
Reincarnated Cultivator in Virtual Reality

Yearning for nothing, Qing Ming is an Itinerant cultivator with no special qualities in him His special encounter with an artifact allowed him to reincarnate into the modern world full of turbid qi and has no resemblance to the immortal world Qing Ming's journey will begin in 'Eternal Immortal' and he shall realise his destiny to become immortal amongst mortals

Severed_Dao · Urban
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4 Chs

Reputation of Ying Family

Ying family rivals most of the world's forces. They are one of the major shareholders of Immortal Union and possess a reputation and manpower surpassing 99% of the world's martial prowess

Being a member of the Ying family is akin to transcending from being a peasant to royalty. The benefits of joining will grant the person the opportunity to access the Yin-Yang Pavillion.

Martial artists must have three factors to qualify their strength and combat prowess. Cultivation technique determines the rank and comprehension of the individual level and mainly constituent to the person's body root

This is similar to an Immortal's elemental roots. The birth of a five-elemental root is impure and the ability to absorb a specified aura is lacking. Specializing in one element determines their compatibility in cultivating techniques of that type. This type of talent appears within 1 in 100,000

Martial techniques utilize aura to exert strength from their dantian. Hong Yuhua's Ruby Lotus is Little Phoenix's core martial technique and only the leader of the clan can learn this move as well Reverent Young Master's Pulse of a Hundred Waves in Azure Roamers

Comprehensive ability, to learn techniques and blend with the world is most important. Regardless of a martial artist's cultivation if they lack the technique to fully unleash their cultivation base then most are regarded with disdain

The potential section is a test that assesses a martial artist's comprehensive ability. People holding strong souls can withstand the pressure being mortals and Master Wu's aura pressure was a miniature test of the potential section as Qing Ming unknowingly withstood his burst making others know of his 'potential'

Everyone grew envious of Qing Ming, he was 15 years old which was of the younger generation which consisted of 30-year-olds. Martial artists lifespans can last beyond 200 as long they reach foundation establishment

Master Wu's standing and position is only mid-tier amongst the Ying family but his recognition can attract the attention of many and Qing Ming's age and potential was nothing to sneer about

Qing Ming looked around speechlessly realizing his mistake. Unlike Itinerant cultivators who hated being bound by sects, Qing Ming didn't have any problem but having no attention is better than having some

"It seems that Uncle Wu's reputation is well known, but the strength of the Ying family remains unknown," He thought wonderingly as to whether or not to accept. Qing Ming doesn't have any major goals but the mortal world's level is far lower than his requirements

"Kid, when are you going to reply I don't have the patience to wait all day" Master Wu became irritated by the prolonged silence and shouted in his loud voice again

Qing Ming regained his focus and looked at the man opening his mouth to say "Sir, even though I have heard of the Ying family's illustrious fame I still don't understand its strength, Can you explain" He bowed and cupped his hands in respect of the man and asked politely

However, this seemed to cause a ruckus amongst the surroundings while some looked at his posture weirdly

"This is absolute disrespect. How can one not know of the world's top power forces" Murmurs of disdain for Qing Ming's lack of knowledge put a blush of shame on Master Wu's face

He couldn't let such a talented seed leave so he explained "Ying family is an ancient clan from 1,000 years ago, it's history goes back to when the demonic beasts rampaged across the world and nearly annihilated mankind"

Master Wu solemnly continued "Our ancestors along with the other clans have fought back and annihilated the beasts at the cost of their lives but their teachings, techniques, and resources still lie in the clan"

Every clan will produce an offspring that contains their clan secret and physique making them geniuses with extremely high stage surpassing powers and the Ying clan have the Extreme Nine Moon Yin physique

Qing Ming shook a little at the mention of 'Extreme Nine Moon Yin Physique' but remained calm as Master Wu continued speaking

"The Yin-Yang pavilion is the accumulation of resources of all major clans who participated in the war in which martial and cultivation techniques exist from Huang to Heaven stage"

The benefits of ordinary members are available on the third floor and below only containing Xuan stage techniques

Inner members can go from the seventh floor and below holding Earth stage techniques capable of utilizing the world's forces to aid your strength

Core members can access the eighth floor that has half-step heaven stage techniques which have a very high level of requirements for both cultivation base and comprehensive talent

There is a ninth floor, but no one besides the clan leaders can enter, and only by gaining 2/3 of the elder council approval can you have this opportunity

"We can offer you a placement as an inner member of the family and can offer you more along with merits and resources you don't need in which you can rise to become a core member"

Master Wu continued rambling about the benefits and gradually gained Qing Ming's attention

Qing Ming doesn't have any great ambition and he has no restrictions binding his will while knowing more about the mortal world will prove helpful

Seeing Qing Ming's lack of hesitation, Master Wu continued pushing him "With your talent being a mere inner member of the family won't fulfill your desires"

"Lately Lady Ying Ping has been wanting to join Eternal Immortal after her restriction. You can follow her as a bodyguard and gain her favor" Master Wu used the 'frog trying to chase the swan" to lure Qing Ming's desire

Lady Ying Ping is the jewel of the family, being the daughter of the Ying family's patriarch with a cultivation base reaching half-step core formation being top 10 of the younger generations' experts

"I've seen Lady Ying before and she's extremely beautiful, but because of her cultivation technique of an extreme Yin type, anyone who 'sleeps' with her can raise their cultivation base which is why she's always surrounded by bodyguards and they're all females"

"That guy is really lucky. If only I had the fortune" The people in the crowd mainly males started to get jealous and if stares could kill then Qing Ming would have died countless times

Qing Ming was speechless but with their conversations, he could determine what Master Wu wanted of him.

