
Special Chapter 0125, part 2.

~ Siblings Conversation ~

"A siblings conversation, eh? Hmm, couldn't have worded it better" Alani agrees with a patient smile.

Zeddicus meets her smile with a smile of his own, be it one that looks utterly dead, as in it has no kindness behind it whatsoever.

"Let's begin then. Who is 'he'?" He repeats his previously asked question again.

"Well, you've already seen my points or at least what's left of them, so no point in beating around it, I've used them all up to find myself the 'perfect', specifically to me, individual out there"

"For what purpose exactly?"

"I have some plans for him"

"Hmm... I always found the point system quite worthless, you use them up, and then what? You're still going to send that person away in a few minutes, so it's basically a waste, but I guess it's fun to see how much of an unlucky and messed up thing you can find out there, I did that once, was pretty hilarious"

"I don't even want to know what you did with them"

"HA, I sent him to a world even worse than it's last and made it be even unluckier, though it got boring and stale after a while of spectating him, by the hundredth scream of terror and limb gone, it lost its touch and I stopped looking at it... Now? I have no idea, maybe it hanged itself or something since that's the only way it could get away from it all, only being able to die by its own accord as that's the change I put on it before I sent it away"

"And I was right, I didn't want to hear that... So messed up"

"Bah! That doesn't even scratch the surface of 'messed' up" Zeddicus says with some disgust.

"Most would disagree, I am along those of 'most'" Alani says back.

I mean, a messed up thing for you is not being able to have intercourse with something. While to me... That would be a secret, but it's definitely not anything close to that previous example, as a thing would say, it's child's play"

"Right... So how many points do you have right now?"

"Huh, I haven't checked in whoever knows how long, let us see..." Zeddicus trails on as he lets a similar thin see-through paper appear in his hands and both of the siblings see quite a massive amount, Alani couldn't hide some of her open jealousy in time as Zeddicus smirks at her.

"Not bad, huh, sis?"

"It's not that... Much, I've seen more"

"Yeah? Where?" Zeddicus asks with a raised eyebrow.

Alani doesn't answer.

"It's our sister, isn't it?"

"... Yes"

"Well that doesn't count"

"Yes it does"

Zeddicus only lowers the raised eyebrow to raise the other one in a 'really' manner.

Alani ignores it by continuing "Besides, I've had more too at one point"

"So you mean to tell me that you had more than my two million points?"

"Uh... Well, I almost had as much, only two hundred thousand less, but it was close!" Alani finishes with her voice a little bit more high-pitched.

"I don't come even close to believing you, where are those points now?"

"Well if we didn't go off the topic, it was for him, I spent all of them on the 'perfect' person for me"

"What? How?" Zeddicus questions mildly surprised.

"Did you not know that the usage of points accumulates to a larger portion the more you add to the 'settings'? It grows larger and larger, adding a percentage that keeps on rising. Basically, as I kept picking options, the cost jumped from three thousand to eight thousand, then that went to twenty thousand... And then boom, a whole hundred thousand. Now, of course, different choices cost more and others the opposite of that, but that's how it is"

"Ah" Zeddicus lets out a sound that indicates that he obviously didn't know but isn't all that interested in it.

"Anyways, great call back to the topic at hand..." He pauses for a moment as his gaze quickly lands on his hand, but it was a fleeting look and he goes on "So can you tell me what I should call it? I'd prefer to continue with 'thing', but I know that it irks you when I do it normally, but with this 'perfect' one, it would turn out worse and I don't feel like risking the chance of you withholding information about it"

"Hmm... I guess you can call him 'Mr. F' or just 'F' for now"

"Vague... Of course, well then, what world did this Mr. F really wish to travel to?"

"Not going to ask what kind of person he is, or what I chose in the 'settings'?"

"Maybe for some details, but overall, why bother? I know you after all. He's probably the most innocent... Minus your love for the sexual, goodliest of the goody-two-shoes"

"Well" Alani thinks for a moment at her brother's sarcastic claim "I suppose that's not too far from the truth" She refrains herself from saying that it's not exactly right on the mark.


