
Reincarnated as Venom in the DC universe

MC gets reincarnated as Venom but realizes hes in the DC universe. Decides to try and attach to batman first. Not to do crime fighting but to be Bruce' ally and of course, use his money. Will be focusing a lot on Smallville as well as bits of Flash CW AU Details: Less Action, more billionaire wasting his money and messing around. Making video games, dating hot women, starting a side business, etc. Nolan Trilogy x Smallville x Flash CW AU more details : MC is a symbiote, bonds with people to copy their powers and eventually make his own body using copies of people he bonded with. Identifies as a male due to past life. Copies male bodies so he can have his own human form. Possible love interests : Supergirl, Wonder Woman But they wont appear till much later on the timeline. Small note, Cover image is what I imagine his hero look to be ---------- Newbie at writing here. I don't know if you would like this or not. All I can say is, this is my first attempt so I would hope future comments would be civil and take it easy on me. I am not overly familiar with DC universe hence I may choose to remove certain concepts and characters to serve my story better. No specific schedule or minimum word count since I'm not earning anything

Kenji_Makoto · Movies
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52 Chs

Chapter 2: Batman...begins?

So I've been observing the person whom I assume is Batman while he sets up his cave. Sharpening his tools. Researching what materials to use. 

After a while I understood.

This was him starting out. He was still young. His current look, clashed with my memory of Christian Bale before he wore his first batman suit. That temporary outfit he wore when he stalked Gordon for the first time. But his face didn't look like Bale. Maybe just a little. He looked like a mix between Bale and Clooney. 

"Could this be a DC universe that combined Nolan trilogy with bat nipples era? " I muttered to myself. Since this bat seems to want to have begun hibernating, I had a fortunate opportunity to keep watching this batman like a CCTV. For now I waited. 

After a few days, I realized he truly was somewhat year one batman. He kept getting back to the cave in less than ideal conditions. Bruises here and there, sometimes bleeding out until the older gentleman came and patched him up. Yep that's definitely Alfred. 

Bruce was still sloppy. He doesn't have all his tools yet. Not even his utility belt. 

After thinking about it long and hard, I thought to myself. 

"Isn't this the best opportunity as a symbiote to attach to him? Because the more experienced batman would be very guarded against anything and everything. Even so much as making contingencies for the entire league and himself. If i stick to him now, he might be reasoned with."

So I took a chance. The moment he fell asleep, I detached from the bat and crawled my way to him. I made sure Alfred wasn't nearby. 

Slowly crawling. Until I finally make contact. I go inside him and use this opportunity to talk to him through his dreams. There I planned to convince him to take me in.

[Batman POV]

"Hello Bruce." a voice muttered.

I opened my eyes and see an alley way. In front of me I can only see my dead parents. But the voice that spoke seemed to come from behind me so I turn around. I see a figure of a man. I say figure but I cant see any details. Only an outline of a man.

"Can we talk for a bit?" The figure said. 

"Who are you and where am I?!" I demand. 

"We are inside your mind. I brought us here so we can speak. This is you dreaming. But if you choose to stop this at any point, you can simply wake up. All I ask is for you to hear me out."

I realize that I am indeed dreaming. I could somehow feel my control over this space. It felt like if I had wanted, I could have woken up. For now I focused on the voice.

"What do you want then? And you have still not answered my question. " I asked him.

He simply smiled and said.

"Let me tell you what I am first. Then what I want. And what we can offer each other."