
Chapter 12: First night assessment

[Venom POV]

As far as first flights go, that wasn't bad. From the looks of things so far, this world seems to progress similarly to the Nolan trilogy with some minor differences. There doesn't seem to be a Rachel who grew up with Bruce. But he still did what he did in the film. He took down Falcone. He sent some evidence to some DA's he thought were clean. Gordon is also still climbing the ranks. 

Since I'm his suit now, batsy can actually turn his head unlike Keaton or Bale. My symbiote suit not only protects him, but also enhances his performance. He can move as if he was only wearing gym clothes. He can, with my help, sense his surroundings better. He doesn't need to do those panda eye makeup things anymore. The eye parts in the costume, I made them white yet he can still see properly and even have very good peripheral vision. He's able to see as if he wasn't wearing a mask as I'm connected to him. I'm pretty sure it would be an inconvenience now to go back to normal masks and clothing after he gets used to me. 

Also unlike in the movie, bats no longer gets injuries as often since I protect him. That would theoretically prolong his batman lifespan. Or his batman active period. I don't know if he will retire as batman by the time bane appears but I know for a fact that if I am still with him by then, his body would not be that broken. He wouldn't need those knee exoskeletons just to walk. 

That being said, there are times that I wonder what he's thinking. But I really don't want to touch his mind per se. I think most people would say he's DC's greatest mind or whatever. They would think it might be interesting to have his knowledge or something. But I think mind linking wouldn't work like that. 

In comics or fantasy they make mind reading appear as if it's not a big deal. But I think differently. If we peer into ones memory like watching a film or like Harry watching Snape's memories, they portray it in the third person for the sake of the movie. But in reality, one would see things from that person's point of view. See through the memories as if WE are Snape. That is where I think the danger lies. 

A person's personality is formed and created by past experiences, nurturing, influences and more. We become who we are from what we go through, be it happy or sad. Each experience changes a person bit by bit. Just like if a cop saw something so horrible in the line of duty, that it changes them. They would generally even need therapy just to get it out of their system. Even then, it leaves a mark in their psyche. Seeing something you would not want to see, would probably change something in you. Like it or not, some events are more impactful than others. It depends on the emotions behind them. 

Also, each person has a different way of organizing memories. Like if say a person's first kiss might be recorded in a person's brain as an event that happened when they were at age such and such. Or some would organize it in their head as it happened when they were in grade X or Xth year in highschool or college. When it comes to artists, it could be organized multilayered or abstract. There are even people who sort memories via emotions. So that's just the tip of the iceberg. 

If by chance I happened to understand how batsy organizes his thoughts, and somehow able to check though memories, then I would also have to deal with emotions they put into that memory. Like the enjoyment of riding a first bike or the pain felt on a first breakup. When you connect to someone's mind, you risk getting hit by whatever emotion they had on that memory as well. Then the danger of it altering your personality on top of that. In other words, I would not want to connect my mind with someone I know, carries a very dark outlook in life or a dark past. 

Maybe I would consider Clark since he turned out rather wholesome in most stories. But I would rather not look into Batman. Even looking into Diana would risk having a more warrior mindset. And to be honest, I thought batman was overhyped by the writers so he would fit in the Justice League. Maybe they changed his character from just a detective into a tactician at some point to fit him into a bigger DC world. I wouldn't know, I'm not a batman fanboy ass kisser. I thought he was cool with his dark knight concept but that's it. I wouldn't want to bond my mind with him in a deeper level. This reminds me of how Deadpool broke comic Venom's mind in the few minutes he bonded with the crazy bastard in secret wars. Now that I'm living in this world, I will not risk mind bonding with anyone I think to be too dark. If I ever need bats' knowledge, I will ask for it instead of taking it. 

Anyway, this night proved to be a valuable first run for him with my abilities. But also for me to more understand my predicament. So far it's pretty close to Nolan films which gives me a bit of an advantage to know when things MIGHT happen or not. 

Next is to plan out an event where Batsy disregards me or considers me a threat, which he probably already considered. First, if he doesn't want to bond with me long term, maybe I can ask for a brain dead body. Someone who no longer has higher brain function would be technically only on machine life support. I could use a body like that. But that makes everything I accomplish useless if I suddenly change faces.

Maybe I can do all my projects under a different Alias or something. So I can access it in the event of body change. Or maybe just leave kind of a back door account. That sounds plausible I think. Make up an Alias with legal power but normally hidden and only exist as a paper trail. I still lack much information on what I can actually do. I might need to reassess later on after I get more of a foothold in this world.

Now assessing batsy's fights, I can't really tell since I was never knowledgeable in fighting with my past life. But it looks damn cool though. He's able to move much better with me than wearing heavy armor with a cowl that squeezes your damn brain. 

He's much more agile and with my strength boosts, he's likely to survive better and keep his own body breakdown to a minimum. To compare, a well choreographed movie fight scene of batman vs a batman animated film or series movement. His performance is much more agile, fast and flexible because of me. So as far as combat goes, my amateur eyes consider this to be a smashing success. Right now he doesn't have a lot of gadgets yet but he'll get there. As long as I know bats is relatively safe, good enough for me. I don't really want to care much about that. I want to be a rich young master! And that's all I want to think about for now.

[In the Batcave]

After taking a shower and getting some casuals, I sit down in front of the supercomputer in the cave and use it to search for the Kents. I'm curious to see which version this one is closer to. With this custom supercomputer, I should be able to have more access that I normally would have. After a few minutes of searching, I see an article I managed to find from Kansas. 

And boy oh boy was I pleasantly surprised. 

The title of the article read [Farm boy rescues billionaire's son Lex Luthor from drowning.]

I see an image of a farm boy wearing a red towel talking to some cops and a bald guy also in a red towel. When I saw their faces, I can practically hear the theme song in my head and I went a little giddy so I sang along.

"Somebody saaaaave me!

Let your warm hands break right through,

Somebody save me,

I don't care how you do it,

Just stay... Stay! 

Come on!!!"