"So, he wished to go to a universe that inhabits a world following a story of something named 'Frozen', I don't think that you kn-" Alani goes on, but gets interrupted.

"I do actually"

"Well color me surprised, pretty sure that universe is too nice for someone like you, how do you know of it?"

"I will leave that story for some other time, it's way too gruesome and cruel for your naive ears, wouldn't want to make you nauseous right now, as I have more important things to hear than all of that"

Alani cringes at Zeddicus's words, of course, her brother would find a way to screw up such a nice place somehow, she's for one glad that a different topic exists otherwise she'd have to listen to what he has to say about it.

"What did Mr. F's ask for?"

"Do you really want to know?" Alani asks with a raised eyebrow instead.

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't, so just answer instead of being cryptic about it" Her brother shoots back.

"Well alrighty then... He wished for a small percentage of females to be futas, hermaphrodites, dickgirls, chicks with dicks"

Alani wanted to continue, but Zeddicus interrupted her "I know what a futa is, since I am looking at one right now, you don't need to repeat it multiple times"

"Well, you asked, so anyways, he wished for that so he could enjoy them all"

"I was about to say something, but then I remembered that you used your points for him, so of course, he will wish for something like that... Other wishes? What powers, abilities, there has to be something else"

"He didn't do that as he didn't want to, one of the settings I used my points on was the fact that the person has zero want for power, meaning that he wouldn't even think of asking for something powerful or be greedy for any kind of strength"

"So what you're telling me, is that this guy's a chump, a weakling among weaklings?" Zeddicus asks with a condescending smile etched on his face.

"By your demented standards he is, but to me, he's far from what I could call 'weak'"

"Right, right, let's not get into that at the moment, so, if he was predetermined to not wish for something substantial as most, if not all of the 'things'. would wish for... What else did he ask for, besides the obvious nonsense when it comes to my dear old sister"

"Just because I like sex, doesn't mean that the act of it is a nonsensical notion, I always wondered why you were... Well not against it, but I suppose, indifferent would be the word. Is it because it's the way of the people of various races, the deed of the 'things' as you'd say, meaning that it's below you or whatever. Is that really all there is to it?"

"HA!, Sis, you nailed it, it is indeed below someone like me, I am somewhat disgusted by the fact that you and the other one like demeaning yourself so much by taking part in acts of lower forms"

"And here I thought you'd be better off by doing that instead of how you do things now... Actually, never mind that thought" Alani says after thinking for a little bit about what implications that could have. Her brother could be some power-abusing, egotistical rapist, just like some other 'gods' that people tend to worship on their own accord as showmanship of their faith.

"You just thought that if I'd turn to sex like you, I'd be even worse than now, didn't you?" Zeddicus asks with a blank stare.

"Yes, I did"

"And I think that you're wrong, you probably thought that I'd be some pathetic rapist or something like along those lines, first, I wouldn't even dare to touch those 'things' in that way, nor give them any kind of pleasure like that, second, I like something... more intense by others standards, so something trivial as sexual intercourse can't offer me any of what I like and I like a lot of things, especially torture, sweet, sweet torture. Oh, how they scream 'till they lose their vocal capabilities to continue, how their bones in every part of their body crackle delighting my ears, how bruised and battered their limp bodies end up... Now that's ecstasy, not whatever you have in your mind" Zeddicus swoons over his own words as he speaks, Alani swears to herself that he could outright drool over himself if he continued.

"Technically all of those 'descriptions' also apply to sex, to some extent at the least" Alani also states after.

"Perhaps, but it's the end, the climax that matters the most" Zeddicus rebuttals.

"Well, take it from me, who has had quite a great time climaxing at a multitude of different scenarios, that the end is quite an amazing sensation"

"You just don't get it" The brother says shaking his head "Tell me, what does your thing... partner or you yourself feel after your 'session' ends?"

