
Reincarnated as the Son of the Archmage

Yoake, a hopeless guy once a happy person lived a life of tragedy when his family died in an accident and lost his job through a co-worker's rumours, discovering the darkest sides of a person's personality and thinking that there is no God. One day when he was contemplating whether to end his life or not he was suddenly hit by a fast-moving truck on the road as it was his final moments he expressed his regrets and desires in his mind As his consciousness was slipping he found himself suddenly reborn in a world where swords and magic exist. "What would he do in this unfamiliar world. ---------------------------------------------------- [Chapters will range from 1100 to 2000words] (I'll try to be consistent) [Open minded to reviews and criticism] [Positive author] [Posts Every Monday(Consistent) and possibly Thursday] [ Credits to @HoracioGui for cover] Thank you for Reading. ---------------------------------- I also post my WN on Webnovel, SH, and Royal Road, Tapas. Also please don't be too hard on me when I make grammatical mistakes, As English is my third language after all. But i do hope you all enjoy my Novel i sincerely hope that while im bringing my characters to life my readers are also enjoying ^_^ -Narcissistic_Loser

Narcissistic_Loser · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 10: Permission

Yona summoned Elaine to meet at the mansion's garden. 


  As he spotted a familiar figure approaching him, 

Elaine spoke, 


  "Yona, what's going on?" 

  She tilted her head, adopting an endearing gesture, evidently puzzled by Yona's grave tone in requesting their garden meeting. 


"Well, Elaine, would you like to embark on an adventure with me?" Yona asked. The words felt a bit awkward to him, but he couldn't help it; he was in a world brimming with magic and swords. 


Elaine, intrigued, inquired, "Where are we going, Yona?" 


Yona began to explain, "Well, it's a bit complex. You remember when Sir Gustav mentioned our lack of real-life experiences? I thought this might be a great opportunity for us, considering our lack of life experiences. With at least two months remaining before the academy begins, I figured it's the perfect time for a journey." 


'Ignoring the fact that people in this world mature rapidly, considering 15 as an adult age and 8 as a teen by their standards, even though their lifespans can extend up to 200 years, it's quite strange. In all honesty, it's odd to think that 8-year-olds by Earth's standards are typically adored, given that many of them are still just playing around and have that childlike wonder in their eyes. 

Normally, as children, we tend to perceive the world in a more vibrant and positive light. However, as the years pass, our perspective often shifts, and what once appeared bright and filled with childlike wonder may start to seem more muted and greyer. We begin to recognize that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and we often view it through the more subdued lens of adulthood. 


"I don't know, my husband, but if it's with you, I suppose I'll come," Elaine said with a nonchalant smile. "But before that, I'll need to ask my mother for permission." 


"Alright, I suppose I'll also get my mother's permission," Yona thought. He didn't really need to worry If Claire wouldn't let him because he had a backup plan – his trump card. 


He could use it to avoid getting scolded when he returned, which was his charm. 

Yona was aware that he could only employ this strategy a maximum of two times in his life before his mother caught onto his ruse. If, for some reason, Claire didn't grant permission, he could always safeguard himself by copying high-level skills or swift escape techniques from the kingdom's high-ranking knights, allowing him to have a contingency plan for any future escapes when danger was to come. 


"But anyway, I'll have to give it a try," Yona thought as he entered the mansion, eventually locating his mother in the lord's room. She was busy signing some papers, wearing glasses that gave her a strict yet beautiful appearance. 


As Yona entered, Claire immediately noticed him and smiled, calling out, "Oh, Yona, did you come to see your mother?" She placed her glasses on the table and opened her arms with a warm, doting smile. 


He wrestled with his internal conflict. He didn't want to become too attached to people, but he also didn't want Claire to think he was going through a rebellious phase. He reached out and took Claire's open hands, relishing the comfort of his mother's affection. 


"Mom, I have something to tell you," Yona began. 


Claire, still affectionate, ruffled Yona's hair and asked, "Is it important?" 


Yona hesitated but then continued, "Well, yeah. I was planning to go on a trip with Elaine to Noxus and join their adventurers' guild. You know, when Gustav mentioned we needed real-life experiences, I thought this would be a good opportunity, considering Elaine and I still have two months before the academy starts." 

