
Reincarnated Dark Lord ( On Hold )

In this Harry Potter fanfiction, we follow the story of a brilliant but cruel orphan who is suddenly reincarnated as Tom Marvolo Riddle, better known as Lord Voldemort. Gifted with his knowledge from a past life, the young orphan quickly realizes the power that he holds and begins his quest for ultimate domination. With a thirst for greatness that knows no bounds, our protagonist uses his knowledge to push the limits of magic to terrifying extents. His intellect and cunning quickly earn him the admiration and respect of his peers, as he ascends to the position of the most feared and revered dark wizard in the wizarding world. As he rises to power, he leaves a trail of destruction and chaos in his wake, crushing anyone who dares to stand in his way. But with every victory, his cruelty grows, and he becomes more ruthless and sadistic with each passing day. As he plunges the wizarding world into darkness, our protagonist's legacy is etched in history as the greatest dark wizard to have ever lived. With its richly imagined characters, intricate world-building, and spine-tingling plot, this fanfiction will take you on a journey into the mind of one of the most infamous villains in literary history, revealing the true nature of power and the price of greatness. Note:- I do not own Harry Potter and the cover picture as well. If the owner of the cover picture wants me to take it down just contact me through the comments section of the story.

_Solomon_ · Movies
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18 Chs

The Journey Begins

[Time Skip]

A few months have passed since Tom's encounter with the elemental magic, and during that time, he had put his exploration of the elements on hold. Instead, he focused solely on honing his magical abilities and increasing his reserves of power. Tom understood the importance of control and stability, recognizing that he needed a solid foundation before venturing into more advanced and potentially dangerous forms of magic.

One evening, as Tom sat in his room, poring his thoughts on a book about transfiguration, he felt a peculiar sensation—a subtle tingling deep within his soul. It was as if an invisible thread connected him to an unknown presence, pulling at his consciousness. Curiosity and a strange sense of obligation washed over him.

Without hesitation, Tom rose from his chair and made his way to the door. As he opened it, he found himself face to face with an old man—a man whose eyes twinkled with wisdom and mischief. The old man smiled warmly, his gaze piercing through Tom's defenses.

"Tom Riddle, I presume?" the old man said, his voice carrying an air of familiarity.

Tom's heart skipped a beat, his instincts urging him to be on guard. Yet, a different sensation, a stirring within his core, whispered that he should behave amiably. Trusting his instincts, he managed a polite nod. "Yes, that's me. Can I help you?"

The old man chuckled softly and produced a letter from his pocket. "I believe I have something of great interest to you. A letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

His mind raced with questions, but he found himself unable to voice them. Instead, he held out his hand to accept the letter, the parchment feeling weighty and significant against his palm.

The old man observed Tom's reaction with a knowing smile. "You're a special young man, Tom Riddle. The matron of the orphanage, Ms. Cole, spoke highly of you. She mentioned your kindness and compassion, qualities that many admire."

Tom's eyes widened in surprise. He had always been reserved, keeping his abilities hidden and his emotions carefully guarded. The fact that Ms. Cole had praised his character meant something, even if he had never fully trusted others to understand him.

Dumbledore, for it was he who stood before Tom, continued, "Hogwarts offers a unique opportunity for young witches and wizards like yourself to explore and harness their magical potential. It is a place of growth, camaraderie, and discovery. I believe you have the potential to achieve great things, Tom."

A mixture of emotions swirled within Tom—excitement, apprehension, and a touch of trepidation. The idea of attending Hogwarts, surrounded by others who shared his gift, was both exhilarating and overwhelming. But he knew better than to reveal the full extent of his abilities, understanding the value of keeping certain cards close to his chest.

With a measured tone, Tom responded, "Thank you for this opportunity, sir. I will consider your offer and give it the thought it deserves."

Dumbledore nodded, his eyes gleaming with a glimmer of anticipation. "Take your time, Tom. But know that Hogwarts awaits, ready to guide you on a path of discovery and growth. Should you decide to join us, your journey will be filled with knowledge, friendship, and the opportunity to unlock your true potential."

Tom's mind swirled with conflicting thoughts. Hogwarts represented a chance to delve deeper into the world of magic, to learn from renowned professors, and to connect with others who shared his extraordinary abilities. It was an opportunity that held immense allure.

But there was a part of him that hesitated, a part that whispered caution. He had always been a solitary figure, relying only on himself. Could he trust this invitation? Would he be accepted, understood, and appreciated for who he truly was? Or would he be an outsider once again, concealing his true abilities from prying eyes?