"Hmm..." Alani starts thinking about what would be the simplest answer to get her point across "Well I can't speak for the others, especially our sister, but it would be how happy and amazing I feel at the end of it"

"Exactly!" Zeddicus bellows out as if it is obvious.

"I don't follow" Alani says with some confusion apparent.

"Well, you know how MY partners..." He pauses for a moment "My victims" He corrects himself "Feel like after it? They wish that they could finally die again and the moment that that thought crosses their nearly broken mind is where the ecstasy hits me the strongest, as it's exactly that moment when I know I can finally release them from my clutches because they want to die so letting them live only for them to aimlessly wander around in a new world with barely anything in their mind, without a purpose and see how they fare inside it. That's just soooo fun. So you see, sister, that's where the previous analogy's parallels end, You and your partner feel some meager and worthless happiness and I feel complete and utter euphoria while my partner feels unending terror until they are mentally incapable to do even that and all that's left is for them to give up on everything"

During the whole, basically, out loud monologue of her brother, Alani's mood kept worsening with her gaze turning into a hateful and steely look and now she's actively looking disgusted by her brother.

"That's so disgusting" She even out loud says it as it's impossible to hide what she's feeling at the moment.

After that statement, there's only silence between the two as they look at each other's eyes for quite a while.

Alani's the first to break it "Let's just continue on and the next time we break away from the topic at hand, I am going to instantly call it out and stop it... Because I honest to my sister don't want to hear more of that"

"Why? Is it too much for my dear OLDER sister?" He specifically puts more emphasis on the 'older' part of the sentence, with a mocking smirk on his annoying head.

"No, but it's a waste of time as the space by itself won't hold you here forever, not to mention the more I hear about such things, the less I want to speak to you about what you want to know... Oh and the fact that after I heard that, some of me felt like using the phrase and order you to basically be unable to torture anybody in any way, so be my guest, dear YOUNGER brother, continue if you dear risk all of those little three points I just made"

And just like that the brother's smile dissipates immediately and he refrains himself from shooting back at his sister this once, even if he wants to do it and say 'do an order like that and he will forever interfere with most of her reincarnated things just like he did with the previous one' or something along those lines.

"Fine, go ahead then, answer my asked question"

"Are you sure, don't want to argue back? Don't want to say anything fancy? No rebbutals to shout at me?" Alani continues.

"I said what I said, that's it. Now answer my question, you yourself mentioned that we don't have all of the time in the multiverse"

"Fine, fine. He wished for the quite minuscule and practically useless ability to have a magic/power-seeking sight and feeling, allowing to do... Well, what I just said, see an aura surrounding a person if they have magic in them, same with the feeling part, for it, he just needs to close his eyes and he'll know where that magical person will be even if he doesn't see them. But it's somewhat appropriate for the world he went to, as it's barely dangerous, at least by all of the other worlds out there, of course, it's not the safest, but with a power like that, it's enough. And as I could tell, he didn't really know the world itself, but just one specific place in that world, so who knows, maybe it will help him discover something because that's the only reason I myself can think of why he would wish for an ability like that"

"Hmm... I actually like that wish, it's pretty interesting, it can also be an advantage in certain situations, like taking somebody hiding their magic by surprise... Even though, it has more cons than pros, what else?"

"Well, as generous as I am... Well mainly because he was who he was, as the person I thought over for a long time as I spent my points, I gave him somewhat of three wishes in one deal with that last one. So alongside the special sight, he asked for almost complete resistance to any type of coldness out there... At least that's how I interpreted the wish. Oh and also he asked to be unable to be affected mentally, no brainwash, no mind control, no memory loss from outer sources or head traumas, something like that"

Alani finishes, expecting some kind of answer from her brother almost immediately, but she doesn't receive one as Zeddicus stays silent in thought, so it prompts her to call out to him.



"Why so quiet?"

"Oh, nothing, it's just that somehow I feel like the answer you gave me isn't completely accurate"

"...Are you actually daring yourself to call me out on lying?"