Claire's expression turned concerned as she responded, "But why, Yona? That's dangerous! Just because Gustav said you needed real-life experiences doesn't mean you have to experience them right now." 


Claire was angry with Yona for making such a presumptuous request. 

"But, Mom," he implored, playing his charm like a trump card, successfully softening Claire's anger. 


When Claire noticed his son's endearing expression, her heart immediately melted. Yet, she understood that this wasn't the right moment, considering Yona's presumptuous request to embark on a dangerous journey. 


"Yona, I'll consider it, but I'm still unsure. I need to discuss this with Countess Alia, especially since both you and Elaine wish to go," Claire reasoned, her hands firmly on her hips. 


Yona, continuing to employ his charm, wore an endearing smile and displayed puppy-dog eyes that could enchant any woman in adulthood. Seeing this, Claire let out a deep sigh. 


"It's practically a done deal," He thought with a subtle smile. 

"Okay Yona I can't hold you on for too long. I'm swamped with tasks at the moment," Claire conceded. 


"Thank you, Mom," Yona replied. After leaving the room, he couldn't resist doing a triumphant little victory pose. 


"Success! A 100% effective strategy, just as I predicted. Furthermore, she's too occupied to give it thorough consideration; she'll simply recall my secret weapon later," he contemplated triumphantly. 


While waiting for his mother's confirmation, He decided to delve into some research at the library. His hope was to find survival manuals among the numerous books there. 


Upon inspecting the library, he discovered that it indeed contained a vast collection of books, but it didn't contribute significantly to Yona's understanding of magic and swordsmanship. 


  This was because aristocrats and those in positions of power didn't favor the dissemination of knowledge, especially to commoners. They saw this as a way to maintain the divide in status and power. In the past, individuals born into low social statuses were destined to remain there, which was a harsh reality to accept. The notion that one's fate was determined solely by their birth status and would persist until death was disheartening. 


Initially, commoners had protested against this injustice until the emperor offered improved services like free healthcare, food, land, and even protection to those of lower status. These measures were aimed at pacifying the sense of injustice among the kingdom's subjects. However, acquiring books that could enhance one's power remained unattainable. Consequently, some dissatisfied individuals turned to a life of rebellion. 


Yona couldn't help but sympathize with those who sought change and fairness, realizing that even though nobles provided certain benefits for free, the overwhelming advantage they held meant that the situation would never truly be equitable. The desire to break free from these inequalities and drive change was completely understandable from an outsider's perspective. 


The information Yona had gathered about this came from conversations among the mansion's knights during their leisure time, and although not the full extent of the issue, it did contain elements of truth. In his spare time, he also delved into the library for research. However, his findings consisted primarily of fictional narratives that painted a picture of the old emperor as a benevolent figure in the bygone era. 


"Hmmm, so where is it? The survival section, huh? It doesn't seem like there's anything here that could be of help," Yona muttered as he explored the sections of the library. The majority of the books in the library consisted of history and various philosophical texts that nobles favored. 


Just when Yona was beginning to think he wouldn't find anything useful, a dusty book unexpectedly tumbled onto his head when he shifted a nearby book that seemed promising. As it fell, it sent a cloud of dust scattering across his face and opened to a page that displayed the title. 


The title read, "The Best Ways to Cook Monsters by Avery Linken." Yona took the book in his hand and turned to the front page. 


"Sobrevivencia?" It was a book that didn't aim to impart conventional wisdom but instead read like a diary from a wandering mage named Avery. It contained a wealth of knowledge about monsters, including the surprising fact that one could cook and consume them. This was astonishing, considering monsters were typically considered inedible due to their bodies being saturated with mana even in death. However, Avery not only bypassed this obstacle but also provided a solution on how to eat them and absorb the mana their bodies once held. Yona realized that this method of consuming monsters was entirely plausible, given the ability of humans in Neptune to absorb mana from their surroundings. It was likely that this knowledge had been kept as a well-guarded secret, hidden from the general public. 


