
Reincarnated as the Original Werewolf

Ever since the Awakening of Supernatural, humanity has been enslaved and conquered. No matter where we hide, the Vampires, the Werewolves, the Demons, and countless other races keep finding us. In this world, humans have become a delicacy for them. Unlike the stories in books, this dire time doesn't produce any miracles amongst humanity. Everybody was hoping for a savior, someone that can save them from this suppression. But reality has slapped them hard, there's nobody that can save them. Mathias is one of the surviving humans, he was a part of the last group of humans. Both he and his sister met this group after escaping a stray Werewolf. It was supposed to be the end of the pursuit as the night passes by and nothing happened but turns out he was wrong and the time of his death arrived. Waking up in a foreign place, Mathias finds himself being reincarnated in a frail body of a teen. It's not his world, but this world also experiences the same thing as his previous world. Supernaturals are dominating the world, but this world has a way to fight back. Everything went okay for him until the full moon arrived. It was then his fate completely turned around, his life would start to be filled with obstacles one after another. Will Mathias be able to adapt to this new world? Will he exact revenge for what the Supernatural has done in his previous world or will he crumble in fear of the Supernatural? Will he help humanity or will he let the same thing happen all over again? Follow Mathias's journey as he lived his new life as the Original Werewolf.

TheAlpha · Fantasy
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18 Chs

City-Class Disaster

Faran sits on his spot without moving an inch.

What just happened to him and what he just saw earlier completely render his mind and ability to move his body properly, there are two things that surprised him and come quicker before his mind can even grasp the first one.

Not only does he realize that his brother was killed by Luke, but he also saw Mathias like this.

Starting from the moment he saw Mathias being brought back by his own father, he doesn't have any thoughts or even feel anything evil from him. Faran is sure that Mathias is a good person, at least the way he carried himself seems like a good person.

Both of his parents are welcoming to Mathias is probably more than just him helping Alvin.

An addition of longing and missing his brother's death is probably in the mix. But nevertheless, it's not weird for them to pay their thanks to Mathias for helping. But Faran has never thought that it would turn out like this.

Wanting to know the truth, Faran stands up and started heading down from the cliff.

It's clear to him now that during their climbs to the top of the waterfall, Mathias stopped for a second sensing a rotten scent that surely belongs to his brother. Maybe due to the fact that Mathias is a monster he can pick up that rotten scent.

Scurrying to the place, Faran slides down and started to search for his brother's corpse.

Following a straight path he reaches the river from the waterfall, he looks around frantically and finally finds a mound of rocks not far from where he's standing, "B-Brother?!", Faran exclaimed as he ran at the mound.

Upon reaching the mound of rocks, he started digging and throwing away the rocks.

Just as he pushes away the rocks to see what's buried underneath, he falls flat to his butt upon seeing a face of a burnt corpse with its eyes still open wide. Faran covers his mouth as he quickly digs the rest of the corpse's body.

When he finally sees the remains of the corpse's clothes, Faran started crying profusely.

Now that he saw the remains of the corpse's clothes that are identical to what his brother is wearing but just burnt, it's clear to him now that his brother this corpse is really his brother. Not killed by the Supernatural or animals, but by Luke that envied his brother's power.

Only the constant sob can be heard filling the place, Faran lets out his entire emotions.

But he then soon clenched both of his hands into fists, he holds his brother's corpse with trembling arms before he raises his gaze that wants nothing but revenge, "Luke...! You will pay for this, I hope Mathias would tear you to shreds!"

Meanwhile on the other side of the forest, Luke is having the worst time of his life.

"Get away from me! Get away!!"



Without even properly thinking with his head, Luke keeps on firing his fireball at anything that moved. It doesn't matter whether it was only a leaf falling down to the ground, or the bushes that moved due to an animal.

Luke blasted everything while kept on running, his face is already completely white.

Chuckling growls can be heard once in a while which shows that Mathias is still stalking from the darkness, but his presence can't be seen anywhere as he hides from Luke. It's almost as if he was playing with Luke, playing with his prey.

Under the barrage of fireballs, Luke soon realized that he was out of mana.

Every fiber of his entire body becomes exhausted due to the lack of mana, but he can only grit his teeth and keeps on running. At this point, he can still run all thanks to the adrenaline coursing through his exhausted body.

Surprisingly enough, Luke managed to get near the small town.

But as he got closer to the small town, the sound of screams and growls can be heard in the distance. It makes him slow down for a moment, he soon realized that Mathias is still in the shadow and decided to pick up his pace.

Just as he got out of the thick forest and see the small town, his eyes widened completely.

"W-What's happening...?", Luke mutters in terror.

The small town that should be devoid of life due to people sleeping is completely in chaos, people are standing on top of the four meters wall with a weapon ready in their hands. Shifting to the side, Luke saw that the small town is under attack by Ghouls.

It was not a small number of Ghouls, there are about sixty or seventy of them.

Many of the townfolks are using arrows, slingshots, and other ranged weapons to fend off the rampaging Ghouls that are trying to take down the gate and also the wall. Under the number of Ghouls, they are completely occupied and overwhelmed.


Out of nowhere, Luke's entire body froze when a gigantic figure landed right in front of him.

Slowly raising his gaze to meet with the figure's eyes, he finds that it was not Mathias but a Ghoul instead. Unlike the normal Ghouls, this one is way bigger, and sharp bones are protruding out of its entire body, turning it into a living weapon.

"A-Ahh... I-I have no mana l-left", Luke mutters as fear overtakes him once again.