"No, no, what I mean is that I have a feeling that the wish of this Mr. F isn't entirely accurate to what you've told me, it's not you lying about it, it's just that it may be wrong in some places"

"Huh..." Alani muses over that statement for a bit and then resumes speaking "I don't think it is... Though, there is a possibility, since I was distracted for half of the time I spent with him because I was looking at him and fantasizing about many ordeals that we could experience... Not to mention I did something which some people would say was creepy behavior and gaze at his sleeping form which I kept in that state for longer than other ones and than it was actually necessary... So yeah, I've might've just missed some details and gave him more than the wish he asked"

"If it was anybody else, they'd suffer some sort of a punishment, a small penalty at the least, like the ones, like you, that give out wishes for 'things' to have and use are meant and basically HAVE to make those wishes just as they were told, nothing less, nothing more... But since you had no problems, either those wishes were the way they were supposed to be, or, which I feel like is the more of a possibility, it was your lady, our sister, who just let it happen"

"Ah!" Zeddicus sees his sister shudder weirdly and release a weird sound at the same time as he finished his thoughts, which prompts him to ask.

"What is it?"

"N-no, n-nothing, let's continue" She says stuttering at first, now Zeddicus can't let it pass up as easily, since this is the first time he heard his sister stutter, or at least it is to his memory, he might've forgotten about any other instance as his mind tends to practically erase anything uninteresting from it.

"No, I insist, tell me, what is it, something wrong with what I said? This is hard for me to even say, seeing as I am perfect, did I make a mistake, a bad observation somewhere?"

"We're wasting time, I said that once we get out of topi-"

But Zeddicus is having none of it and cuts her off.

"We aren't wasting time, as it's in theme with our topic, besides, it's not like I will say anything... 'bad' anymore, as I don't want to risk anything, so just say what it is" He pushes further.

"... My lady, we have a... deal of sorts"

"Well it wouldn't be the first one to my knowledge, even if I don't know what the all-powerful sister of ours gets from you by giving her protection to you, she has to get something. But what is this particuliar one about?"

"Well when I make a mistake, be it a little one, or a big one, in my time reincarnating people and at some other instances... She trains me punishing me, determining how hard the punishment will be by her own criteria which are still unknown to me, and if what you've said is correct, then I am definitely getting punished big time when I see her next and even the thought of how majorly screwed I am, has me..." Alani drifts off not finishing her explanation.

But she doesn't need to, as her head turned sideways, Zeddicus' eyes somewhat went downward and he understood the vague term 'punishment' instantly, as he saw his sister having an actual boner, his hand instinctively facepalmed his face and it was pretty hard by human standards.

He lets out a huge groan and silently curses both of his annoyingly insufferable, stupid nymphomaniac sisters.

And just like that while Alani tries to recover, Zeddicus's mind basically has already forgotten what just happened and what they were talking about, so he continues with the actual topic at hand.

"You give five wishes to your things, right? And I've heard three of them from this Mr. F, what are the remaining ones?"

Alani hearing the question shakes her head to reset herself and her thoughts and gets back into the conversation "I do give five wishes to all, the other two are simple, albeit a little bit hypocritical, well one of them, the other one is fine. Let's go with the one that's alright first. He wished for people in the part of the world where he went to all talk in the same language, so he could understand everything that's being said to him"

"Wait, wait, couldn't he just ask to understand all languages out there and be done with it?" Zeddicus interjects, quite perplexed by the utter stupidity he just heard.

"Except that it's not all that great of a thing to understand and know all languages, in my opinion, it has fewer good things than bad ones. for example, what would happen if he was with some people and there just so happens to be a foreign person that they meet and he and that person start talking... The friends he was with would be so confused about how he not only knows, but can fluently talk the talk with this metaphorical foreigner, he would have to make something up like he read books to and taught himself that language or something, but tell me, what happens when those friends hear him speak... Oh, I don't know, ten or more different languages, what does he tell them then? Not to mention that it would also be quite disheartening to be around him if he knew all languages, people work differently, some would feel inferior to him because they only know one language and can't understand anything else, some would praise him to be this amazing and talented, genius individual, ostracizing others even further, nobody would feel any form of relatability to him, as there's no way they would ever in their lifetime, even if they were somehow immortal, would be able to learn all of the languages out there... In short, he'd be isolated from the get-go in a lot of different ways. Also, some languages would blend together into a mess since a lot of languages are similar and some even combine to make other ones, so he would jumble and get some words wrong because of it, it could also be hard to speak in general"

Alani pauses for a bit to let her brother get the information in, even if she didn't need to do that, as he finds this whole scenario intriguing, so he's paying rapt attention.

