
Reincarnated Dark Lord ( On Hold )

In this Harry Potter fanfiction, we follow the story of a brilliant but cruel orphan who is suddenly reincarnated as Tom Marvolo Riddle, better known as Lord Voldemort. Gifted with his knowledge from a past life, the young orphan quickly realizes the power that he holds and begins his quest for ultimate domination. With a thirst for greatness that knows no bounds, our protagonist uses his knowledge to push the limits of magic to terrifying extents. His intellect and cunning quickly earn him the admiration and respect of his peers, as he ascends to the position of the most feared and revered dark wizard in the wizarding world. As he rises to power, he leaves a trail of destruction and chaos in his wake, crushing anyone who dares to stand in his way. But with every victory, his cruelty grows, and he becomes more ruthless and sadistic with each passing day. As he plunges the wizarding world into darkness, our protagonist's legacy is etched in history as the greatest dark wizard to have ever lived. With its richly imagined characters, intricate world-building, and spine-tingling plot, this fanfiction will take you on a journey into the mind of one of the most infamous villains in literary history, revealing the true nature of power and the price of greatness. Note:- I do not own Harry Potter and the cover picture as well. If the owner of the cover picture wants me to take it down just contact me through the comments section of the story.

_Solomon_ · Movies
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18 Chs

A Lesson Learned

As Tom sat in his room, his eyes fixed on the blank pages of his diary, his mind wandered back to the challenges he faced in lifting larger objects. It had been a frustrating endeavor, as his magic seemed to falter when confronted with the weight and size of objects like a sofa set or a refrigerator. But Tom was determined to overcome this limitation.

Months of tireless practice and unwavering dedication had led him to a breakthrough. It was during one particularly intense session in his room that he stumbled upon a revelation. He realized that his magic responded to his intent, his thoughts, and desires. With this understanding, he focused on two specific intents: making the object lighter and making it float.

Tom delved deep into his studies, exploring the intricacies of magic and the power of intent. He realized that his ability to make an object lighter was directly linked to his perception of its weight. By altering his perception and convincing himself that the object was lighter than it appeared, he could effectively reduce its weight in his mind.

However, Tom discovered that merely reducing the weight wasn't enough to lift the object. He needed to combine this intent with the desire to make it float. By visualizing the object levitating, defying gravity, and surrendering to his command, he channeled his magic towards achieving this effect.

It was a delicate balance of mental focus and emotional control. Tom would concentrate on the object, visualizing its weightlessness, and channeling his magic through his fingertips. He would pour all his energy into his intent, allowing it to manifest through his magic, coaxing the object to rise.

At first, progress was slow. Tom struggled to maintain his concentration and often found himself faltering in his attempts. But with each failure, he learned valuable lessons about patience and perseverance. He refused to let frustration consume him, realizing that true mastery required time and unwavering dedication.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Tom's efforts began to bear fruit. He discovered that his enhanced concentration, honed through months of practice, allowed him to focus his intent with unyielding precision. The objects he once deemed too heavy became subject to his control.

It started with small victories. Tom managed to lift a heavy wooden chair, his magic surging through his veins as he willed it to float effortlessly before him. Encouraged by this success, he continued to push the boundaries of his abilities, gradually progressing to larger and more challenging objects.

Tom's diary became a testament to his journey. Each page was filled with meticulous notes and diagrams, documenting his progress and refining his understanding of the intricate relationship between intent and magic. His diary became a cherished companion, a confidant that held his deepest secrets and served as a constant reminder of his growth.

As time passed, Tom's ability to lift larger objects became more refined. Sofas, wardrobes, and even refrigerators succumbed to his will as he honed his skill. The once-frustrating limitation had transformed into a source of immense pride and confidence.

But as Tom reflected on his journey, he couldn't help but recognize the transformation within himself. The focus and discipline required to master his magic had seeped into other aspects of his life. He had become more patient, more resilient, and more determined to reach his goals.

His relentless pursuit of magical prowess had opened his eyes to a world beyond his own existence. The realization that there were others like him, gifted with extraordinary powers, fueled his curiosity and ignited his desire to explore the wider magical community.

As Tom's anticipation grew, he couldn't help but be consumed by thoughts of the wider magical community and the possibilities that awaited him. He yearned to explore this world beyond his own existence, to connect with others who shared his extraordinary gifts. His dreams and speculations filled the pages of his diary, fueling his determination to venture beyond the orphanage's walls.

Driven by his curiosity, Tom decided to push the limits of his magic even further. He pondered a daring experiment - attempting to lift himself off the ground using his powers. The mere thought of levitating himself filled him with a mix of excitement and trepidation. He knew the risks involved, but the desire to unlock the full extent of his abilities outweighed his concerns.

With unwavering determination, Tom prepared for the risky endeavor. He meticulously planned every detail, studying the principles of levitation and visualizing the process in his mind. He knew that it required a delicate balance of intent, focus, and control.

Taking a deep breath, Tom stood at the center of his room, surrounded by the familiar objects he had mastered lifting over time. His heart pounded with anticipation as he summoned his magic, channeling it through his fingertips. He focused his intent on making himself lighter and visualized his body floating effortlessly in mid-air.

The room was filled with an electric energy as Tom's magic surged within him. With a sudden surge of power, he felt himself being lifted off the ground. His excitement intensified, but in his eagerness, he lost focus on maintaining his intent and control.

As his body ascended, it quickly became apparent that Tom had overestimated his ability to regulate his newfound power. The force of his magic pushed him upward with unexpected strength, causing him to lose control. Panic surged through him as he neared the ceiling, and in a desperate attempt to regain control, he willed himself to descend.

