
Chapter 1

~ Wishful Reincarnation ~

''Huh...Didn't I just drown? Was it just a nightmare...''

I say while looking around my room, but there was something different and that was an obvious floating, androgynous, beautiful man? woman? right in front of my mirror checking themselves out, oh and their dark eyes just connected with my baby blues through the mirror, which made them turn around.

''Yes, you did drown, and if you call death like that a nightmare, then I suppose it was that too''

They finish saying and waiting for me to say something in return, at least that's what I imagine they are waiting for, might just be that they are bored or something, you never know with people. If you can even call them to be the same as 'people' since I am dead and they are here floating.

''Right... so... You got a name I could call you? Oh, and have you done something with my mentality? Because I ain't gonna lie, I am way too calm for this, seeing as I literally drowned just a few minutes ago, at least I think it was a few minutes''

I finish asking while mumbling quietly the last part, but they seem to have heard it.

''Oh, I got three names, which one do you want to hear?''

They ask me, while I am here, finally have moved from my laying position to sitting, while asking.

''What's the difference?''

''Simple. each one is for different gender, I suppose, one's for a man, a woman and what you see now and depending on the name you call me, I am going to shift into that gender, so which one is going to be?''

Well, that's not complicated whatsoever, but I guess this 'form' is fine since that's what I woke up to and I find it quite pleasing to look at.

''The one you are now''

''The name's Alani then, anyways, to answer your previous question, no I haven't done anything to you myself, it's the post-death effect, as we like to call it, for this place for after you die, nobody from the ones you call 'gods' would stand here for however long a person would go into a breakdown, whining, sobbing, etc after they die, so it practically instantly puts you in your best/calmest attitude so none of that would happen and waste everybody's time, not that time actually matters to us that much, so you could just say that nobody wants to deal with that shit''

They finish their statement and before I could fully sink it in, they continue.

''Oh and it wasn't a few minutes since you died, just a few hours, you know, for the post death effect to kick in, anyways, none of that matters now, you're dead, your past life is forfeit and you next is going to begin soon after we get everything in order, oh and before you ask, no, not everybody gets a so called 'second chance', a reincarnation, most of us just choose however we want to, you don't have to have done good deeds, or evil deeds, none of that matters to us, like come on, we literally create worlds, why would some killing matter to us when we can end it just as fast as we started a world, I swear some people, anyways, sorry for the little rant there, of course we do still have some criteria for whom or how we choose people to reincarnate, there's one of my best pals that chooses people only that have had sex with at least 100 people, and without any 'rape' since according to her, 'rape' isn't sex, it's a worthless trash act of preying upon others for nothing else than show of whatever useless power they have, she likes putting them in a world with heavy sexual themes that you know, use one of those 'have sex to power up' or 'my ability acitvates when kissing' you know? That's why we are such good 'friends' there's also what you people would call 'evil gods' since they literally only choose fucking monsters and give them some power only for it to end up as horrible as possible for them when they meet their pathetic demise, and so on''

Alani finally finish their VERY long statement, and they said that the 'gods' don't like to waste 'time', my ass.

''Uh... Well, I've got a few questions, if you don't mind Alani?''

''Of course not, go ahead''

''Well, first, how the hell did you speak for so long without taking a single breath, that's some op bullshit if you ask me''

I finish with an exaggerated sigh.

''Pfft... Hahaha,'' Alani laughs for a little while before stopping and answering ''Us 'gods' ain't got time for breathing. We don't need to, great first question by the way''

''Right... Anyways now to the real questions, how do you choose people and why me?''

''Oh, I didn't tell you before? I guess I went on a tangent again, well anyway, it's simple really, it was completely at random''


''Random, 'RNG' as you'd call it, that's how I choose the people I want to reincarnate, It could've been literally anybody else instead of you, but the 'settings' I put into the RNG, it chose you''

''Huh... Well, I guess I am glad? That it chose me, what were your 'settings' anyways?''