Dumbledore seemed to sense Tom's inner turmoil and gave him a reassuring smile. "Remember, Tom, Hogwarts is not just a school—it's a community. A place where you can find your own path, forge meaningful connections, and shape your destiny. I believe you have a bright future ahead of you, should you choose to embrace it."

"I accept your invitation, Professor Dumbledore," Tom finally said, his voice steady and resolute. "I will join Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Tom's acceptance of the invitation to Hogwarts filled the air with a sense of anticipation and excitement. Dumbledore, true to his word, took it upon himself to ensure that Tom had everything he needed for his first year at the school. Together, they embarked on a journey to Diagon Alley, a bustling magical marketplace hidden from the eyes of ordinary people.

Their first stop was Ollivanders, the renowned wand shop. Tom's eyes widened as he stepped into the dimly lit store, filled from floor to ceiling with boxes of wands. Garrick Ollivander, a slender and mysterious figure, greeted them with a knowing smile.

"I have been expecting you, young Tom Riddle," Ollivander said, his voice carrying a hint of reverence. "Come, let us find the wand that will choose you."

Tom approached the counter, his heart pounding with anticipation. Ollivander carefully measured his arm and inspected the features of his face, as if searching for some hidden connection. After a moment of contemplation, he disappeared into the depths of the shop, returning with a long box.

"13½ inches long, crafted from yew, and affixed with a phoenix feather core," Ollivander announced, his eyes gleaming with fascination. "Powerful indeed. This wand has a tendency to bond strongly with its owner, and I believe it has found its match in you, young Tom."

Tom took the wand into his hands, feeling a surge of energy pass through him. It felt right, as if an invisible thread connected him to this magical instrument. Ollivander's words about achieving great things echoed in his mind, stirring a mixture of determination and curiosity.

"Thank you, Mr. Ollivander," Tom said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I will make good use of this wand."

Leaving Ollivanders, Tom thanked Dumbledore for his unwavering guidance and support. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, for everything you've done," he said with genuine gratitude. "I will look around and purchase the books on my own. You've already been so generous, and I'll use my scholarship money for any additional items I might need."

Dumbledore smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with a mix of pride and concern. "You are most welcome, Tom. Remember, while exploring Diagon Alley, do not stray too far and be mindful of your surroundings. Here, take this bag of money. It should cover your expenses for the day. And if there is anything else that catches your interest, feel free to indulge your curiosity."

With a nod of appreciation, Tom watched as Dumbledore made his way back towards the entrance of Diagon Alley, disappearing into the crowd. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before venturing into Flourish and Blotts.

Tom approached the store manager, a friendly-faced wizard who was eager to assist him. As they walked through the aisles, Tom's eyes darted from title to title, his mind hungry for the secrets they held. He found himself drawn to a section on magical theory, eager to deepen his understanding of the principles behind spellcasting.

Intrigued by the notion of mind-reading, Tom asked the store manager about books on the subject. The manager raised an eyebrow, curious about Tom's interest. "Mind-reading, you say? That's quite advanced magic. Are you familiar with Occlumency and Legilimency?"

Tom hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "I've read about them in a book. It mentioned that powerful wizards possess the ability to read the minds of others. I wish to explore this further."

Impressed by Tom's thirst for knowledge, the store manager guided him to the section containing books on Occlumency and Legilimency. Tom carefully selected the volumes, eager to delve into the intricacies of the mind and its connection to magic.

In addition to the books on mind-related magic, Tom also gathered texts on potion-making, advanced charms, and the history of magical practices. He understood that to excel at Hogwarts, he needed a well-rounded education in all aspects of magic.

With a stack of books in his arms, Tom made his way to the counter, his eyes shining with anticipation. As he completed the purchase, the store manager couldn't help but remark, "You have a thirst for knowledge, young man. I have no doubt you will find great success in your studies at Hogwarts."

Tom smiled appreciatively.

Leaving the bookstore, Tom carefully stowed the books in his bag and walked through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley.

As Tom made his way down the bustling Diagon Alley, he soon arrived at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. The bell above the door chimed as he entered, and the scent of fabric and stitching filled the air.

Madam Malkin, a small, plump woman with a measuring tape draped around her neck, greeted Tom with a warm smile. "Ah, a new Hogwarts student, I presume?" she said, eyeing the stack of books in his bag.

Tom nodded, returning her smile. "Yes, indeed. I'm here to get my school robes."

Madam Malkin beckoned him toward a fitting area, where robes of various colors and sizes hung neatly on racks. As she expertly measured him and selected the appropriate robes, Tom couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. Each garment carried with it the promise of a new chapter in his magical journey.

