
Reincarnated as the Son of the Archmage

Yoake, a hopeless guy once a happy person lived a life of tragedy when his family died in an accident and lost his job through a co-worker's rumours, discovering the darkest sides of a person's personality and thinking that there is no God. One day when he was contemplating whether to end his life or not he was suddenly hit by a fast-moving truck on the road as it was his final moments he expressed his regrets and desires in his mind As his consciousness was slipping he found himself suddenly reborn in a world where swords and magic exist. "What would he do in this unfamiliar world. ---------------------------------------------------- [Chapters will range from 1100 to 2000words] (I'll try to be consistent) [Open minded to reviews and criticism] [Positive author] [Posts Every Monday(Consistent) and possibly Thursday] [ Credits to @HoracioGui for cover] Thank you for Reading. ---------------------------------- I also post my WN on Webnovel, SH, and Royal Road, Tapas. Also please don't be too hard on me when I make grammatical mistakes, As English is my third language after all. But i do hope you all enjoy my Novel i sincerely hope that while im bringing my characters to life my readers are also enjoying ^_^ -Narcissistic_Loser

Narcissistic_Loser · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 11: Detour (1)

As Yona stepped beyond the gate's threshold, his eyes fell upon Clay, who stood just outside, laden with baggage. It was clear that Clay did not possess his own spatial bag. 

Waving his hand in acknowledgment while shouldering his own baggage, Yona approached. "Young master, you appear absolutely splendid today!" Clay exclaimed with an expressive tone. 

Yona was dressed in the robe gifted to him by his mother, but he had transformed it into an elegant white coat adorned with intricate red and golden embellishments. This ensemble was complemented by his black turtleneck, pristine trousers, sturdy black boots, and a dark hair tie that added a touch of refinement to his flowing raven locks. 

In this attire, he bore a striking resemblance to a prince from a distant realm. "Thank you, Clay. I am ready, but after Elaine arrives, could we make a swift visit to the kingdom? It won't take long." 

"As you wish, young master," Clay replied, signifying his readiness to fulfill Yona's request. 

While Yona waited for Elaine, he checked the expensive world map he had. It was one of those world maps with a detailed texture, making the bumpy markings resemble mountains in that region. 

He planned to go on an adventure to Noxus and apply for their Guild. Noxus was a neutral kingdom with rampant monsters. One of the main reasons to come was their neutrality and the gold the quests offered. 

Just from this alone, Noxus was renowned for its breakout of mana-infused monsters. The country aimed to establish a percentage of their taxes to fund quests for ordering mercenaries or guild members to slay these monsters. Due to the abundance of mana in Noxus, the creatures in the forest became corrupted by a sudden surge of mana in their bodies. The quantity of mana determined their assigned class, making them more dangerous. They organized quests with beast classes ranging from F to S, with S-class due to the mana inhaled and the type of creature that got corrupted. A single S-class beast could destroy small mountains with a single swat of its tail. 

Just by assessing the distance from Sonado to Noxus, it would take a month to get there by carriage. This left them with only one month to venture. By the time Yona concluded the length of their journey, it wasn't long before Elaine and her knight arrived. 

Yona waved to the carriage. Just as Elaine arrived, he saw that she also had her own guard. Even from a distance, it was evident that the guard was a female knight, given her slender stature. 

"Yona!" Elaine stepped down and waved to Yona while waiting for her knight. She, too, was wearing a robe and a mask that concealed her face, revealing only her eyes. Walking alongside her was her knight. It was clear that Viscount Claire had assigned someone formidable to protect Elaine, as the mere approach of the knight exuded a fierce aura. Though Yona didn't hold high skills himself, he could discern that this individual was not to be underestimated. 

"Is that Lady Elaine's fiancé?" Violet inquired to herself with a hint of mischief. 

Violet had been assigned to guard her master alongside her own fiancé. While Violet was well aware of her responsibilities, she couldn't resist the opportunity to catch a glimpse of what Viscount Alea had been incessantly boasting about – the prospect of having beautiful grandkids someday. 

As they disembarked from the carriage, Violet's eyes fell upon a striking young man. He possessed a beauty that could rival anyone in the kingdom. His aura exuded brilliance, and his features were so delicate that one might consider him a delicate flower in need of care. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, the young man seemed oddly familiar to her. Certain features triggered a sense of recognition. 

"Ah, it's Claire, isn't it? Of course, Claire! It makes perfect sense now. No wonder this young lad seemed so familiar; there's no way he wouldn't inherit those stunning features, given his mother's looks. I can't help but wonder what the mother-son duo would look like while strolling the streets," Violet mused with a grin. 

Unbeknownst to her, Violet had already fallen into a bit of fan-girl delusion, nearly shattering her usual serious demeanor. 

"I'm just too weak when it comes to beautiful people," she admitted with a playful sigh. "I can understand why Lady Elaine occasionally finds herself smiling when she's alone in the garden." 

"Are you ready, Elaine?" Yona queried. 

Elaine's response was a nonchalant nod, although her eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of their upcoming adventure. 

"You look extra cute and handsome today, husband," Elaine complimented, her sweet smile brimming with affection. 

"Ah, thanks," Yona stammered, scratching the back of his head in apparent embarrassment. 

"Also, before we go, I'd like to introduce my protector, Violet," Elaine added. 

Violet, a knight with a commanding presence and a rapier sheathed on her left side, executed a dignified bow. Her stern demeanor practically shouted, "Don't mess with me," and being in her vicinity almost guaranteed safety. 

"I am Violet, pleased to make your acquaintance, young master Yona," she greeted with formality. 

Yona responded with a nod and a casual smile, his thoughts betraying a hint of humor, "Lucky to have her on my side. I've already got one lifeline. My apologies, Clay, but this one looks a whole lot tougher." 

"Ah, before we go, Elaine, I'd like to make a quick detour to Asgard," Yona declared. 

"Okay, Yona," Elaine agreed. 

"But first, give me a minute," Yona requested. 

Yona reached into his spatial bag to retrieve his skin mask. "I'll have to wear a mask before we go since I don't want to be identified while we're there," he explained. 

With a swift motion, Yona donned the mask, and it molded onto his face as if it were some kind of quick-drying liquid. 

Upon seeing Yona wearing the mask, both Elaine and Violet instinctively lowered their heads, their expressions tinged with a touch of sadness. Yona, noticing their reaction, shrugged it off as if it were a minor inconvenience. 

Violet mumbled under her breath, "A shame." 

[author] A shame indeed, I wanted to join T.T NNW(National Novel Writing Month where one writes 50k words till I realized XD I am actually a very lazy author but hey one's gotta have the mindset first. N_L here How's your day :> at this point it's just gonna be a diary of thoughts but hey >:[ someones gotta be cheerful I'll try to post more since I only did 700W on this one thanks for reading :] if there is one. [/author]