''Well this time it was these''

Alani says as the information appears in front of both of us, I'd say it was for me to be more convenient, but I think it's more because they forgot.

''Female, below eighteen, above fourteen, blue eyes, casual gamer, avid anime/movie watcher, middle class, cause of death neither quick nor painless, decently kind but also cunning to not get taken advantage off most of the times with some clumsiness sprinkled in''

Alani finishes is what I thought for a second right before they said something that made my face quite a dark shade of red.

''Oh and my personal favorite, three or more fetishes that most 'people' would consider not appropriate''

''And so, that's why you're here instead of somebody else, it chose you, if I were to change one of these, it could've been anybody else, for example, if I said, brown eyes, just by default since you have beautiful blues, you wouldn't be here''

Alani continues to speak, I think to help me calm down from the embarrassment of the last detail of me being here, I would thank them later for it since I don't want to put more attention to it now.

''Thank you for explaining and I guess for giving me this chance? Even if it was pure random luck''

''You're welcome'' They say proudly which almost makes me roll my eyes

''So Alani, what now? You keep talking about reincarnation, what do I do?''

''I'm glad you asked, well while others give some kind of system either randomly or asking the person what kind they'd like, some give just whatever powers or put them in worlds without asking, I do it simply and by the book, wishes, that's all, there's barely any wish that can't be granted since you'd be sent off to another world of you own choosing, you could be as powerful, as rich as you wanted to be, you could have anything you'd like to have and so on, so go ahead, you got yourself 6 wishes, one of those has to be the world you choose to be in. so it's basically 5, but you just decide where you want to go''

''Huh well, my first wish is to be reincarnated into the world of Disney's Frozen universe in Arendelle, one year before the coronation of the Queen with this very body, so more like transfer or teleportation instead of the literal definition of 'reincarnation' but yeah...''

I say with uncertainty waiting for a little before speaking my second wish to see if Alani will say something about the wish being practically multiple, but they only wait patiently while smiling so I continue.

''My second wish, for the Frozen universe, most specifically, Arendelle and its closest neighboring kingdoms to speak, write, pronounce, think in English, it'd be pretty funny and sad if I went there and I couldn't speak to anybody there, especially for the reason I chose the place, that being Elsa. Yes, I know that they speak and sing in English, but the actual place is based in Norway and it's also around the 1840s and so the people would probably speak in Danish/German/Dano-Norwegian, besides it's not like Frozen is only dubbed in one language, so there's no way Elsa is actually singing in English, hell let me get a bit more specific with my wish and just make the main characters sound like their actors, yeah...''

''So you want me to make everybody around Arendelle and Arendelle itself, speak in English, while the main characters go around with their voice actor voices?''


''Well alrighty then, let me just steal Idinas' voice real quick'' Alani says with a nonchalant look


There's a brief silence.

''I hope that you're only joking and she just has her voice instead of Idina losing hers and Elsa requiring it.''


I stare at them for a bit, before continuing.

''So, anyways, my third wish is this, power-wise: Magical eyes and senses, while the eyes are closed to see/sense any kind of the world's magic, so I could see where and what magic is being cast, where it came from, where it will go, etc, Troll magic doesn't work on me at all except for their healing, so memory erasure or something else if off limits and cold weather/conditions/water is 75% less cold, so let's say it was -28°C I would only feel it at -7°C''I finish my third wish before I continue, Alani perks up.

''Ooh, quite interesting, most people either choose some 'fever' dream world or being as 'OP' as possible like going to Dragon Ball universe while being Super Sayan stronger than Goku, or living in Highschool DxD and having the 'harem' powers and shit, I like it''