Under the immense and constant fear that he had experienced throughout the night, his body can't take no more as he unconsciously peed himself. But the Ghoul in front of him smiled deviously upon seeing Luke peed himself.

"Human... Weak...", it mutters a word at a time.

Just as the Ghoul raises its claws intending to slice Luke into a couple of pieces, its attention suddenly got pulled to the darkness behind Luke before a shadowy figure came out and leap at him swiftly.


Both rolled on the ground as they wrestle each other before finally separating.

Regaining back its footing, the Ghoul look at the creature that attacked it before it tilted its head lightly in confusion. Standing even taller than itself, the creature that leaped at the Ghoul is something that it doesn't recognize.

"What are you...?"

Instead of answering, Mathias only replies with a menacing low growl.

Without even answering the Ghoul that seems to be the leader of the attacking group, Mathias lunges forward and slashes his glistening black claws at the Ghoul. In response to the attack, the Ghoul also slashes its claws.

Even though they both are fearsome, their power turns out to be way different.

Upon the moment of impact between the claws, the Ghoul's claws broke instantly before half of its arm got completely cut off. Blood gushed out as the Ghoul whimpered in pain, realizing that it can't sustain one slash from this unknown creature.

Not stopping right there, Mathias went in for the kill before the Ghoul can even recover.

Grabbing the Ghoul's neck and body with his huge hands which are now monstrous beyond measure, Mathias lifted the whimpering Ghoul above his head before he started pulling the Ghoul apart using nothing but sheer strength.


Despite the struggle and wails, the Ghoul is unable to escape Mathias's grasp.



Mathias's strength is overwhelming, producing cracking noises as the Ghoul's body is being ripped apart. It didn't take long before he managed to completely detach the Ghoul's head from its body, killing it instantly.

Holding the head of the big Ghoul in his claws, Mathias's roared overbearingly.


Upon hearing the mighty roar coming from the side, the rest of the Ghouls and also the townfolks snapped their attention to the side before they find a monstrous black creature standing on its hind legs, holding a big head of a Ghoul.

It completely caught both sides off guard as they doesn't expect a third party.

While looking at this terrifying scene from the back, Luke's lips started to quiver as he tries to crawl away without pulling back Mathias's attention. But he didn't need to do that as Mathias suddenly jumped before he landed near the town's wall and the Ghouls.

Although they were in the midst of a battle, Mathias's arrival completely stopped them.

"Oh my god, what is that?!"

"It killed the leader! It killed the Ghoul's Alpha! I've never seen a Supernatural like this!"

Many of the townfolks started to turn pale as it's not an easy thing to take down the Ghoul's Alpha, even though they don't know how to win against this tide of Ghouls with the Alpha commanding them. But to think that Mathias killed it single-handedly, it's clear that he's way stronger than the Alpha.

Baring his fangs and black steel claws, Mathias roared once again, commencing his domination.

Immediately after he roared he instantly started attacking the Ghouls left and right without much thought, the rage welling up inside of him forces him to look at anything as enemies. As long as they have flesh and blood, they are there to be killed.




Upon realizing that their Alpha has been taken down, the entire Ghouls started to be in disarray.

Not one of them has the guts to fight back as they started fleeing in all directions, but their speed is nothing for the berserk Mathias that reaches them with one swift movement and ended them all. It was a sight to behold, in the darkest possible way.

Ghouls' limbs and blood scattered and splattered everywhere for the townfolks to see.

Mathias didn't just kill them but he also devoured them like an animal, the place that is filled with Ghouls turns into a bloodbath of Ghouls being killed left and right. It takes only one scratch from Mathias to absolutely cripple or kills a Ghoul.

Everyone above the wall gasped and sucked in a cold breath, this is way out of their expectations.

Just from seeing Mathias's very ruthless rampage, many of the townfolks that are defending their town started to go down the wall and run out of fear. None of them has the balls to fight a creature that can take out an entire horde of Ghouls that gives them trouble single-handedly.

"Wait, come back!! We need to keep defending!!"

"Run! Everybody run!!"

The moment one started to run away, more of the others followed after, leaving the wall empty.

Only a few remain that are either too stunned to run away or helpless against the situation they are in right now. Even though they are inside this forest, most of the dangerous Supernatural has been taken out by the knights from the Silerin Kingdom.

Population check is also done regularly, to keep the Ghouls at a bearable number.

Sixty or seventy Ghouls attacking are not common, but they should be able to handle this. A new Supernatural that is equivalent to a village-class or even a city-class disaster on the other hand is a completely new one.

None of them would be able to beat this unknown Supernatural.

In just under five minutes the entire Ghouls has been killed leaving nothing but bloodied remains.

Mathias stands in the midst of the corpses and blood towering over everything, his black furs are already drenched in blood from top to bottom, and the moonlight seems to be shining on him like a natural spotlight.

But as if he has not had enough, he slowly turns his head back and stares straight at the town.

Upon receiving the cold stare from Mathias's piercing animalistic yellow eyes, the townfolks that remained can feel their own blood runs cold. Each one of them wonders what this Supernatural seems to be a mix of a human and a wolf to be.

Gulping harshly, they ready their weapon despite their trembling hands.

"D-Don't worry, we can still defend our town if we work together", one of them shouted to try and boost their morale in defending their beloved town, but it hardly work as the fear is still etched on their faces clearly.

As if the morale boost was a joke, Mathias smirk brutally which instantly pummels their morale.

Right at this moment, everyone thought of the same thing.

'W-We're going to die!'