
Reincarnated as.. WHO?!

unknown_user001 · Fantasy
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8 Chs


"mmf" She broke the kiss.

"What's wrong?" I said gasping for breath.

"I-i don't think we should be doing this right now.." she looked away.

"You don't want to?" I asked.

"It's not that.. I mean the door isn't even locked is it?" She asked.

I nodded. "It is locked"

A sudden banging on the door came.

"Unlock the door Alex!" Amelia shouted.

"Shit" We both said.

We both tried to not look awkward after I moved away from her. I pretended I had been training.

"Kao can you ope-" I was cut off by Amelia.

"What were you doing? Kaori had to open the door!" Amelia snorted.

"Jeez, someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed today" I teased.

"Ha. Ha." Amelia laughed sarcastically

"Alex, Lia, I'm going to go study for the finals. I'm pretty weak in magic so I'll have to study hard for that" Kaori sighed.

"Hmm, I can help you if you want" I offered to help her.

Her eyes lit up with joy knowing that the smartest person in class offered to help her.

"Please do!" Kaori squealed with joy.

We headed over to the study table. Kaori sat on the chair while I was standing.

"You guys can study I'm going out to meet my friends. Hopefully they put me in a better mood" Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Okay" Kaori and I said.

"So, first off... Tell me what you understand about magic" I ordered Kaori.

"Umm.. uhhh... So.. well magic is... magic?" Kaori said dumbfoldedly.

I sighed.

"You really didn't understand anything professor taught? And you didn't even ask her if you could take extra classes? Really?" I said disappointed completely disappointed.

"Sorry I just didn't want to talk about it in front of the whole class and embarrass myself!" Kaori pouted.

"It's fine. I'll tell you about it." I smiled

"Thanks" Kaori smiled back

"First off, magic is incredibly important since you need to protect yourself and fight with the help of it. You should know that. So, how does magic work? Mana is stored in parts of the body. It differs person to person. You can gain mana. Mana is used to make magic. That's the most important part. Without it, one cannot cast spells or do irregular things such as flying-"

"Wait wait wait" Kaori interrupted.

"Hmm? yes?" I asked.

"So you said flying right? How can you fly? And how many people have been able to do it?" Kaori asked.

"Well it's pretty simple. You need to gather your mana up to your feet. Think about 'flying' and then you can fly!" I stated.

I levitated and started moving from place to place in the air to show her an example.

"Woah! that's so sick!! Maybe even I can do it if it's THAT simple!" Kaori's eyes sparkled.

"Probably not. It requires tremendous amounts of mana and it takes insane mana control to do it. Leaping is easy however flying is not. There have only been approximately 80 people out of this 8 billion people that have been able to do it" I said

Kaori looked down and her smile turned upside down.

"That doesn't mean you can't learn how to do it though" I said to cheer her up

And it did. She cheered up. Her face lit up again

"Coming back to mana. Mana is stored in three different places. For mages, it's stored in their heart. If you pour some mana into an orb and it turns blue, you're a mage. If it turns red after you pour some mana into it, you're a swordsman. Mana in swordsman is stored in their brain. However, there are some exceptions. They are Magic Swordsmans. They have mana stored in their heart and brain. If they pour mana, the orb turns purple"

"Now I want to find out what I am!" Kaori's eyes sparkled even more.

"Shall we find out?" I grinned

"H-how?" Kaori frowned but put of excitement. It looked as it there would be sparkles around her at any moment now.

"Just a minute. I'll be right back" I kept my grin.

"Can I come with you?" Kaori still frowned out of excitement.

"Cannot do. It's a secret." I put my index finger on my lips.

"Aww..." Kaori sulked

On my way there I saw Amelia being bullied. Reminds me of something but I don't remember what.

"...t the nerd's sister!" A boy said making his other friend laugh.

"Awwww poor bitch is gonna cry! waaah waaaah~" the other boy mocked.

Huh, I mean I was itching to beat someone up.

I sprinted over to that place.

"Hmm, pretty fun bullying her isn't it?" I grinned

"Ohoo, the nerd came ta save his sister!" One of them said.

"What's your name boy?" I asked

"It ain't like ya gonna remember it anyways after I kick your ass. But I'll tell ya. It's Haruto. He's Qing. Get ready now bitch" Haruto said laughing.

He's pretty cocky eh? Welp, it must happen.

Haruto was pretty buff so his punch will definitely hurt. A normal person, that is.

He threw a punch aiming straight for my head. His friend Qing, tried to get me off balance.

However, I dodged them.

"Huh, it seems you have some reflex" Qing muttered.

"Did you say something?" I pretended as if I didn't hear him.

"No, nothing at all" Qing smirked.

Qing was a mage. So, he tried to cast a spell.

He Put his hand as if his hand was to be a gun and muttered "fireball".

It hit me in the head but since it was so weak it didn't do anything.

I finally decided to get serious and because of that, the next second they were knocked out. That's because, I punched Qing in the stomach and kicked Haruto in the head.

Amelia was clearly trembling but as soon as the right was over, she pretended as if she wasn't trembling a few seconds ago.

"Not going to thank me?" I aksed Amelia

"Why should I? I could've done it m-myself!" Amelia looked away.

"If you say so.." I sighed

I was on my way to the staff room but Amelia grabbed my hand

"Th-thank you.." Amelia said

I smiled. "You're welcome"

I went on my way to the staff room again. This time I ran because Kaori was probably really bored. I sprinted my way over there and after picking the orb up, I sprinted my way back.

"Kao! I'm back" I shouted but not too loud.

"Yeah! Coming!" Kaori shouted back.

"So, so? did you bring it??" Kaori squealed.

I nodded.

"Why don't you pour some mana in it after we head over to the desk again?" I asked Kaori.

"Fast fast!" Kaori rushed me

I went over to the desk and kept it.

Kaori poured some mana and the orb turned...