''Well it's pretty simple really, what's the point of going to worlds like that and with powers like that, I don't want to die more, as in both worlds that you described death is quite a generic thing, more so Dragon Ball than Highschool DxD, yes you can technically get revived repeatedly, but what's the point and also on the subject of powers, where's the fun in that, like wishing to be stronger than Goku, then what do you do in that world, you beat everybody without any problems and what's left? And with the 'harem' it's just fake love and most of it is garbage anyways, people take go to these worlds because of their favorite characters and shit like that and even though they say they are their favorites, they treat them as puppets, simply by having 'fake love harem' powers since, in sense controlling them to like the person that reincarnated simply by existing, hell they don't even need to do anything and the girls will throw themselves at the so called new 'main protaganist' if that's not a defilement of favorite characters by making them puppets without them knowing that they are practically 'fated' to 'love' like that, then I don't know what is, it's practically mind control/brain washing if you ask me and the same thing happens in Overlord, Momon just 'programs' Albedo to be madly in love with him, now how the fuck is that love, you literally put that in her brain for your own 'satisfaction', granted that was different circumstances since he got Isekai'd but now Albedo is stuck to be in love with him without knowing that all it is fake love, but hey they are 'NPCS' so it doesn't matter, right?''

I say while panting, out of breath while speaking without stopping for so long

''Haah, sorry for a rant there, it somewhat grinds my gears, if you haven't noticed, hehe'' I say a little bit flustered.

''Hey it's fine, I am actually glad that you went on that rant, besides I did go on a few while taking with you anyways, so we are even''

''Anyways, my fourth wish is to make the world of Frozen have Futas and their birth rate be 5% out of all births and make Elsa and Honeymaren Futas''

I say with a slightly less red face than before, making Alani smirk.

''Oh, that's one of the fetishes, huh? I wonder what else you have in that dirty little brain of yours, and you mean with a penis and a vagina at the same time, right? Since some want only with a dick''

''Of course, best of both worlds, yes it's cliche but it's true, besides why wish without the pussy, it's just a loss, there are no gains''

I say before continuing with my fourth wish.

''My next wish is, for Elsa to be a little bit more 'evil' in her Ice Castle on the mountains, be a bit more 'lustful' and a bit more 'controlling' in general, you know minor changes, doesn't change a whole lot but perhaps it will be a good add on in the future, you never know''

''Of course, I can see that, so what exactly is 'more evil in ice castle' implying?'' Alani asks

''Oh, it's not actually 'evil' as in she will do bad things, it's more like she's more cunning and less feeling for other people just because I feel like after leaving the kingdom and building Marshmallow and the Castle and having her freedom, it'd make her more inclined to do whatever she wants at least a little bit more instead of still being conservative and only in the ice castle because, I don't want her to be like that all the time, so only being it in the Ice Castle and its' vicinity is pretty niche''

''Yes, it is 'pretty niche', well what's the sixth and last wish?'' They ask with an exciting look.

''Uh, not gonna like I don't fully have one, there's a few ideas, but not that important, or more situational, any suggestions? Alani?''

''Hmm... What about the financial situation, why no wish to be rich or some skill that would help, like, uh, I don't know, sword fighting?'' Alani says with a thoughtful look.

''Decent suggestions, but no, for the rich one, what's the point, money doesn't bring happiness and besides I like to be spoiled... yeah... and the skill one is pretty good, but there are so many skills to choose from and I am quite lazy to think of any and if I were to choose many skills then the world of Frozen would just get boring for the same reason I said before, being too ''OP'' would get boring'' I explain but not sounding that confident this time.

''Right, I get ya, I suppose, hmm... well when you think of someth-'' I interrupt Alani before they could finish their sentence.

''I've got it'' I look at Alani just now realizing I interrupted them rudely ''Sorry Alani...''

''Hehe, it's fine, now what's this last wish?''

''Well...uh...'' My ear tips turning red ''After every sex session, my hymen would reappear, so I could be like a virgin every time I have intercourse, oh and the cliche ability to get pregnant only when I want to'' I finish getting more confident the more I speak.

