
Reincarnated in a Fictional world

One day Rahil suddenly reincarnated to a cross fiction world where anime, manga, and other fiction stories are mix. The twist is that he does has memories of his previous life but for some reasons he can't access them. But he remembered in which family he has been born to so he confirm that he is in peaceful and he is Ready to enjoy his new life But is this world is truly peaceful as it seems...? let's go and found out. [ System is online ] I don't own any character other than my OC they belonged to their rightfull owner. I don't own profile picture if the owner has any dissacftion please message me.

Sahil_SA · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

10 years Growth~ Part. 1

In the living room we can see Seven kids playing cards.

They are Our MC Rahil and his sister Alice Nakiri sitting together with him and playing cards.

In there opposite side sitting are the five girls together and has the same faces ' same hair and same eyes basically they are quintiples.

Yeah you guess Right they are Ichika ' Nino ' Miku ' Yotsuba ' and Itsuki Nakano from quintupless and currently they are playing cards with Rahil and Alice.

"Ok I win again " suddenly Rahil declared his victory and throw the cards to table.

"Ok with this I can now confirm that Rahil is cheating" Nino says with annoying tone.

" fufu this time I agree with Nino " Ichika says with smile on her face.

"Umu Umu" Yotsuba say while heavily her head up down and agreeing with her sisters.

Meanwhile Miku is silently but you can see her eyes seems to agree with them. " Nom nom~um " And Itsuki is currently busy with her snacks.

" Hey if you can't defeat Rahil then don't accuse of cheating him " Alice upon seeing that the Her brother is alone. She is sided with him.

" Hai hai First of all. You Alice stop calling your elder brother name and says big brother " Rahil says to Alice and karate chop on her head " and for the game let just say this is my luck and don't forget even i have never has a chance to win against her" Rahil says and remember one person he never wins again her in any game that requires brains.

"Moo Don't hit me and quite acting like a older brother. You and have only 1 or 2 min diffrence in our birth. " Alice says while pouting and rub her head where Rahil has hit her.

meanwhile the the four sister want to continue argue but when Rahil mention that person. They become quit and swallowed the words because what Rahil says is truth.

Seeing his sister temper and the quintiples have to thinking something he began to thought his past.

Rahil ' Alice and quintiples is currently 10 yrs old and have been going to near the elementary school from there home.

Speaking of home when they were five years old and started to go kindergarten they move out from there small apartment to two floor standerd home. Their house has one living room ' kitchen ' big bathroom and 2 big bedroom and one small bedroom and a medium size yard.

In the two big bedroom occupied by his mother and Alice and Rena and quintiples respectively and the small bedroom is occupied by Rahil himself when he was nine years old.

His mom ask him why he want to move. He could only says that he's Friends have their own room. No way he can't say that looking his mother defenceless face and her figure. His body can't control.

He is confusing because from the information he knows from his previous life that his libido come too early for him and seeing his mother figure and boobs bare making his little brother wake up early than him.

And speaking of body he's appearance has become quite mature for his age because his height has different from the other kids he's height has like 12 to 13 year old when he actually is 10 year old because he started learning martial art from 6 yrs old.

his face has tracess of handsome and cute ' has silver hair which was he inherited from his mother and his eyes has some diffrence his right eye is blue but he's left eye is different.

His left eye has star like shape and shining blue which is quite wierd for him because he felt like he has seen eyes somewhere but can't remember it.

The wirdest this is that when he talk about this with his mother then she only say he's eyes are beautiful and suit him.

This led him that there are other people whose has same type of eyes. But he still has doubt and recall where he has seen eyes like this. But this led him his headache which war worse from before.

This let him to give up his search but he found some clues about his eyes that lead him to anime manga and fiction stories from his previous life.

Because he's headache only come when he remembered something from his previous life.

Rahil ; Alice ; Ichika ; Nino; Miku; Yotsuba; thoughts come to halt and Itsuki stop eating snacks because the main door of house Suddenly open and three girls come in.

" We came to play " the three girls said the Same time.

The three girls that suddenly come has cute apparence. The first girl has light purple hair ; has yellow eyes and same height as Rahil.

She suddenly come to quintiples and says " Ichika come with me and lets go practice together i have to attend a play in next week" in which Ichika come out from quintuples and could only sigh and go with her " Ok "

The second girl has light red hairs; has yellow eyes; and currently she's wearing traning dress. She come to Rahil and says with determination on her Face

" Rahil lets have rematch with me. This time I will surely defeat you " "Says who was loosing every time she come" Nino suddenly intervene betweenn them.

" That was my mistake. This time I come with my special moves" the second girl blushed from Nino words but she still has to defeat him if she want to stronger.

Rahil could only sigh and go with her" ok lets go "

Alice seeing her brother going to get this girl another beating. then she thought something and has her eyes become cartoonic and go with them.

The third girl is the cutest among them she has green hairs and upper part of her hairs has yellow part and has yellow eyes.

She come to Itsuki side and pick up her snack and start eating with her " Hey I told you many times to not eat my snack" Itsuki become annoyed seeing that her snacks eaten again by this girl.

"nom~nmo~ much ~ Dont sweat about the snack. how about I will help in the test you have next week nm~mch~ "

" really then lets go right now " Itsuki really need help to her next test.

" hey hey slow down ohh and Nino please could you give me some aunt Rena cookies "

"Hey go away our Mom made for us you already eated enough" Nino get annoyed because this girl come only for snacks. but despite get annoyed she still go and fetch some cookies for her.

seeing that room suddenly become empty yotsuba get annoyed that they don't invite her and she could only

run after Rahil while shouting " Hey wait for me"

(A/N = Guess who is the three girls are and which fiction work they came from)