"And there are so many other examples, yes there are merits to it, but more or less all things have merits to them. So no matter how I look at it, the wish to make the world speak one language is way simpler and better overall, not only for him, but for all people, so it's way more beautiful like that. Oh yes, that is also a little side point, he would be considered selfish by others if they knew where the ability to understand it all came from, as they would say that he only thought of himself when wishing for it, Not to mention there are no points in him knowing all languages in the world he is, maybe if he wished to go to some world where... There are hundreds of detectives competing for the title of the best detective in the world, then that wish of understanding all languages could actually be helpful in a lot of situations. Anyways, in short, the wish sucks the hugest of asses and it's as simple as that" Alani finishes with her own personal thoughts about it.

"I suppose you make some decent points, though I am still not convinced on the wish of all-knowing one language is better than one knowing all languages... I mean, how do you keep any sort of secrets or codes to hide something in the latter"

"Hey, I never said that his wish didn't have cons to it, all wishes have their advantages and disadvantages, but it's definitely better than knowing all languages, period. Now let's continue" Alani finishes quickly, leaving no room to argue about it.

Even if Zeddicus is not convinced, he lets her get away with it, as he obviously would never be able to talk her out of it.

"Now onto the last wish and the one which is hypocritical"

"Last? Don't you give six wishes to the things?"

"Well, it's another 'sex' thing, do you want to hear it?"


"Well, now you're going to hear it since you asked"

Zeddicus only stays silent at his sister's words.

"He wanted for a simple thing, every time he breaks a hymen, that hymen would regrow, reappear, rematerialize, reform, whatever the word you wanna use, it would just be there again, after three hours outside any sexual activities, good as new, if not better"

"... That's disgusting" Zeddicus states mercilessly.

"Yeah, look who's talking, 'Mr. Torture Slayer Sixty Nine'"

"That sounds ridiculous"

"Yeah? Well sadly we have no time for that, let's move on with the topic"


"So anyway, it was a surprise to me too when he asked for that one, you see, when I was selecting the optio-"

"Wait, you said that we will move on with the topic" The brother interrupts the sister.

"We did? We aren't talking about your sarcastic nickname anymore" Alani says nonchalantly, seeing no false in her statement.

"You're getting annoying, sis" Zeddicus throws a statement of his own into the mix, but it gets completely ignored.

"I was selecting the 'settings' right? And I put in the equivalent of 'select all' in the sexual activities/kinks section and went from there, little by little I unchecked the things I hated, then disliked ones, thereafter the ones I am neutral to and so, I was left with a lot of options still active and the limit of my point total was still too high. Because of that, I looked at them all again and this time slower with more attention to detail, unchecking the ones that I could be okay without them being there, and eventually, by the process of elimination, Mr. F was more or less ready to meet me"

"Are you done?" The brother asks with clear annoyance in his voice.

"No, so why was I surprised when he asked for this wish? Because I don't really remember selecting such a kink for him, but I must've done it subconsciously as that's my thing, whenever I show up in front of my Lady, I have to reshape my form from this to a different one then back to this, regaining the hymen, seeing as it's a new body all over again. She has a big thing for... Clean and never used properties, but she never allows me to have a moment like that, so if I am thinking correctly, I chose that option for Mr. F, without even thinking about it, only because I wanted to experience the other end of it"

"... You done now?" He asks yet again, but this time the annoyance has disappeared and all left is pure boredom, Alani finally seeing that she won't get any other reactions for brother, stops.