''Well okay, naughty, very naughty'' Alani says while having a darker look before getting serious ''Now then you got all of your wishes done with, it will take a bit before you get transported to the world, which gives us some more time to talk, and that brings me to this question'' The Dark-eyed 'god' pauses before continuing ''Why no wish on anything appearance-based, maybe another body? Or something''

''Ha, it's almost the same reason as before when I went on a rant about 'harem' powers, so I am pretty sure you already figured out that I want to have a try at a relationship with Elsa and possibly Honeymaren at the same time as I am a polyamorous person, so if I said to make me a different character like people wish to be their favorites or just changing their body proportions to fit their 'ideal' body, to me that's fake persona and leads me to my point if I changed into some 'goddess' level of beauty from some other media and that made Elsa fall in love with me, to me that be a really big blow, it's like saying she only feels something for me because I am somebody else instead of myself and that's a form of fake love, so the idea of changing myself into somebody that I am not never even occurred in my brain, if that makes sense'' I finish speaking with conviction.

''In a weird way it does, basically, you feel that they would love somebody else instead of you if were to change''

''Basically'' I pause a little ''But I do have more of a favor to ask, it's not a wish and you don't have to do it whatsoever if you don't want to'' I say fiddling with my fingers.

''Well I can't promise anything, but shoot'' Alani says without fluctuation to her patient smile

''I know it may contradict myself a little with this request, but...Could I get a hair color change to crimson red, something like from the before mentioned Highschool DxD and the 'actual' redhead Rias Gremory, I don't think that having a different hair color will change much in terms of reasons I said before, besides the point of me loving crimson hair so much, but as I said, you don't have to do it''

''It's fine, it's just the same thing as if I dyed your hair but instead permanently and instead of doing it with products it'd be with some 'magic', so no biggie''

They say as they skootch over to the side a little and it lets me see myself in the mirror that was behind Alani.

As I look at the mirror I see myself and my blue eyes and my glasses that I magically have on even though I died without them, my now new crimson-colored short hair that makes me happy, I see my 5'6ft petite frame with barely any extra body fat and almost ghost-like pale skin, my favorite white and red pajamas with custom, favorite characters from different anime/books/movies that I used to sleep in every day in (because I had multiple and would wash one before using another), not gonna lie I will miss it when I will be in Frozen, the pajamas are hiding my A-cup breasts that's almost B-cup, I am pretty sure I will reach that while growing, don't think my height will change though, at least not by much, which is fine, I like being on the smaller side and of course, it hides my heart shape trimmed pussy from and pert ass cheeks that I am quite proud of, ain't gotta have huge proportions to be appreciated, in total, I love how I look, so why would I change anything, except for my previously brown hair, quite bland.

''Thank you for changing my hair color'' I say happily

''No problem, anyway, I'd like to know a bit more about your wishes that you've made and the process of your thoughts behind them''

''Well okay, go ahead, I can answer any question you want, not like it's any secret anyway nor that I could probably hide anyways, so I'd rather tell how it is on my own terms''

''Understandable, but hey, I wouldn't do such a thing as mind reading or anything like that unlike some 'gods' like my trash of a brother, but hey can't choose family even as a 'god' which is ironic if you think about it, but anyhow I barely know any information about you, unlike choosing somebody that interests me or somebody that i look into, as I said it's all random, I only go off on that information, because I like talking with the people that make their wishes instead of just knowing everything about them, like, what would i do here waiting for the person to go to their chosen world when I knew everything there is to know about them, it could get awkward, so it's a fun time to talk with people, yes most can quite boring, especially at first when I started doing this because I would put barely any 'settings' so it'd be pretty much the same person just with a different background or cause of death, it got pretty generic real quick, so now, I put either specific things or more of them into the process of choosing, that way I get way more interesting people to talk to, yes, not every time does it work like a charm, but it's way less than before, so I am happy, so all that I know about you are the details that got you here and some of your thoughts and mannerisms as you were talking with me, oh and obviously through the wishes you made'' Yet again, they went on quite a tangent, but it's fine, because it seems we share the trait of doing that.

''Oh, I like that, a good idea to pass the time, effective, so, what do you want to know?''