As the robes were adjusted and fitted to perfection, Tom caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. The elegant black fabric adorned with silver trimmings suited him well, accentuating his determined expression. He stood a little taller, feeling a sense of belonging he had rarely experienced before.

"Perfect fit, my dear," Madam Malkin exclaimed, admiring her handiwork. "You look every bit the promising young wizard."

"Thank you, Madam Malkin," Tom replied gratefully, marveling at the craftsmanship of his new robes. He paid for the robes and bid farewell to the kind seamstress, ready to continue his exploration of Diagon Alley.

As Tom stepped out onto the vibrant street, he glanced down at the bag in his hand, containing his precious books and now his freshly acquired robes. The weight of the bag felt reassuring, a tangible reminder of the magical world that awaited him.

His thoughts turned to Dumbledore's parting words. The bag of money that had been given to him held endless possibilities. With a spark of curiosity, Tom wondered what else he could discover in Diagon Alley, what other treasures might catch his eye.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Tom set off on his own, venturing deeper into the enchanting streets. He explored shops filled with cauldrons, potions ingredients, and magical artefacts, his eyes alight with wonder at each new discovery.

Time seemed to slip away as Tom lost himself in the maze of Diagon Alley. He carefully selected a few additional books, expanding his collection of magical theory, potions, and ancient runes. The more he learned, the more he hungered for knowledge, his thirst for understanding growing with each passing moment.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the cobblestone streets, Tom realized that he had spent the entire day engrossed in his explorations. With a contented sigh, he made his way back toward the familiar entrance of Diagon Alley, his bag now filled with the treasures of his newfound journey.

As he rejoined the main street, he spotted the familiar figure of Professor Dumbledore waiting patiently. The elderly wizard's eyes twinkled with curiosity as he observed Tom's return.

"Ah, there you are, Tom," Dumbledore greeted him warmly. "I trust your explorations have been fruitful?"

Tom nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Indeed, Professor. I've found some fascinating books and magical items that I'm eager to delve into."

Dumbledore's eyes sparkled with pride and wisdom as he listened to Tom's words. He nodded in agreement, appreciating the young wizard's enthusiasm for knowledge. "Indeed, Tom. The thirst for knowledge will guide you on a remarkable path. Now, it is time for us to bid farewell for the day. Do not forget, the Hogwarts Express leaves promptly at 11 o'clock morning, two weeks from now from Platform 9¾ at King's Cross Station. Make sure you don't miss it."

Tom nodded, his excitement mingled with a touch of nervousness at the thought of boarding the magical train that would take him to Hogwarts. He had so much to learn and explore, and the anticipation filled him with a sense of both wonder and determination.

With a wave of his wand, Dumbledore conjured a small, enchanted parchment and handed it to Tom. "This is your ticket for the Hogwarts Express. Keep it safe and present it when you board the train. Remember, Platform 9¾ is accessed by running through the barrier between platforms nine and ten. It may seem daunting, but trust in the magic, and you'll find your way."

Tom accepted the parchment, carefully tucking it into his pocket. "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. I won't forget."

Dumbledore smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with a mix of fondness and reassurance. "I have one more task for you, Tom. Hold on tightly." Without further explanation, Dumbledore extended his arm and, with a swift motion, apparated them both.

The world around Tom dissolved into a whirl of colors and sensations, and within seconds, they arrived at the gates of Wool's Orphanage. The familiar stone facade stood before them, a symbol of the life Tom was about to leave behind.

Dumbledore released his hold on Tom's arm and looked at him intently. "Remember, Tom, your journey starts from here. Hogwarts will be your new home, filled with friends, knowledge, and opportunities. Embrace them, but never forget your past. It has shaped you into the person you are today."

Tom met Dumbledore's gaze, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Professor. For everything."

Dumbledore's smile softened. "You're welcome, Tom. May your time at Hogwarts be filled with discovery and growth. Now, it is time for you to return to the orphanage. Make sure to gather your belongings and be prepared for tomorrow's departure."

With a nod, Tom turned towards the gates of the orphanage, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation about the adventure that awaited him. He glanced back at Dumbledore, who stood there, his presence radiating wisdom and guidance.

"Goodbye, Professor," Tom called out, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Goodbye, Tom," Dumbledore replied, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "Until we meet again."

With those parting words, Tom stepped through the gates of Wool's Orphanage, ready to embrace his destiny and embark on the extraordinary journey that awaited him at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The path was set before him, and he was determined to walk it with courage, ambition, and an unyielding thirst for knowledge.

Dumbledore's smile widened. "I'm delighted to hear that, Tom. Remember, knowledge is a powerful tool, and the pursuit of it will serve you well in your magical journey."