"Yes, yes. Then it's the last one. He wished for somebody to be slightly different than their original self, made them more controlling and some other stuff"

"How is that hypocritical?"

"We had a conversation, well multiple, but one of them was of how people tend to change the psyches of the people of their wished-for worlds, be it directly or indirectly through multiple possibilities and he was quite against the notion, he went against his dislikeability of it all and altered the personality of a person, even if it was a little change"

"First of all, why would you let such a detail go by unnoticed when selecting the settings, pretty stupid"

"Materialize the settings page" Alani states to that question instead of answering.


"Just do it"

Zeddicus rolls his eyes "Whatever" And he does so, a see-through paper appearing in his hand "And?" He asks, looking bored.

"Find the 'non-hypocrite' checkmark and activate it"

"Ok?" He does so after questioning the instruction, only for the questioning manner to dissipate into a surprised one "So many selectables got blocked off immediately?"

"Ninety-nine percent to be exact, the moment you select that option, all but one percent of all population gets crossed out, as hypocrisy lives in basically everybody, it can range from a small dose to a large one, but it does exist everywhere, besides that one percent is probably false as it rounds out to that number, so it could be ninety-nine point four nine percent"

"Second of all, that's what's wrong with these things, unlike me who's perfect without a shred of hypocrisy, in them it runs rampant"

"While I doubt your said words or the full understanding of hypocrisy to begin with" Alani starts skeptically "It's better to be a hypocrite... To a certain extent, as if you are how you say you are, without it, then your morals wouldn't change, they'd never be put into question, thus you'd stay the same, stay stale, forever. And that? that's just not a good thing, especially if a person like you would stay the same forever, it just wouldn't bode well for others"

"Yes, well, I will always be the same, dear sister" Zeddicus says as if it's obvious.

"Perhaps, I actually believe such a statement, but just because that may turn out to be true, doesn't mean that you don't have hypocrisy inside you at a smaller scale, it could be a differencing thought in your normal mindset or an action against your original intention"

"Nah, doesn't happen to me at all, I am perfect that way"

"Of course, you are" Alani agrees full of sarcasm "Anyways, those are the wishes of Mr. F, anything else you'd like to know?"

"There are several things I could ask, but most of them are about your specific settings, so it's boring and would most likely lose a lot of my interestment in it all. So I will only ask one thing and then we are finished. This Mr. F what is he to you exactly? An experiment of sorts? A toy? A playmate? What is he?"

"Right now, at this very moment? Technically he's nothing, a nobody, but I have future plans in store for him and those are a completely different story. I plan for him to become my everything"

"Your... Everything?"


As Alani says it, Zeddicus burst out in uncontrollable laughter and keeps laughing for longer than one should.

After he stops, he opens his mouth to speak "So what? Is the meaning of 'everything' in this context representing 'love'? Because if so, that's officially one of, if not the stupidest thing to ever come out of your mouth"

"Oh? And why do you think so?"

But Zeddicus doesn't answer and instead directs the topic elsewhere "Anyways, I've got what I wanted so I might as well go, pretty sure I should've been thrown out by now, but seeing as I am still here, you extended the time I am allowed to be here"

"Ok, but before you go, we have to do one thing" Alani says as Zeddicus stands up and turns away to leave the Gazebo.

As he heard his sister's sentence, he stopped, somehow this odd feeling has started to pool in his perfect belly, apprehensively he turned back around to face her again.

"You probably first thought that I'd keep this oath swear for the future" Alani starts, all previous moods now gone, as if they never existed, replaced by a completely serious and unwavering gaze at her brother.

"Thought I'd hold it against you in conversations and make you overthink of how, when and for what I'd use it, to get back at you somehow for all of the annoyances I've experienced just because you couldn't find something interesting to do at that moment, or you were just bored for the millionth time..." Alani pauses to let her brother hear her words clearly, as most of the times he's purposefully not listening to them. This time he is, with full attention.