''Well, you are against change, which is why you talked about 'fake love' and 'fake persona' and such, but yet you wished to change Elsa a bit, not about her Futa, that's just a fetish for you, but about being more evil, etc'' Alani asks

''Well, yet it may seem hypocritical and it is, but that's why I said for that effect to be only while in the Ice Castle, because I honestly think the creators of Frozen did a poor job of it, by that I mean, she leaves the castle, sings a song about letting it go and freedom, which is great by the way, but yet she doesn't change even a little bit, she's practically the same, so my 'evil' thing isn't like she is ruthless, heartless or that she'd lose any kindness that she has, but no, she just actually starts doing whatever she wants, she has powers that she can finally use, yet doesn't use them, the directors, were like, here she's in an ice castle now having done nothing, gets captured, anna gets saved, voila, she has control of her power and she can use her powers without any problems, throwing ice parties in the kingdom, bitch, she hasn't even trained or anything, she was afraid of her powers, never did anything with them, she lost control a few times, hit anna not once or twice, you'd imagine she'd have more of a trauma or something like an idea to train on how to stop that from happening again, but nooo, she just can do that now, how fucking stupid, but that's how it is, so I'd like to imagine how'd she be when actually testing her limits, using ice for creative ways, training to understand and control that broken ass ability of literally creating sentient life, because sometimes it's smart and can speak like Olaf and sometimes pretty dumb without the ability to talk like Marshmallow and where better to train than her caste in the mountain, where there is nobody and she has a tad bit more loose ground to try some things that to others may seem evil, so I had a thought of training with her, that's why I asked to have the 75% resistance to Cold, so I could help her test on how cold she could make her power come out, we would try little by little, if she could perhaps reach -100 celsius I'd know that it would be -100 because I'd feel only -25 of it, and while I was still alive, with some decent clothing I'd feel some shivers and chatter my teeth from around -25 to -30, so then I'd know she could basically freeze a person in seconds, we could train to see how sharp and effective we could make her ice, because she already can make permanent ice somehow, so if she could make sharper weaponry there'd be no need to waste or make it from anything else, same with armor, we could try and train the density and weight of her ice to practically try and recreate bullet proof 'vests', ain't no sword getting through that and with the training of how cold she could make her ice, it'd be less cold than the Steel armor the soldiers wear, not to even mention if she could create an army of literal ICE GIANTS, but that's only for dire situations, pretty sure there'd be a butterfly effect and Arendelle would be feared and then an alliance would happen against it or something, so yeah, with that more 'evil' wish, she'd have no qualms of actually training and trying out stuff like that'' I finish my very long statement

''Wow... I don't remember putting my trait of going on rants and tangents in the 'settings' to choose a person to revive'' Alani jokes

''Hehe, sorry, but anyways, for the controlling part, it's actually simple, it's my naughty side kicking in, because I've seen some people think/write about Elsa being a sub, like get outta here, she can literally put you in ice shackles, put three ice dildos up all of your orifices, how you gonna top that, when you can't move and can't talk and can only squirm, fucking stupid. But there's is something else to it, it's not only sexual, ain't going to sugar coat it, but she has practically no presence as a queen, so a tad bit of control is fine, and pretty sure I don't have to say anything about being more lustful... if we do get together, I'd just want to get fucked to oblivion by her... yeah...'' I say that without any more embarrassment since I am comfortable with Alani now

''True, true, but then if you wish for Elsa to be a bit different, why no wish with Honeymaren changes except for being Futa, and I imagine her life would be quite different as a Futa, since, she now has both genitalia and to Northulda people 5% definitely ain't that much, so I'd probably guess she'd be alone, might get bullied or something, maybe try to have sex with multiple girls, essentially being a playgirl, maybe not because they are quite good people, but it definitely can't be the same'' The dark-eyed beauty inquires

''Hmm... Well the first part is easy to answer because there's basically nothing there to her character I know of since I died before Frozen 3 was made besides being kind, bulkier than Arendelle women and having a brother, so I wouldn't want to change anything when there's nothing to change, plus, I'd rather get to know her... but the second part is well... a mystery really, not gonna lie, I didn't fully think that through because my naughty side was speaking there, so now that she will be a Futa, she could be different than she was in Frozen 2, but, if she is, I am still going to try and be with her no matter what, because I know that I would feel responsible for it and if she isn't any different, well that's fine too, doesn't change anything, because, in both ways, I will get to know her anew anyways''

''Okay, well I got a few more questions, but since I asked already, how about you ask me one? But only one, you ain't ready to know about us 'gods' yet''

''Oh, thanks, so since, you said that I can't ask the juicy stuff, which is a pity, I will just ask, why'd you call brother trash?''