But it was too late.

With a deafening crash, Tom collided with the ceiling, narrowly avoiding a potentially fatal injury. Pain radiated through his body as he lay sprawled on the floor, realizing the gravity of his recklessness. He had underestimated the sheer power of his magic and the importance of maintaining control.

Bruised and humbled, Tom stared up at the ceiling, reflecting on the consequences of his impulsive actions. He understood that his ambition had clouded his judgment, and he had put himself at great risk. It was a sobering reminder of the responsibility that came with his magical abilities.

As he nursed his injuries, Tom's determination remained unscathed, albeit tempered with newfound caution. He realized that he needed to approach his magical development with a greater sense of discipline and respect. Mastery of his powers required not only raw talent but also patience, control, and a deep understanding of the risks involved.

With time, Tom's injuries healed, serving as a constant reminder of the importance of balance and restraint. He returned to his studies and training with renewed vigor, determined to refine his skills and deepen his understanding of magic. His reckless experiment had taught him a valuable lesson about the delicate equilibrium between power and control.

[Scene Change]

As Tom sat in the center of his room, surrounded by floating objects and the ambiance of magical energy, a daring thought began to take shape in his mind. It had been whispered in the corridors of his imagination, carried on the winds of possibility. What if he could summon forth the elements, just as the descriptions of great wizards had depicted? What if he could command the forces of nature itself?

Tom's heart quickened with excitement and apprehension. He knew that this endeavor would test the limits of his imagination and willpower. It was the culmination of everything he had learned, a convergence of his deepest desires and the lingering scars of his past.

His thoughts wandered back to the tragic event that had left him scarred for life—the fire that had engulfed his previous school, taking the life of his motherly figure, Mrs. Evans. Flames danced in his memories, their destructive power etched into his soul. Fire, he realized, demanded recognition, its presence unmistakable and demanding.

With a deep breath, Tom steeled his resolve. He visualized fire in his mind's eye, summoning forth a light, pale blue flame. He knew that his mastery over magic required a delicate balance, for fire held a voracious appetite, hungry to consume all it touched.

As he focused his will, a spark of magic burst forth, flickering at his fingertips. The flame appeared, delicate and controlled, like a gentle breeze dancing on a calm summer's day. Tom marveled at the sight, his excitement mounting.

But as his excitement grew, he felt a sudden drain in his magical power. It was as if the flames themselves were devouring his essence, eager to claim him as their own. Panic welled up within him, threatening to extinguish his newfound ability.

Summoning every ounce of his strength, Tom halted the channeling of magic. He dispersed the flames, their light fading into nothingness. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he surveyed the room, a mixture of awe and trepidation swirling within him.

Tom, his heart still pounding from the exhilaration and the drain he had experienced, made his way to his diary. He carefully opened it, the pages filled with his past experiences and the wisdom he had gained. As he dipped his quill into the inkwell, he began to record the details of his latest experiment, wanting to capture every nuance and reflection.

With meticulous strokes, Tom described the flickering pale blue flame he had summoned forth, contrasting it with the bright orangish red color he had originally envisioned. He pondered the significance of this difference, questioning whether it was a mere trick of his imagination or if there was something more profound at play.

His thoughts swirled, the lines on the page mirroring the tangled web of his mind. Could it be that the intent behind his magic influenced its manifestation? Was it not just about the imagery but also about the emotions and intentions he infused into his spells?

Tom's mind danced with possibilities. Perhaps his failure to control the draining effect of the flames was a result of his own unchecked excitement, an uncontrolled surge of power that had overwhelmed him. Or maybe it was a sign that he needed to delve deeper into the intricacies of his magic, exploring the subtle nuances that dictated its behavior.

Closing his diary, Tom stared at the words on the page, lost in contemplation. The quest for knowledge and mastery had brought him this far, but it was clear that he had only scratched the surface. His journey was far from over, and every step forward seemed to reveal new questions and mysteries.

With a mixture of determination and curiosity, Tom made a silent promise to himself. He would continue his relentless pursuit of understanding, pushing the boundaries of his magical abilities, and seeking answers to the burning questions that consumed him.

As he closed his diary, the room once again embraced the quiet solitude, its atmosphere pulsating with the remnants of his experiment. Tom couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead on his path. Would he find the answers he sought? Could he harness the power of the elements and command them with unwavering control?

Only time would tell, and Tom's unwavering spirit would guide him forward. The sanctuary of his room, infused with the remnants of his magical endeavours, whispered promises of untold possibilities. And as he embarked on the next phase of his journey, he couldn't help but be filled with a sense of anticipation, wondering what secrets awaited him in the ever-expanding realm of magic.


Dear Reader,

As the author of this story, I find myself wondering if you are following along on this magical journey. Do you sense the direction in which this tale is heading? Are you intrigued by Tom's progression and his exploration of magic?

I would love to hear your opinion on the story so far. Are you enjoying the development of Tom's character and his magical abilities? Does the fusion of personal growth, the lingering scars of the past, and the allure of the unknown captivate your imagination? Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Additionally, I must confess that I sometimes worry if I am delving too deeply into the research and intricacies of magic. Do you feel that the level of detail is excessive, or do you appreciate the in-depth exploration of this fantastical world? Should I shift gears and introduce Tom to a more structured magical institution, such as Hogwarts, to propel the story forward?

Your thoughts and insights are invaluable to me as I continue crafting this narrative. Please share your feedback and let me know if there are any specific aspects you would like to see explored in the future. Your engagement as a reader is what breathes life into this tale.

Thank you for joining me on this journey thus far, and I eagerly await your response.

Warmest regards,

The Author