
Reincarnated in Another World, Saga of Two Heroes

It all began with a needle of light that pierced the heavens. It tore the veil and dazed the darkness. It streaked across the Elder Darkness until it struck a shell, and light unlike before poured forth. —--------------------------------------------------- Ravian is one of a kind, born to a world of fantasy from a father not of that world, and raised alongside siblings who were nothing like him. He was content however and his father had prepared for him a great future, as he did with all his siblings. But the transgressing light struck on that fateful day, and Ravian vanished, taken to another world just as his father once had. Sigmund is an orphan born to the modern world, a young adult living on his own for years since he left the orphanage without adoption. His life was largely uneventful and somewhat empty, with only friends and no one to call family. It was finally that, on an uneventful day, a force dragged him away, to another world. Both Ravian and Sigmund awakened in a world of fantasy, separated from one another at first. To Ravian, it was a familiar but strange world. With so much in common, yet just as many differences to note. To Sigmund, it was a strange but familiar world. Like the fantastical stories conjured by the creative minds of man, but made real. Finding one another as strangers in this new world, Ravian and Sigmund banded together in a world of magic and dragons that knew neither of them, or at least not at first. Secrets are uncovered and destinies are written, here is the story of Ravian and Sigmund, two strangers in another world. —--------------------------------------------------- Release Rate: Daily • Bursts of New Chapters may be published according to author's mood. —--------------------------------------------------- * Art on the Cover is mine, made it on Canva :D Disclaimer: For those who don't notice, it's an original fantasy novel and so it is unrelated to any event of the real world.

The_Open_Sky · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Travelers in the Castle (1)

Ravian observed the travelers' cautious advance through the keen ears of bats slumbering in the forest's canopy. Their whispered speculations and the metallic clinks of their weapons reached him like a distant melody. As they neared his castle, enveloped in its enigmatic fog, he found himself at a crossroads of intent. Would their first impression be one of awe or dread, given the monstrous visage of his creations?

Turning his back to the balcony, he retreated into the castle's opulent interior. With a mere thought, he sent a telepathic command to his Carminexes—grotesque guardians of his domain—and the bat-like swarms that patrolled the fog.

"Hide," he ordered, and added a directive for Wulfric, the forest god, to keep his distance. The travelers must not be overwhelmed by the divine aura that Wulfric exuded; it would only incite fear and fearful reverence, emotions Ravian wished to avoid. If the gods were anything like Wulfric, it would be wise to try not being noticed by them.

As he meandered through the castle's grand hallway, its walls adorned with intricate tapestries and ancient artifacts, an idea began to crystallize in his mind. With a flick of his wrist and a murmur of incantations, he conjured a group of wraiths. They materialized as skeletal figures shrouded in dark, swirling smoke, their forms draped in tenebrous robes. The air grew colder for a moment, as if acknowledging the arrival of these new spectral entities.

His eyes flashed a mesmerizing violet, and the wraiths underwent a transformation. What once were haunting figures now appeared as mere castle servants, their skeletal forms replaced by the illusion of flesh and attire. They looked like ordinary humans, dressed in livery befitting a noble house.

This was nothing more than glamor—a magical veneer that masked their true essence. It was as if they wore costumes woven from the very fabric of magic, disguising their otherworldly nature. Ravian felt a sense of satisfaction; his guests would be none the wiser.

He paused, contemplating the efficacy of his illusion. Would this be enough to put the travelers at ease, or would they sense the arcane energy that still clung to these magical constructs? He shrugged off the thought; it was a risk he was willing to take.

As he prepared to greet his uninvited guests, Ravian couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. This was a pivotal moment, a first step toward rejoining the world once more. Wulfric isn't exactly good company and a part of him is inseparable to civilization, wherever he may find it. Now with a place such as this, the negative effects of his magic are contained enough.

With his castle now seemingly staffed by illusory human servants, Ravian felt a sense of cautious optimism. His more monstrous creations were well-hidden, their unsettling forms concealed from the eyes of the approaching travelers. He pondered what these uninvited guests would think of him and the enigmatic realm he had crafted. The castle, though newly built and only eleven days old, bore an air of ancient grandeur, as if it had stood for centuries.

Ravian considered the efficacy of his glamor. While he could naturally see through the magical veneer, he doubted the average traveler would possess such discernment. Satisfied that this would serve as an adequate short-term solution, he dismissed the first batch of illusory servants. With a wave of his hand and a whispered command, he assigned them to patrol the grounds between the castle's imposing outer wall and its main structure. The air shimmered briefly as they dispersed, their forms blending seamlessly into the misty landscape.

Turning on his heel, Ravian strode down the opulent hallway, its walls adorned with unblemished tapestries and gleaming sconces. As he walked, he conjured more spectral servants, each one cloaked in the same convincing glamor. With a few well-chosen words, he vocally dismissed them to their newly assigned roles—ranging from chefs to guards to chambermaids. Each spectral figure nodded in understanding, their illusory forms taking on an air of purpose.