''Well because, he literally, reincarnates people however he wants to whatever world he wishes, oh and also from whatever world he wants, so unlike you, they practically don't know anything about the mess they get into, like sending what you'd call 'fairies/pixies' to the other world while being something completely different without any information on what creature they are on how they should function whatsoever, or sending a badass Queen to the world of magic and wizardry with barely any information on the world, with barely any help to people being sent over, sometimes with a favor or something, for his own enjoyment only, don't like him, just don't oh and as I mentioned it before, he read their minds while the person is in front of him and he also watches their whole life and most particularly the way they died right in front of them while speaking to them, most likely just to taunt them''

Alani spits out the last words with the only instance of what resembles anger that I've seen from them from the time we've known, which is not much, but it is what it is.

''That's...pretty horrible, I feel like almost all people reincarnated by him, don't like him, he's an evil bastard''

''Yeah... he is, but he's still family, at least he's not crazy enough to reincarnate people while they are useless without any powers, information or just straight-up diseases or something because he doesn't find any enjoyment in things like that because it'd defeat the purpose of being able to enjoy if the person he revived just shriveled up and died the moment they got into the new world, so at least there's that, but enough about my scum of a brother, let me ask you now''


''So why only 75% on the cold resistance? Why not 100%?''

''As previously mentioned by yours truly'' Alani scoffs a little bit while rolling her eyes ''that way I couldn't train with Elsa, besides, I'd rather no be hot or warm all the time, I'd really like to feel at least some cold, like a breeze or something, I'd probably go crazy going being hot all the time''

''Right, right, what about the part of being immune to troll magic?''

''OH don't even get me started on those fucking...'' Okay calm down, calm mind, breathe '' Right, right, the trolls, they fucking suck, they supposedly heal Anna, erases her magic and practically make Elsa be afraid or hate herself because of her powers, with barely any importance of getting her to train, leading into her getting locked in her own castle by her own parents, shit partens by the way, without any interaction, pretty sure something like that would lead people crazy and get suicidal thoughts or at least a very strong case of depression, instead of just actually healing Anna without erasing her memories so she would know about Elsas' power, make it really important and apparent for their parents to train it to control, so Anna and the parent would do that instead of practically destroyng her life, so I definitely don't want them to erase my memories, because if they can do that, they can definitely manipulate minds too, since Annas' erased memories were replaced by new fake ones, so honestly they probably can do anything and I don't want any of that shit near me, but the healing is nice...so why not cash in on it''

''Smart, I like it, so then why only 5% Futa birth rate?''

''Well, it's mainly because I want there to be futas in the world while not over saturating it, if I make every girl a futa, then that's neither a fetish anymore nor anything new, besides how would it function, men and women are practically not needed anymore, because futas would literally do the job alone, then why not more instead of all, well that's because of other media I've seen, they say that there are some futas in the world, but somehow when the main character goes to some new school or something, every single girl is a futa, without exception, like what? Quite the 'coincidence so I don't want anything close to that if I were to meet any other people I'd like to be with, in the Frozen universe, because we only see a few people and their perspectives, but there's a whole world out there, so I am sure I can meet somebody''

''I concur, you definitely will meet somebody, now go ahead ask me another question''

''Okay, I am wondering how are we in my old room, not something like a dark void, white space or whatever?''