"Well none of that is going to happen, as I am going to use it now by saying the phrase, I'm just giving you a warning about it... Frankly, I don't think you even deserve that warning, so I truly do hope that you won't try to go against the swear by trying to find some help, but that's not your style, so the second option is more plausible and that is to somehow bend my words and orders to something that they are not on the account of them being 'unclear'. so I implore you to actually stick to the swear and the orders which I will give you"

Alani does a simple pause here again and waits for a bit, to see if her brother will say something, some kind of an argument, a rejection of sorts, but the silence prevails, so she continues.

"You can 'trust' me, since unlike you, I am at least somewhat trustworthy, even to the likes of you, that I am not going to jeopardize any of the things and activities you find... fun, I suppose would be the word, it's a simple order and nothing too difficult or taxing. Besides, if I wanted to hide it away from you somehow, I would've made the oath differently, you know when I said your body and mind will go limp? Well I could've just made it so that you wouldn't remember the order whatsoever, making you panic over what it could be, which in turn would make you actually seek out help before doing anything drastic"

And again, a moment of silence, but this time it's slightly different, as Alani has finished explaining and now is waiting for an answer and to her slight surprise, Zeddicus just squints at her for a brief moment, but his look goes back to the calm and collected right after and he simply nods at his sister, to show that he's ready.

"This is unprecedented..." She murmurs to herself, her brother Zeddicus is taking this so, so... Chivalrous? Is that the word she'd use in this situation? "Though it makes sense, as your powers are the most important to you" She says this part louder, for both of their ears to hear, even though Zeddicus heard the previous whisperings anyways.

"Let's begin. I love my brother again, even if that love only lasts this one and only fleeting moment" The moment the last of the words left Alani's lips, her brother in front of her, changed, to the untrained eye, he'd look the same as always, but to her, who most likely sees him the most, she sees the slight differences.

His eyes went completely blank, irises practically non-existent, it's as if he made them disappear on his own by transforming his body.

His stance, changed from a confidant, calm but cautious, to the same as a newly created living doll would have, lifeless and slumped over.

But those two get overshadowed by his body alone, as it starts eroding from the outside, silky long hair of his, shortening to more or less what people would call near baldness. His body looks elder and elder by the second. And the effects continue on.

Alani knows that nothing worthy of worry is truly happening, to her, it makes sense, as they are creatures that choose their own body and morph it into existence by their own volition, they are more or less just one center of energy. What humans, demi-humans, aliens, and many other unique individuals out there would call a brain, a mind. That's their whole existence, an all-powerful mind able to do pretty much anything, only dictated by older and stronger minds in the same space.

Of course, Zeddicus' body not completely disappearing is also a sign of the mind adapting to the body it gets carried by, getting used to having said body and making it a constant existence, thus even with his mind shut down and cut off from the body, it keeps on, as some of it is fused with the mind itself.

Though there was always one curious detail that Alani's mind wandered to... How is it that they, who swear like this, like her brother did, their minds being told to shut down, how is that they can still remember after they wake up again?

She never understood that, if the mind just stops working, doesn't that mean that no memory can be stored or accessed, as it just doesn't function. So how can one remember something that they were basically dead for?

And now she's wondering if one could order them to literally destroy the mind, leaving a 'vegetable' in place, would they still somehow remember the order? Would that be the only memory left? Or would there be more? It seems that with an order like that nothing would remain... Yet by their power standards, it would be just the opposite, she doesn't know the real outcome, but she knows that one would remember... something.

Her Lady... Sister, who's to her knowledge one of the most powerful beings in existence, never tells her such things, no matter how many times she tries to ask, how many rewards she strives for, or how many times she tries to 'trick' her as a part of their non-raunchy activities... Nothing, her sister wouldn't say a word and it's not like she's unliked by her Lady, quite the contrary, she's the only one to ever receive full protection from her, so that shows something.

No... No... "My Lady is just the best, at everything she does, be it sexual endeavors, which is her forte, be it the unpenetrable hold of secrets that she has in her awesome mind" Alani thinks to herself with a lot of enthusiasm, but it always goes up when she thinks of her sister, so no surprise there.