  "I'll take this book." The other books in the library don't offer much, anyway. Just having this one could prove invaluable on my journey," Yona concluded. 


"Okay, Yona, I'll accept your decision to go on a trip, BUT..." 


Yona anticipated the 'but. There was no way Claire would allow two kids to wander without any safeguards or protection.' 


"I've already talked with Countess Alia, and she also gave permission for Elaine to go with you. She was initially skeptical, but in the end, she granted permission. She wouldn't want to hinder her daughter, who rarely shows interest in such matters, especially when she's always been so timid. But knowing that you're the one who invited her, she gave her blessing. You're lucky, Yona," Claire remarked with an approving smile, her thoughts wandering to her future daughter-in-law. She nodded in silence while Yona observed. 


Claire continued, "Also, I have something to discuss before you set off. Count Alia and I have agreed that we'll each provide guards for your trip. This is the only way we'll grant our permission for both of you to go on this journey." 


"I'm fine with that, Mom," Yona replied. 


"Good. Well, then I'll assign Clay as your bodyguard, Yona, since you're already familiar with him. It won't be a hassle to have him accompany you. You must also heed all of his instructions, and if he deems something too dangerous, you mustn't hesitate. Understand, Yona?" 

Yona pondered the idea of having Sir Clay as a bodyguard, considering that Clay had long aspired to elevate his status from a castle guard at Yona's residence. 


"Okay, Mom, I'll follow Sir Clay's lead," Yona agreed. 


"I've already prepared your belongings, Yona, and before you depart, I'd like to present you with something," Claire mentioned as she rummaged through the drawers. She retrieved what appeared to be a black robe adorned with intricate golden symbols at the sleeves, giving it the appearance of a high-end fashion item. 


Handing the robe to Yona, Claire spoke with emphasis, "This is your grandfather's cherished robe from his early years in the military. I want you to wear it, Yona, and never take it off throughout your journey." Claire emphasized the word "never." 


She went on to explain, "Let me clarify how it functions. This robe offers three essential features that you should keep in mind. The first function enhances the wearer's innate abilities. We both know, Yona, that your innate talents are centered around heightened perception and heterochromia. However, with this robe, they might be enhanced further, potentially even granting you night vision." 


Claire expressed her enthusiasm, yet Yona could sense a tinge of guilt in her, knowing that her son possessed limited innate abilities and partially blaming herself for it. 

"I'll have to tell her one of these days. It's unfair that I've kept this hidden from her for so long," Yona contemplated. 

She continued, "The second function allows the robe to transform into a fashionable white coat adorned with red and golden accents. Your grandmother couldn't stand seeing your grandfather wear it every day when she saw him." 

"As for the last function, it's arguably the most practical, especially since you'll often find yourself in dirty situations. It has an auto-cleaning feature. I'll teach you how to activate it, as it involves a more advanced combination of water and air manipulation." 


"Also, Yona," Claire handed him a ring. "What's this, Mom?" 


"Well, it's my extra spatial bag, and I thought it would be an advanced congratulatory gift for you if you get into the academy. As for the robe, it's from your grandfather. He was initially hesitant, but eventually he relented, knowing your grandmother would scold him for hoarding this fashionable robe all these years." 

Yona found himself at a loss for words. He thought, "What could I have ever done to deserve this doting mother?" Albeit feeling like he didn't deserve this because he was a piece of shit that never really thought of wanting to be attached to someone just after some petty grievances from his past life. He felt guilty that he couldn't disclose that his innate talent was copying other people's abilities. Yet, he promised himself that he would tell her when he came back 


"Now, don't get all emotional, Yona. Give your mother a hug before you leave. Clay is already waiting for you outside." 


He embraced his mother with deep affection. "Thanks, Mom. I'll send you letters before I head to the academy, or perhaps I'll visit the mansion before going to the academy." 


"Take care, Yona," Claire ruffled her son's hair for the last time as she watched his fading figure. "It sure feels lonely to see your kids grow up so fast," she thought, her smile tinged with sadness. 

My bad guys, I forgot I had a Novel hobby but N_L This time I'll actually try to finish an arc.

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