''Well because it'd be pretty stupid otherwise, why be in some bland white/dark space without anything there to look at or speak about, etc.'' The androgynous 'god' says proudly as if I should've already known the answer ''Oh and for your room, basically this 'space' of mine where I meet chosen people to get revived, it automatically sets it to the most usual/calming place that the person is used to be in, that's why it took you a few hours to wake up because it had to set the environment with clothing and in a place that you'd feel the most natural in''

''Uh... so what if I was most natural sleeping naked, would I've been naked here? And what about if my most calming place was me in a bathtub or a shower because I am pretty sure that's like a close second'' I say a little bit flabbergasted at this so-called 'space' there are so many things that could go wrong ''And what if somehow some messed up psychopath gets through and all you see is dead people scattered around or some other messed up shit?''

''Okay, okay, calm your perfect titties for a second, to answer your impromptu questions, everything would happen as you'd think, you would've been naked or you'd be in a bathtub if that was your 'best' space per se''

''That... made me a little bit wet, not only the thought of you seeing me naked from the get-go or for all this time but the unnecessary but happily appreciated compliment on my 'perfect titties', thank you for that''

She smirks evilly while licking her lips a little while saying ''Oh a slight exhibitionism and praise fetishes eh?'' before going back to serious mode and answering the last part of my question

''And for the psychopath thingy, well, let's just say, that would be the case, if I'd actually let people like that be in my 'space', I have a few permanent 'settings' that are blacklisted and so people that have even one of them don't get to be chosen by my RNG''

Oh? That's interesting, but also slightly concerning, because if there were no blacklist in place and somehow a prominent child predator showed up, I don't think the place they'd find themselves in would be pretty.

''So care to tell me some of the blacklist settings? Now that you mentioned it, I am mighty curious''

I ask with my best hope/puppy eyes that I could muster in this situation and it seemed to have worked.

''Well, yes I can tell you a few and because you just showed me quite a cute and adorable look, I will even add one extra if you would've asked me without it''

''Sweet'' I say as I blush a little for being complimented ''You're beautiful too''

''Ah, how adorable, the cute puppy wants to compliment back''

Alani speaks as if she were speaking to the most adorable dog they've ever seen.

''C'mon stop teasing me and let's move on? Shall we?''

I say a little bit flustered, I don't want to start crushing on a literal/figurative goddess.

''But it's so fun to tease you now that I see how cute you look''

I glare at her as best as I can, which only comes off as a pout which thanks 'god' in front of me, they actually stop and get on with it, otherwise, I think I would die again from a heart attack.

''Alright, well these are a few of settings''

And again an information tab-like thing appears before us, but this time only for Alani which makes me make a snide remark


Alani yet again rolls her eyes at me... I feel like that would be a very prominent thing she'd do if we had more time to be around each other.

''So anyways, mass murderers/terrorists, normal murderers that do it without any shred of guilt/regret, any kind of rapists, that one being half of an omage to my friend, so it includes both female and male and also child molesters and people that molest people constantly like on trains/subways and other places with a lot of traffic without thinking that they are doing anything bad, people above 50 years and that's all I am going to share, by the way, that last one was the extra one and before you ask about it, it's only because I feel like they lived longer lives and well I'd rather talk/revive a teen/middle-aged person that didn't get to live their lives, but don't worry they also get reincarnated by somebody else, there's this great 'god' that only reincarnates people like that, old people that die of old age, obviously, and people that die of diseases because their immune system gets worse with age, so this 'god' only take people above 50 years old''

Well, that's wholesome, I'd like to meet them somehow, I imagine them being like that kind old man that just likes to drink tea and relax, just like uncle Iroh from ATLA, love that guy.

''Those are some settings that I approve of, well the age one is debatable and it's each to their own, but everything besides that is awesome, go you, Alani''

I say while clapping a little which makes her giggle, which made my heart skip a beat at the sound.

''By the way, quick question, in hindsight I probably should've asked this instantly, but pronouns do you use?''

''Oh, in this form, She/Her/Hers same as female, anyways, my turn, so you're polyamorous, how'd you figure that out?''