Reaching the grand staircase, Ravian descended, his footsteps echoing softly on the marble steps. The chandeliers above him flickered as if in acknowledgment of his passage, their light casting ethereal shadows on the walls. His mind was a whirl of thoughts and plans, each detail meticulously considered to ensure the castle would function as any noble estate should.

As he reached the first floor, Ravian felt a surge of anticipation. This was the moment of truth, the instant where all his preparations would be put to the test. He took a deep breath, savoring the scent of freshly cut flowers that adorned the nearby tables, their fragrance mingling with the subtle aroma of beeswax candles.

Positioning himself near the entrance, Ravian awaited the travelers' arrival. What would these wanderers make of their unexpected host and his newly minted, yet seemingly ancient, castle? Only time would reveal the answers to the questions that danced in his mind.


Standing before the grand castle gates, the group of travelers marveled as the massive doors swung open seemingly of their own accord. The distant sound of marching reached their ears, a rhythmic cadence that seemed to emanate from the fog-shrouded gardens within the castle walls. Rose bushes, their blooms half-hidden in the mist, lined the pathways, and large baroque white buildings stretched out from the central domed castle, their architecture both grand and enigmatic.

Emerging from the fog came a cadre of knights, their plate armor polished to a mirror sheen. Yet, their armor bore designs that were foreign and unfamiliar to the travelers, evoking lands and traditions they had never encountered. The knights moved in an almost too perfect unison, their steps measured to the point of almost being mechanical and their faces stern, but they were not the focal point of this surreal tableau.

Then, from the shadowed archway of the central castle, Ravian appeared, and the atmosphere shifted as if commanded by his very presence. Draped in his characteristic cape, its interior a deep, rich red, he wore a black noble ensemble that seemed to defy the very concept of light and shadow. His white shirt and formal black trousers completed the look, each piece of attire contributing to an aura of ineffable elegance.

"Welcome to my estate," Ravian announced, his voice a symphony of cultured tones and a foreign accent that defied easy categorization. The travelers felt a shiver of both caution and curiosity ripple through them. "I trust your journey was not too arduous?"

The travelers exchanged glances, their eyes widening with a blend of suspicion and reluctant fascination. "It was... eventful," one of them finally spoke, his voice tinged with caution. Ravian's golden eyes seemed to pierce through the fog, through their very souls, leaving them with a sense of vulnerability they couldn't shake off.

Ravian's physique was a tapestry of contradictions, his tall and well-built frame suggesting both knightly valor and princely grace. "Eventful journeys often lead to the most rewarding destinations," he mused, his words tinged with a playful yet profound wisdom. The travelers found themselves momentarily disarmed, their skepticism waning as they pondered the depths hidden behind his enigmatic smile.

As Ravian stepped closer, the air around him seemed to grow thick with a palpable energy, as if the very atmosphere were charged by his approach. The scent of ancient tomes and aged wine mingled with the earthy aroma of the surrounding forest, creating a sensory tapestry that was both comforting and unsettling. "Shall we?" he gestured toward the castle, his voice imbued with an invitation that was almost impossible to refuse.

The travelers hesitated, their eyes meeting each other's as if searching for a consensus. Then, as if pulled by some invisible force, they took their first steps toward the castle. "After you, Lord...?" one of them ventured, leaving the title hanging in the air like an unfinished thought.

"Ravian," he supplied, his name rolling off his tongue like a secret shared between old friends. "And the pleasure will be all mine, I assure you." As they crossed the threshold into his estate, each step seemed to promise a journey into a realm of endless possibilities and hidden depths, a world that was as captivating as it was confounding.

As the travelers began to unload their carts, the knights—wraiths in magical disguise—moved with an eerie efficiency to assist them. "These grounds are colder than I expected," one traveler muttered, rubbing his arms as if to ward off an invisible chill. "Aye, there's a strange aura here," another agreed, casting a sidelong glance at the knights, whose movements were so fluid they seemed almost spectral.

The knights gestured toward the castle, their armored hands moving in a way that suggested both urgency and a hint of ceremony. "Shall we?" one of the travelers asked, still eyeing the knights warily. "It seems we have little choice," another responded, his voice tinged with a reluctant curiosity, as they began to follow the path indicated.

No sooner had they stepped away from their carts than the massive castle doors swung shut behind them, sealing with a resonant thud that seemed to reverberate through the very stones of the castle. "Well, that's not ominous at all," a traveler quipped, trying to mask his unease with humor. The others chuckled nervously, their laughter tinged with a sense of foreboding as they ventured deeper into Ravian's enigmatic domain.

Hey y'all! Sorry for the sudden stop in chapters, some stuff came up. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you for reading!

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