He doesn't want only his potential but also his freedom, regardless of being an inner or core member, only with something binding his soul and body will the Ying family have a proper 'pawn' to nurture

However, Qing Ming didn't mind, if they didn't have ulterior intentions then their kind-heartedness would truly be suspicious. Besides, being with a pretty girl as her bodyguard truly is desirable to many people

"Alright, but I still need to go through the tutorial in Eternal Immortal before meeting Lady Ying Ping, and also my cultivation base is too weak for the job now. I'll reach the Master Warrior stage before joining the Ying family" Qing Ming pondered a bit before deciding. It is clear that many want Ying Ping and her bodyguards at least need strength to intimidate these candidates

Master Wu blanked a bit and realized that Qing Ming didn't hastily bite onto his bait and showed gratification in his eyes. "I see your ingeniousness, but you must reach this stage before 3 months and this is the bare minimum if you can reach the Master Warrior stage earlier by 2 months then we'll allocate more resources to you"

The matter was decided, no one mentioned anything about Qing Ming reaching the Master Warrior stage in less than a month as mortals without training, surpassing Apprentice Warrior to the Master stage would be nothing short of a miracle and a talent that far exceeds a special physique

Qing Ming understood their intentions and kept quiet. While he didn't mind joining a family, he didn't want the world's attention on him. His talents and physique may be average, but that standard existed in the Immortal world. In the mortal world, he existed a few levels above his peers

"We'll order a royal capsule for you so you can integrate with the game with less difficulty. A hint of advice for you, don't underestimate Eternal Immortal, it is a game that'll change the world" Leaving behind words of wisdom, Master Wu left after ordering his royal capsule

Glancing at his back, Qing Ming decided to put more effort into his cultivation. He went to the registration section, signed the forum and left leaving the disturbance ongoing

"Gather information about him, gaining Master Wu's goodwill will make him a famous figure in the future" The important-looking people in the lounges started sending their subordinates to search for Qing Ming's background. Though he looked like one without background, precaution wouldn't hurt them

Arriving at his broken-down down-home, Qing Ming entered and sat on his bed, reaching for his newly bought phone to learn more about the mortal world

The stages of the world's practitioners are different from the immortal world as he determined the martial artists of this world didn't need to establish a core or nascent soul to advance

Despite having some difficulties in accessing his phone, he managed to set up his information and went straight to searching for his priorities.

'Apprentice Warriors have unlocked the meridians in their body and starting from the dantian will slowly accumulate Qi from the world and convert them into aura to breakthrough their limits

'Master Warriors have unleashed their limits and can exert aura outside their bodies, they are mainly soldier levels in the army and start the cultivation of martial technique to exhibit their strength'

'Martial Grandmasters surpassed the shackles of humanity and minor accomplishment in flight. They have gained the world's approval as their strengths grow according to their merits bestowed by the world's source

The information stopped there as no more stages appeared, however, Qing Ming knew there were stronger practitioners but information to reach their stage is most likely prohibited or possibly because of the mortal world's limit

Regardless of martial artists or Immortal cultivators, Qi from heaven and earth determine the quality of practitioners. The turbid Qi is multiple levels below Immortal Qi and absorbing it requires the effort of purifying the impurities and gaining a strand of Qi.

'The fact that the world can hold a miniature treasured world means that Mystic Realms should be available." Qing Ming pondered as he realized that it was getting night.

He sat in a meditation state as he removed his thoughts from distractions and started to absorb Qi. Gaining the prowess of Martial Warrior is no problem for him but having the cultivation base of it will take time and opportunities

Being an ordinary itinerant cultivator, Qing Ming's methods surpassed those of the mortal world even if he was ordinary before reincarnation

He is currently at the 5th stage of Qi condensation which is horrendous in the Immortal world and is equivalent to the mortal worlds' 5th stage Apprentice Warrior

As Qing Ming absorbed Qi from the outside world, a bright flash appeared deep within his consciousness as his entire sea realm and soul shook making his face pale in fright


[Sea realm], the inner consciousness that holds the Soul and Spiritual sense

[Soul], capable of unleashing Spiritual techniques and sense as cultivators and martial artists with strong innate souls have a higher potential for cultivating this system of lineage