to see what was transpiring.

Eventually the continent sized boulder had landed in the sea, however the shockwaved from the clash had affected the sea causing large tsunami's to go in the direction of the Old Continent, the Archipelago and the still hidden Forossa.

Tallon was aware of everything beforehand and as such he had Lilith join him in neutralising the Tsunami that threatened Forossa.

With their combined might they had been able to effortlessly disperse the Tsunami.

"A piece of the Immortal Lands has fallen to the Mortal Lands."

Tallon spoke aloud to himself but everyone behind him had heard what he said as clear as day.

Despite their distance from him as the army was vast and covered the sky, even the ones at the back could hear Tallon speak, for this was but a trivial task for all of them as they were all in the Heroic Ranks.

"The lands above the sky are richer of "Breath", capable of sustaining the cultivation process of many divine lifeforms. Yet, they aren't eternal, even the dense "Breath" contained in those places will eventually be depleted if too many deities affect it. When an area in the Immortal Lands loses too much "Breath", it will separate and fall into the Mortal Lands since it can't meet the required standards of that higher plane."<* >

These were the exact words of Chasing Demon that was used to describe the Immortal Lands and the Piece of the Immortal Lands that had just fallen before the world's eyes.

Chasing Demon must be giving the exact same description to Noah and the others as I speak.

That's when I turned my gaze and fixated my gaze on the New Continent with my army in the air behind me.