''Well, in my veeeery adventurous life...''

Come on I didn't even finish to say my answer and she rolled her eyes, how dare she, which made me stare at her a little and roll my own eyes at her which only made her raise an eyebrow with a smirk, I feel like I just lost somehow, but in what way I have no idea.

''While I was younger, around 12/13 I started looking at girls differently, you know, crushing on them, at first I thought why I was only looking at girls while most of them only spoke about boys that I just couldn't even come close to caring about. so because, fortunately, there was the internet, I just searched about it online and go figures, a 100% lesbian, which I don't feel like it's pure truth, since later on I got completely in the love of the idea of having sex with a futa and they have a dick, but that's beside the point, so in those earlier years, which is not that long ago, to be honest, seeing as I died on my 16th birthday... I looked and crushed at multiple girls at the time, some would last longer than others, but I was scared for two years to ask any girl out not because of being hated as a lesbian, but being called slut/cheater or something like that for asking multiple girls to be with, I know, priorities, but when I was 15, I actually tried to ask these two girls out, they were best friends too and I knew they were at least bisexual since I saw them kissing lightly a few times, but I got completely rejected only because and it's their words and not mine 'are you sick? you can't date multiple people, stay away from us' so that went well, I was bummed out about it, even shedding some tears, but I willed myself not to actually cry since it was only my first attempt at it and that I get plenty of crushes so I knew I would get new ones, besides, yet again, I went to our best friend, the internet and searched about liking multiple people and that's when I knew I was polyamorous, I didn't get people that were monogamous at all, to me they were a bit crazy in my mind like there's more than 7 billion and you can only love one person? How stupid is that, of course, I don't belittle them or patronize, for I realize that different people and their brains work differently, so I thought of trying to ask some girls out again, but before I could do that I had an epiphany, I would just do that in the future, you know adults because unlike teens their brain have already matured and most of them knew what about their sexuality and what they wanted, so I thought to myself let's just focus on other things until it comes to that point, but we both know that didn't go as planned, since well... I am here, sitting and looking at a beautiful goddess about to get sent to another world''

''Indeed, I really liked that answer, oh and as a little 'revenge', I will put those two girls that rejected you on my blacklist''

My eyes widen at that casual remark.

''Isn't that petty?''

''Is it?''

''I think it is?''

''Hmm...Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, who knows... Oh wait I do, I am a goddess and I say it isn't petty, definitely justified, now be a good girl and shush''

''But th-''

she just puts her index finger on my lips and the slight touch made me shiver and my breath hitch

''Good girl''

But I wasn't the one to stop talking... Ah whatever, I secretly like her calling me a good girl and she doesn't need to know that, so it's fine.

''Okay fine, thank you? I guess''

She just smirks at me proudly, like she just cured cancer or something, pretty sure those two girls would've not gotten to Alani anyways, since they were basic bitches and the goddess in front of my baby blues has some game-like rng system in place for reincarnation so there's no way they would get here, but hey I guess 99.99% is less than an absolute 100%.

''Now then, you turn'' But just as I am about to ask another question my bedroom seems to be changing to something else

''Ah, it seems we are out of time, how sad, I was really enjoying and having fun talking with you'' Alani frowns, but it immediately changes into an excited gleam in their eyes ''now then, are you ready, for your new life?''

I see the space that we were in shifting to a forest-like area with a pretty lake and the most beautiful sakura trees around, I guess that's Alani most calming space, not gonna lie wish we were in this place instead of my bedroom, looks way more pleasing to look at.

''Yes, I am 'dead' set and ready to go''

''Well then, you will be gone in a minute or so'' The 'god' says

''Hah, can't wait, by the way, Alani, will I see you again? Not gonna lie, I had quite a blast meeting you and I took quite a fancy to you, I feel like we could be great friends''

I ask my last question before I get sent away.

''Yes, someday, now bye Diana and have fun''

As I was blacking out the last thing I heard

''We could be more than friends''

~ End of Chapter 1 ~