She shakes her head rapidly back and forth to get all of those unnecessary thoughts out of her mind, her thoughts having spiraled out of control once she saw her brother's transformation, as it's the very first time she's done something like this.

But for some unknown reason, when one of them is 'born', they know the action of the 'swear' instantly, it makes her wonder if in the long, long, long past there were some sort of games between them.

She yet again shakes her head, she just did that to stop thinking of random things, yet she continued to do so.

"Anyways, Zeddicus, my brother, who I love, albeit only for this moment, listen to my words, hear them, apply them to your core, to your mind and follow them until the eternity ends, go against them and suffer the consequences of your reckless actions by relinquishing the powers with which you first appeared in this space, which you grew over the long 'life' you had, which still has the infinite potential to grow stronger and better"

Alani finishes the first part, the introduction to the mindless husk, she breathes out, well she only copied the action from living creatures, as she does not need actual breathing.

Onto the next part.

"These are my words for you to follow, my orders for you to never contradict. There's a girl named Diana Frost, in the future that name, as well as the person behind it, might change in some ways, but the essence, the soul will always be the same, that's the only thing unique between the different populace. She's the one we conversed about, the one to give you curiosity. You are to never get close to her, interfere with her, intervene in her affairs, think maliciously towards her, use your powers against her in any way

and lastly, send anybody to the world she resides in and even after she's gone from it, be it one of your followers, one of your subordinates, one of your friends even if you might never have any of those and be it another reincarnated person, be it a 'thing' like you call them, you will never send anybody to where she is. You will leave her alone"

Alani finished her order, she takes a moment to think if she forgot something.

"And you will never refer to her as a 'thing', she's a person, my person" She by mistake finishes with a personal touch, but she can't take it back, nor does she really want to. Even if that last statement is still not a fact, it will be one day.

Complacent with what she has done, she moves on to the finishing words.

She takes her brother's decayed and boney hand in her palm, the mark of a frozen petal still visible clearly.

"Swear mark complete"

And she's done...

Anyways, right after that, the body of Zeddicus recuperates in less time than it would take a human to blink and he wakes up.

"So you lied from the very beginning" Are the first words to come out of his mouth.

"I didn't lie, everything I've said was the truth, the only thing I've done is withhold the truth of her gender... Well except for the 'hymen' thing, she was the target of the wish"

"So that's why you went with the seal" Zeddicus states calmly and even if his thought was unfinished, Alani knows what he means, so she speaks to him.

"It is indeed why even if you can't change her or use your powers on her, it doesn't mean you couldn't select some poor tortured soul out there, as there's many of those and just send it to her to do something for you, this way, she's protected from you"

"Well, in my opinion, this was a waste of time and a bigger waste of a swear"

"Why is that?"

"The moment I heard that this Mr. F, this Diana, didn't want to have power, I realized that I don't need to do anything, she will meet her end one way or another, she also won't be able to protect her, how would you call it? Loved ones, because she will have no power to do so. She's weakening through and through. So I don't need to do anything, you almost played me sister, but you fell short of that goal" And as soon as he finished speaking, he flew upwards, disappearing from his sister's space, leaving her alone.

Alani stays looking up for a while "That's where you're the wrong brother, just because she doesn't want to have power, doesn't mean she won't have it and use it when a need arises... Wanting something and needing it are two big differences"

With that out loud thought, she starts to make her Gazebo reappear, which disappeared once they started on the swear.

She sits down and thinks about what she should do now... She makes the paper appear in her hands, seeing where she left off.

"Hmm" Alani instead of going with the coercion setting, instead searches for a very specific thing.

"Hates a man who looks very similar to my brother, Zeddicus" She speaks aloud while looking it up, but she gets disappointed as there's nothing.

"Hates a man who's arrogant, annoying, racist, and narcissistic" She looks at the results, she giggles to herself.

"Small victories also count, dear brother"

She checks off the marks, her points being enough and a smile breaks through.

"Time to relax"

~ End Of Special Chapter ~